Between The Ears! Hearing in a newborn baby, is one of the earliest activated senses... even before this baby could see. Words get spoken out and start to reverberate around the head and get trapped between the ears before they make sense to the brain. Babies, learn to interpret sign language and by reading lips ahead of understanding the language spoken in their homes. Is it not amazing and refreshing that we learned to smile after seeing our mothers demonstrate their warm smiles and mimicked them joyfully kicking with all fours? Between the ears... Our North and South Poles... sustaining our lives through balanced intelligence. It is hard for me to believe that the balance exerted by my feet originate from the water level maintained between my ears. Nobody understands Trigonometry more than God. Hello. Our bodies and beings are 100% mathematical and 100% Physics. Between the ears... In case no one ever told you this… not even your teachers. Every single pers...