I say a prayer for all the critically sick in hospitals all around the world...for Covid19 and all related sicknesses or other reasons than medical. I pray for all my mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, cousins, nephews under the sun. I carry you in my prayerful thoughts even after you received the news of death taking place in your family, far and near. I pray for you as you just returned from burying one of your loved ones: as you stare to that roof, I want you to encourage you not to stop dreaming.

Dare to dream in 2021 and yonder. Like John Lennon, I want to remind you that you're not the only dreamer in this Covid World: there's 7 billion plus of us, standing right there with you; wherever you maybe. Don't give up on your life whatever your circumstances maybe, just look around and you will realize that in this hopeless world is still filled with people who dare to smile and share whatever love their weak hearts allow them. Dare to dream in 2021.

We may have ran out of food, money, clothes and many others don't have a roof over their heads: but as humans we never run out of our will to live and certainly not our ability to love and reciprocate love. Sometimes having a job may not be the best thing to be proud of in this world: we all want to breath despite all the threats this Covid-19 Pandemic is presenting to us. Our freedom to be able to breath again precedes everything else. 366 days living and walking on edge and hanging by a cliffhanger isn't a small task for the least among us: We Are All Winners in 2020 after Reaching this debilitating race to survive: We Are The Champions, all the 7 Billion Plus of us, Humans! You, You and Me...Together!

Like soldiers in a deadly war, we carried all our wounded compatriots with us, laying still in hospitals around the world: we have faith they'll recover since they're under the care of our Champion Doctors, Nurses, All Health Workers who took the oath to risk their lives for the survival of the human race. These are our Generals and Captains of our lives and we owe every iota of clean air we breath.

This world has been at war, not with itself but with an invisible enemy, and like during any world war; lives were disrupted, scattered and many others sadly lost but: we are winning because we are the world. This world is nothing without humans living in it, giving and sharing love: taking care of one another. We have survived the bleakest year in 21st Century's history so far. Confusion and mayhem threatened to takeover our sanity but the cool minds among us steadied our sinking ship called Earth and we navigated through all the tumultuous ever rising waves and sea of certain death in 2020: we are here now. We have landed and before we can breath again, our new ship is taking in new passengers. Come aboard: please, don't do that: killing yourself is never an answer after making it to the finish line.

All the 7 billion plus souls are aboard to Destination 2021....let's huddle together and mind the health of our neighbours in order for this ship to reach Destination 2022 and yonder: let's dare to dream together as one like we all stood together throughout 2020. If we made it in 2020 we can make it through to Year 3000 because we are the world and we are the children and the ones who make a better day for one another. Dare to Dream wherever you maybe around the world: I stand with you because I believe in You. Ship Earth is busy loading her courageous passengers all across the habours of this world and soon everyone will be sharing how they waited in patience for this ship to sail with them aboard. Dream.

For the next twelve months will be sailing around, surrounded by nothing but waters: no mountains, no lands, trees to see around but ourselves, together with each other: holding hands in our journey of faith into the unknown. Like 2020, 2021 has not promised any panacea to all her passengers but guaranteed our safe landing: to shore up again in 2022 as we we pursue life beyond the horizon. Dare to Dream.


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