Game on, you’d better believe it!
A tiny sperm had to make a break of everything it got, ahead and faster than the million others,
in hot pursuit of the same fancied runaway egg.
Problem for the sperm soldiers; the egg has been warming up for this Ultimate Race:
almost twenty one days ahead,
she's got the edge.
This is a once off chance
for these million soldiers
where only One in 500 million,
catches up with the fancied trophy egg!
Sometimes when the moon,
the stars and the sun are all lined up:
more than one soldier reach the finish line
and catch up in a rare photo finish!
Sadly, for the losing soldiers,
there’s no next time:
as they self-destruct, die and
disappear into the horizon of dreams;
not to be seen again in eternities!
This incredible race happens faster than
the speed of light; while my parents orgasm
and mourn with pleasure in their tender embrace:
my two halves dash for the pursuit of unity:
in the same direction and in unequal pace.
As God ordained it,
there are no words to describe the feeling
that happens at the finish line:
as my two halves twirled, clutched and metamorphosed in a tender embrace;
so divine and sweeter than
the orgasm felt by my parents!
This signals the end of the Ultimate Race to life
and the beginning of life: triggering the
beginning of the Ultimate Journey of Journeys!
After nine long months of fetal fusion
and embryonic cataclysmic evolution
resulting into a full baby:
a push through the birth canal auto activates
as the womb runs out of space!
Birth happens when the womb
gives the unborn and unprocessed baby;
a kick on its back into this side of life: to life!
For the very first time the
Champion winning Baby in Me;
breaths and exhales
as I announce my arrival to these shores:
screaming my lungs out!
I made it and I am here!
Where’s Mom?
Then suddenly, like a bolt from the blue;
I feel excruciating cramps moving
inside my tiny bowels: what’s this,
as I helplessly and uncontrollably cry for help!
In my darkened desperation, I could not see as yet:
somehow managed to grab onto something;
with all the energy I got,
pulled it into my mouth and instinctively sucked!
Wow! This thing has magic that
kills all the cramps in my bowels;
I quieten down and softly dozed off,
disappointing all the people
who had gathered around Mom's bed
to sing me a Birthday Song!
Yes, this was the beginning of my second journey after winning that ultimate race and
calibrated me for nine long months!
The world was never kind to me,
it never stopped turning for me
to be conceived and be born:
it’s constantly spinning as God created her!
I was born to run hence my
very life began with the Ultimate Race!
It is I, who must learn to be kind
to the world into which I was born:
otherwise I won’t live long enough,
to survive and reach the ripe age of wisdom!
From fetal embryo to a fully developed baby:
Life is a Journey!
From a newly born baby into a growing child:
Life stubbornly remains ever challenging
and unfinished Journey!
From a maturing child into a ruddy youth:
life continues in its twists and winding turns
as unfinished ultimate Journey of a race.
I was born to be on a constant move,
whether awake or even in my sleep:
the world keeps on turning endlessly;
reminding me of my destiny with
every sunrise and going down of the same!
Sometimes in the dark of the night
in my humble village: I take time off
and gaze at the stars and the moon;
trying hard to find and re-calibrate
my compass and direction of this stressful Journey.
God embraces us through the stars,
while He smiles lovingly at us
through the moon and whispering, it’ll be okay:
and reminds us through sunrise;
I told you so!
This Journey of life marches on
and gallops like a fearless mighty and untamed horse:
from youth into adult world, where I was conceived!
I press on and continue to rise and fall
in my quest to life's meaning:
so, I soldier on in my search for
my undeniable place in the sun!
No matter how many times
I look back over my shoulders;
my Journey keeps on beckoning me to
face my horizon, my only hope to my finish line!
Many people perish in wild ocean waters
in their desperate attempt to reach
their dreams and panacea:
others get eaten by wild animals and desert thirst
as they journeyed dangerously
across neighbouring borders!
Life is a Journey from adulthood
into solitary age of boredom and constant pain:
as the body degenerates and
atomizes: preparing for the grave!
From the orgasmic thrill to conception:
this Journey marches on..
From conception to birth: it's still game on,
this Journey gallops through test of time…
From the cradle to the grave;
my dear friend:
this Journey never stops!
At death, we just swoop
our earthly suits into celestial ones!
From the grave to eternity;
we finally enter the realm of God:
the ultimate Journey where only
God holds sway to decide our fate:
based on how good or bad
we fared this side of the grave!
This is my Journey, my Life and
my portion that God has given me!
Heaven or Hell ceases to be a paradox!


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