

  Checkmate! What would you say, if I suggested to you that life is one hell of a game, began with teams of players and continued to play till all the original teammates were dead? No matter how you look around your once busy world, this place is getting lonelier. My mind keeps on jumping backwards, painfully reminding me of my lost world. Just the other day. I was going through my old photos, looking at these unforgettable pictures of my colleagues I shot back in our offices. Why does it never occur to our minds to be observant of all the things we do and the way we do them? Why does no one, ever look around and say, people, let us enjoy this day together as if it was the end of the world? This life is not a 200m dash race but a life-long marathon. Checkmate! It is life itself in a game of chess where we all play together as a unified team against life. We try our best to outpace life in exchange for length of days. Sadly, one by one, checkmated by life. We lose ...


  First Things First! When I was a student, all my math teachers taught me that zero is not a number. But who can ignore and deny the difference that a zero makes when added multiple times next to any number! Wow! You are one of those individuals who feel like they are nothing in this life, no less important than a minus zero? Every time you wake up in the morning, what do you see inside that mirror? Is that the zero you feel you are even as your eyes blink coordinated with your heartbeat with each breath you take? Who do you see, moving and gesturing inside your mirror? There is no power or force strong enough in the world to help change your attitude towards yourself! If you cannot believe what your mirror shows you: as you appear in real life like we all see you; consider yourself another walking dead individual! Do you want to hear the story of God? Sure, then listen up! People do not understand just how difficult it was for God to be God, and actual fee...


  Gnawing At And Teasing Me! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but nothing ever said about the beholden! Two strangers eyeing each other with constrained intensity, is always a give and take. There is something telepathic about the human stare, especially the ones preceded by throbbing heartbeats. Like the sensitive tentacles of an alerted animal, our skin somehow can pick up and sense undue sublime attention. In a room full of strangers, while minding my own business, I sensed and picked up a telepathic wave directed at me from across the room. The sooner I lifted my eyes to identify this peripheral intrusion, the moment I realized I was under the radar. The laws of attraction emblazoned up in the blue skies, floating heart-shaped bubbles and occasionally shot by Cupid. Well, for starters, after tuning into the electrifying vibrations in the atmosphere: I quickly identified these as friendly fires. Like the popping rabbit ears behind the bushes, her big golde...


  Are We There Yet! But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in Heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. I can still vividly remember, how people in South Africa were outraged and incensed after a baby of six months was brutally raped. I was seething and frothing with unimaginable revenge and pure hatred for that evil man who had raped the helpless baby! This was back in the late nineties. O’ for the pain we all felt in our hearts, for this evil which we had never heard of before! There is something strange about human nature. Shocking!   How soon do we accommodate evil and brush it off when it happens on a rebound? This is the reason it is always impossible for man to eschew evil because our very frame of our being is rooted way deep inside the vestiges of evil. Man without the Fear of God is a sinner and becomes evil personified! We are nothing without God in our lives. Are we there yet, is this the End of the World? These ar...


  No Contest! We usually hear this two-worded confession in the courts of law... before the judge reads the court's verdict for the condemned . This is another way to say... Guilty as charged! Your Honour, I’ll take whatever punishment you deem fit for the crimes I committed. Now. Picture this in your mind. With millions of people standing before the White Judgement Throne of Christ... how is God going to maintain law and order! After all, who is this God, who thinks He can force us to appear before His Judgement Seat? We the people.... let’s unite and overthrow the Kingdom of this God. Hey, look at us, we have the numbers! And someone inside these rebellious earthly crowds shouted... What about the angels!! They outnumber us one to a quadrillion! Angels or no angels... we stand together as one and fight to death! Interjected some of the most notorious outlaws. But remember... we are already dead!!! Retorted one of the sober-minded individuals! Hello. Do...