In this segment I'd like to focus my attention on this contentious subject of prophets or to be more precisely: False Prophets. By the same token of admitting the existence of false prophets in our Modern Day Church, I also admit the existence of true prophets by the same extension based on the same argument. Since all the false prophets claim to have received their mandate to inform, "decree and declare" from God, as they like to say. This claim by these mere mortals to be the voice of God leaves much to be desired especially when it comes to one controversial figure, Donald J. Trump, president of USA. I really don't understand where were all these zombies during the eight year term of Barack Obama, former president of USA: they were virtually invisible and silent. But then and now, things changed for the worse.

Okay, let me stay in the straight and the narrow of my subject matter: and only this way will I be able to keep my commentary sweet and short.

Prophet Malachi is generally accepted as the Last Prophet Before John the Baptist. Malachi was one of the Minor Prophets League meaning that he was not in the class of Major Prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. These Major Prophets are designated as such due to the special Messianic Prophecies they carried out in their written scrolls or Books of the Old Testament. I also want to point it out to you that there is a 300 year of Silence between the Last Prophet (Malachi) and John the Baptist. It appeared that God decided to go on Sabbath and remained silent for 300 years without people hearing the voice of the prophets: this was a great spiritual dearth coupled with no specific direction from God for the nation of Israel to follow.

Please allow me to hasten and state it without being apologetic that the following list of names featured in this video, are all classified as false prophets according to my New Testament Bible and also based on the Old Testament. These men and women are not ordained by the God of the Old and the New Testament Bible because if they were they'd have been aware of the fact that the Prophetic Era had already ended.

Sid Roth, Pat Robertson, Sadhu Selvaras, Denise Goulet, Mark Goulet, Mark Taylor, Chris Oyakhilome, Franklin Graham, Micelle Bachnann, Kat Kerr, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Lance Wallnau, Mark Burns, Paula White, Curt Landry, Robert Jeffres, Kevin Zadai, Greg Lock and T.B. Joshua. This is not the total list of existing false prophets in US and around the world but just a few featured in this video. There are thousands around the Globe who claim to be the prophets and yet the very Bible they claim to represent, disowns them as I 'm going to prove to you in a jiffy.

Matthew 11:13
For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
Luke 16:16
The law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

After 300 years of silence without speaking or sending His Prophets, God decided it was time to fulfill the what the Old Testament Prophets declared and prophesied about regarding the Birth of the Messiah Jesus. One special morning the voice of John the Baptist was heard as it bellowed and reverberated across the valleys of Jerusalem and people, as waking up from a trance dashed out to hear the voice of the Man of God. It had been so long and people had lost their faith in God and had to rely on the dogma rehashed from the Law of Moses by the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees. It was like having rain after a prolonged season of dearth.

It was exhilarating as well as exciting for the people to hear the prophet again and they all flogged John as young and old went rushing to hear exactly what word this unknown prophet had brought them from God. And what the very first words which came out of the mouth of John the Baptist that one glorious morning?

And in those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea. And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 3:1,2.

The verb Repent is mentioned some 105 times in the Bible, that is: 45 and 60 times in the Old and the New Testament, respectively. Repent is a commanding word and a call to action: to look deep into your soul and ask God for forgiveness and spiritual cleansing from all uncleanness which separates you from Him. Somehow these souls who have been starving for hundreds of years from hearing the Voice of God, understood and came in their numbers, repented yielded and heeded the call from John the Baptist. When the Pharisees demanded that John explained and revealed his true identity he said: I am the voice of the one crying from the wilderness saying, prepare ye the way of the Lord! John pointed to Christ the Messiah that was standing in their midst: I am here to introduce to you the Promised and the Anointed One of God. After John baptized Jesus in the river Jordan, his ministry was almost over as was designed so by God. He was incarcerated and eventually decapitated by king Herod.

The death of John the Baptist saw the End of the Prophetic Era which stretched from Abraham to Malachi and God was pleased to seal it forever and ever, not to be reintroduced after Christ burst into the scene prepared for Him by John the Baptist. This handing over of the prophetic baton by John to the One ordained to be the Messiah and the Saviour of the World: sealed the end of all the prophecies declared and heralded by the ancient Prophets of Israel acting as the precursor and final guardrail of the era that was now reflected in the One Whom God approves above everything else in this life and in the hereafter. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

So, yes people: Today in our modern times, there are no prophets who are recognized by Heaven since the Bible states it that John the Baptist was the Last Prophet since Father Abraham, through the last Prophet in the Old Testament, Malachi until John the Baptist who yielded the mantle to Jesus Christ, our Only Anchor and Mediator between men and God. 

I say it because the Bible said it: Prophets ended with John the Baptist and everyone who calls themselves a prophet today, is nothing but a liar and a charlatan.God says: I DID NOT SEND THEM, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM!

All the false prophets featured in this video endorsed Donald Trump and prophesied lies that God will give him the second term as president of USA and the whole world knows that this did not happen because Joe Biden won the elections by 306 to 232 to Trump. After losing dismally, Trump and his surrogates are claiming voter fraud which they have failed to prove in the courts of law and have lost by 1-39 as every judge tossed their lawsuit out the window. The one victory isn't significant since it had to do with Republican election observers to oversee the counting a lot closer than were authorized before in terms of distance from vote counting tables. Trump has been going around Twitter casting aspersions against the integrity of the American voting system which even independent international observers confirmed to be free and fair in all essence of the word.

It's hard to believe the logic of these false prophets use because they're still denying that Biden won the elections and refuse to swallow their own vomit of prophetic lies they declared upon the American public and thus tainting the Name of the Lord since the world perceives them as God sent and representatives of Christ which my Bible says they are not. They think God is going to rig the election results via the Supreme Court and illegally declare Trump the winner against more than 80 million people who voted for Joe Biden. God won't do this because He does not interfere with the carnal affairs of mortal men this day and forever.

It won't happen. Forget it! Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of USA on 20th January 2021 and surprisingly and after all the prophetic baloney, Trump will vacate the White House for good and make way for the new administration. This is the reality and is called:

D E M O C R A C Y.... 
A government of the people, by the people and for the people! 

Democracy has nothing to do with God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost and all the angelic hosts but has everything to do with how men on earth decide and choose who rules over them through their man-made system called: DEMOCRACY. Please oh please, Leave God out of this drama.


Matthew 11:13
For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
Luke 16:16
The law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.



  1. Thank you, a truly professional essay. However, if these poor folks lose their followers, how they going to make a living? Heck, here in Oregon all the restaurants are closed; no dishwashing jobs are available. Do you have any idea what it costs to keep Ken Copeland's private jets gassed up and ready? Have you no compassion?

    1. Thank you Lou for your input much appreciated. I hope your sister is surviving from across the Atlantic, I still remember you my friend in all my prayers. I couldn't careless about Copeland and his ills since they're all about personal greed and care less for winning the lost souls for the Kingdom of God.


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