Poetry is one of my greatest passion and all time fascination and only second to my endless love for music: I just love it with all my heart. The thrill of twisting regular words into a feeding frenzy which appeals to all imaginations and leaves the readers gasping for more while the author gallops away into the horizon of mysticism. Poetry leaves the reader wrestling with the mystical and magical rhymes strewn around the endless maze of hidden nuggets of wisdom out there for finder's keepers. You decide.

Amanda Gorman was discovered by then President Elect Joe Biden in 2019 after winning the race to the White House while attending some Poets' Club. Joe Biden saw the potential and thought that it'd be a great idea to use Amanda for his Inauguration Celebration and damn: how right Joe Biden was. What a discovery and revelation to the world! I sat on edge as I listened to Amanda reciting her poem: she was dazzling in every word of maturity. At just 22 years of age, Amanda is sitting on top of the world and I celebrate her amazing accomplishment and love her down-to-earth humble attitude. She's amazing.


Amanda credits Maya Angelou (4 April 1928-28 May 2014) as her greatest inspiration when it comes to breaking into the mold of poetry. She's learned from one of the America's world renown inspiring modern thinkers. Maya Angelou is one of my favorites Poets, she always wore her heart on her sleeves every time she jotted down her memoirs in the world of mysticism. And like many talented people, Maya had some physical impediments like stuttering and Amanda identifies with her too. She says until recently, she's been struggling to utter the letter "R" in her speech and hence she decided to use the power of words to claim her universe back and defied all rules stacked up against her. Ironically, Joe Biden, on the other hand, has the same stuttering challenge throughout his life which he set out to overcome. What a coincidence of talents and collision of incredible individuals who united to conquer their world of impediments and left all the able-bodied people like me and you: gasping for air.

Please allow me to leave you with one of my favorite poems by Maya Angelou, reciting from the grave the most famous modern poets of all time. If you have never heard about it, where have you've been?

The Poet is a wordsmith who weaves his/her world through words like a spider spawns her web so intricately and leaves the beholder wondering just where this all started as he contemplates the beauty and the wonder of it all. It's incredible to note just how the same poem can mean a thousand different things to different readers and yet brings everyone into a single admiration that indeed: this was a great poem. I believe Poetry is nothing but life, music and rhymes in shoe'd words. It walks, talks and dazzles all the time. 

God Almighty, dedicated some 150 Epic Chapters of  Psalms, all written in poetic verses: how then can call yourself a Christian for sure, if you have no taste for poetry? Think about it for a second while I take a break.


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