Image Source: Google
I am writing this essay in the light of what's been happening around the world in terms of same sex marriages, the world of gays and lesbians. Perhaps you find yourself scratching your head and wondering why do I bother myself to address this red hot and controversial topic which makes the right wing Christians to boil a thousand times over and overheat like an old car. I'm forever perturbed at the way mostly, our American fellow Christians tend to have this inborn hatred for the LGBTQ People. These people almost feel like this is the only reason why Jesus died on the Cross: to have us Christian constantly attacking sexually oriented individuals and instructing this world on morals where even some or greater percentage of our leadership dismally fail.
Screengrab by Raw Story
Just yesterday, the US President, Joe Biden approved the LGBTQ Equality Act in the House: which paves the way for the same sex couples to enjoy the same protection right afforded by the constitution to straight couples. Democrats passed this law by 224 - 206 votes against the Republicans objection. I do not understand why lawmakers almost and always like to make a mockery of the same Constitution they have sworn to protect and to uphold for all their Citizens. If they all believed what's written in their own Constitution there would be no need for all these unnecessary debates whether it's okay to have Same Sex Marriages guaranteed in the Bill of Rights for All Citizens. Why all this fuss?
The Constitution is a legal document based on compromise where Individual Rights for All are considered and taken care of in the big picture. The Constitution teaches and encourages the citizens to be tolerant and accommodating of one another despite all our moral differences. We are taught to share this world because everyone born of a woman has the right to be respected as one of us: a human being. If you can't live and survive in this world littered with controversial people from all walks of life: then I suggest, you must jump off the bridge and exit peacefully? Hello, I'm not gay and do not hate gay people but: to some people I am a very controversial person in spite of my solid foundation as far as upholding the Constitution and Rights for All. Why? Because that's how this world rolls. I have been trolled by people who hate God and the Bible so many times for simply taking my stand as a Christian and embracing Christ in my life. I do not fret because I understand.
We differ in so many ways, and I really don't have to waste your time by listing all of our differences: there's no way I can do that conclusively without forgetting to mention other rights some people feel strong about. This then brings us closer to understanding what our governing system called Democracy, really mean and how it should be embraced by all Citizens of the same country. Remember? Democracy is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Democracy can never be realized without a drawn out and accepted Constitution. In other words, a Constitution is the Bible of Democracy or Governing thereof.
The avoidable confrontation and the butting of heads between individuals who fail to sit in their allotted corners as prescribed by the same Constitution under the same Flag in the same Country: can sometimes lead to injuries or even murder. The Evangelicals are directly opposed to have the LGBTQ groups live their lives as they see fit by imposing the Bible and Scriptures these guys do not subscribe to. They're arguing against Gay Rights using the Bible which has nothing to do with the politics of this world while the other side, aggressively claim their right based on the Constitution which accommodate both opposing sides. How foolish this is?
Video Source: YouTube
The video clip above is a perfect example of two women in the US Senate in opposition of each other. They share the same floor and their offices are facing each other: a Democrat and a Republican involved in a moral cat fight that's not necessary. The woman with the LGBTQ flag outside her door is Rep Marie Newman (Democrat) and the one on the left with the sign is Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican. The former did the flag thing in support of her transgender daughter while the latter uses the critical sign to voice out her disapproval of the LGBTQ Equality Act and to spite Marie because of her daughter. Both persons claim to be practicing Christians but it's sad to observe the open intolerance which was earlier provoked by Marjorie via a mean tweet. Marjorie does not even believe the Science since she's a QAnon theorist who believes Democrats are paedophiles who kill and drink the blood of children. Both women have their right guaranteed in the US Constitution to keep a safe distance between each other and avoid physical altercation. It's there!
My country South Africa, recognizes Same Sex Marriages (2006) and offers protection to LGBTQ same protection offered to straight couples. I do not have any power nor right to take out LGBTQ people from the face of this country because they all pay the same taxes as the rest of us and belong to the same Constitution and under the same Flag. it's called: Equal Rights and Justice in a Democracy. We are South Africans and part of the same melting pot whether you like it or not. Hating Gays and Abortionists is a complete waste of time. I would take part in this hate club if it had benefits like helping all the haters to lose weight and sweat off their body fats helping them to stay trim and slim. But it doesn't.
Image Copyright: SupChina
There are 29 countries in the world today which recognize Same Sex Marriages. Follow the link above tagged under LGBTQ People in order to see the actual list and related definitions. I have gone this far in order to bring you to the right understanding of the difference that exists between the Bible and the Constitution. These are two intrinsically and diametrically opposed books. Fighting Gays and chasing Abortionists around is not God's Will for the Church today. It never was even right from the beginning.Image by Medium, Google
Genesis 19:24
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven.
I do not need to go into details and explain exactly what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in the Book of Genesis. It was not Lot the Prophet, who passed judgement and rained fire and brimstone upon these two cities, but God Almighty. Lot's assignment was to go to these people and preach the Gospel or the Message of Repentance which God was demanding from all the citizens who lived there. After the people rejected the Message brought by the Prophet, God decided to judge them very harshly and destroyed their cities and burned everything to ashes. Every living thing was incinerated by fire from Heaven. This was then in the Old Testament. And just where we stand in the New Testament Bible today?
John 3:16-19
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
This is what God is saying to this world NOW till the End of Time. There will be no other Miracle Revival coming to the world except the Sacrifice Christ offered upon the Cross. I see and hear people talking about some kind of revival about to sweep across the world as the sign of the End Times: and I can almost feel pity for these ill-informed Christians who are flowing with strange winds blowing into all confusing directions except the One God recommends in John 3:16. You're wasting your damn time if you are praying for some revival because you heard your preacher lied that God is about to.
God did not promise to send us any revival in the New Testament Bible because Jesus, His Begotten Son is the Permanent Revival happening every single day you lead a sinner to the Cross of Christ.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
JESUS is God's Plan for this world and He is not condescending or judging anyone for being whatever they chose to be. God is giving a Clarion Call for all men and women to believe in His Son Jesus, that they might be saved through His Blood. Jesus said He came into this world to seek and to find the lost. He did not rain fire down upon this world as God did to Sodom and Gomorrah in yesteryear world of sin. Jesus appeased God and atoned for our sins through His Blood at Calvary. All you need is to come forth like Lazarus and embrace the Salvation of your soul from the Destruction God has preserved for all those who reject the Son. Our Message doesn't condemn anyone whether gay or straight: it's a love Invitation from God for you to RSVP before you die.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The main thing is God's Love Story for the world and the key is found in believing in the Son of God, Jesus. Just like going to a driving school to learn to drive safely on the road: the key is in learning and applying those driving skills you've been taught to stay alive behind the wheels. God provided for this world the Way to escape His Condemnation on the Judgement Day through Christ and the urgent need to apply compliance today.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
I will not breakdown this self-explanatory verse any further now, but let me conclude by adding these parting words.
Christians in America and all around the world hate sexual oriented people and abortionists simply because they don't understand their own constitution which seeks to help them learn how to live with those whose lifestyles you don't approve. You think you qualify to judge them because some false prophets told you were the apple of God's eye and the most righteous person in the world. God expects you to "Love the World" just like He loved it through His Begotten Son, Jesus. You are not the judge but the bearer of Good News: stop spreading the hate that has no place in the heart of God. The Evangelicals in America, are not speaking for Christ nor represent the True Gospel of the Cross of Calvary because if they did: they would love their fellow Americans with the Love of Christ and embrace all, gay or straight without condescending. Know your place.
The Apostles preached Christ Crucified to the outside world (unevangelized) and reserved the harsh moral teachings based on the Doctrine of Christ for the converted (those repented) inside the Church. Why? Because they knew the difference between their Message and the Politics of this world and also knew that Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. They avoided politics like censer because they knew their time was limited and after all; there was nothing to gain from this futility. Oh how I wish the US Evangelicals knew this truth: they would stop wasting time preaching hatred and divisions. God's position is very clear.
Learning to draw the line between God and Politics, between the Bible and your country's Constitution, will help you discover your rightful place in the sight of God. I would love to delve into more examples but time and space are not on my side. Christians must learn to represent Christ exactly the same way John 3:16 dictates. Share the love of God in Christ by loving your neighbour as you love yourself. Stop being a Pharisee and learn to humble yourself like the Publican did before the altar of prayer in the Presence of God.
Jesus love and embraced all people from all walks of life. He welcomed the fraudsters, hypocrites, religious bigots, harlots and immoral men. etc. who are you to judge other people?
I cannot thank God enough for helping me to understand this simple principle of Proclaiming the Gospel of Peace to this dying world without condescending. The Bible says love covers a multitude of sins. John 3:16-19 is God's Final Clarion Call for this World and there's no coming revival except the Preaching of the Cross and Christ Crucified. Pray for sinners to come to know the Lord and forget about a revival God did not promise. Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to My Father except by Me. What more can I say to you in order for you to wake up from your ignorance?
NB: The Apostles taught Christians against the dangers of daring God through free style living as in LGBTQ only inside the Church. They never preached or taught about morals in the world because Jesus is the Message the world needs to hear...For God so loved the World!
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