Are We There Yet! But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in Heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. I can still vividly remember, how people in South Africa were outraged and incensed after a baby of six months was brutally raped. I was seething and frothing with unimaginable revenge and pure hatred for that evil man who had raped the helpless baby! This was back in the late nineties. O’ for the pain we all felt in our hearts, for this evil which we had never heard of before! There is something strange about human nature. Shocking! How soon do we accommodate evil and brush it off when it happens on a rebound? This is the reason it is always impossible for man to eschew evil because our very frame of our being is rooted way deep inside the vestiges of evil. Man without the Fear of God is a sinner and becomes evil personified! We are nothing without God in our lives. Are we there yet, is this the End of the World? These ar...