Warning: You’re under no obligation whatsoever to read this Message. Given the nature of Expository Teaching, it’s equally lengthy!
In 1215, a (Roman Catholic) church council made it mandatory for all the Christian clergy to wear distinctive dress. Its purpose was not necessarily to elevate the status of the Christian clerics; it was intended that they would catch the public eye if any member of the clergy is seen on the street. -Wikipedia
I have been scratching my head and wondering for days without end, why so many of the Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches suddenly dress up like the Catholic Clergy!
I wonder and wondered why so many former critics of the Pope and Catholicism now identify themselves with this growing fad and practice that have no Scriptural backing.
It is disturbing to say the least, when the Body of Christ suddenly converts to papal disciples.
In case you wonder what I’m raving on about, don’t worry, be patient and you’ll soon learn the Truth of the Bible.
As you’ve read from the extract above, all the clerical fashion or garments, were decided and introduced by the Roman Catholic Council in the year 1215:
It really had nothing to do with the way the Apostles and our Founding Fathers; dressed. Jesus and His Disciples who subsequently became His Apostles; dressed according to the Hebrew Regalia as laid out in the Law of Moses.
They never distinguished themselves from the rest of the population in order to brag, strut their stuff about being the Chosen of God: no, they looked like everyone else at the Marketplace!

If you still don’t get my drift, let me jog your memory: I touched on this when I did Secret Disciples of Christ. Remember?
In the following Jesus disguised Himself by dressing as a foreigner, probably a Samaritan when the religious leaders sought to kill Him.
John 7:1,10
[1]After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
[10]But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.
In short, all the pastoral, bishopric, apostolic and prophetic regalia, have nothing to do with the Body of Christ or the Bible.
Deacon or choir regalia also have no Scriptural Background: you can read the Bible and I guarantee you, there will be no witness standing with you!
The Body of Christ is not the same as the Roman Catholic because Catholics believe their Pope is the physical presence of God on Earth and the same guy is revered as the head of the Church!
So, why practice Roman Catholicism in dress while denouncing it through your preaching?
Why do we condemn prostitution on the pulpit and ignore the way our women and female members of our congregations dress like sluts and allow them to stand on the podium?
If mini skirts are taboo and often associated with immoral tendencies, why do Christian mothers find it so easy to buy these despicable dresses for their little girls?
What about all the cleavages displayed on every Sunday Service by our female members been accepted as a norm and a way of life?
What about men who dress in low cut trousers which expose their behinds in front of everybody in our Churches?
Hehehe! I can hear you laughing, but truly speaking; this ain’t no laughing matter!
Well, as a matter of fact, God did not call me to dictate the way people dress. This is just my observation and have no intentions to castigate anyone.
We live in a Free World, I can hear some of you whisper! But remember what Paul said:
Ephesians 4:20
[20]But ye have not so learned Christ;
Let’s take a look at the regalia that is recommended by God.
Ephesians 6:10
[10]Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Finally, Be Strong in the Lord or Establish your life by dedicating yourself to God!
Be Strong in the Power of His Might! Your ability to conquer depends in His Power which enables or gives you Ability (His Might) to stand your ground against all the wiles of the enemy.
Having done all to stand, you just stand..

Ephesians 6:11
[11]Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Put on the whole Armour of God! Listen up people: Paul is talking to or addressing the Whole Church in Ephesus; this has nothing to do with dedication!
Every single Child of God, from Sunday School right through the whole Church: is expected by God to put this Armour on!
All of us can afford this regalia because it doesn’t cost a cent to buy; just receive by simple faith in and His Word! Be dressed up…
Ephesians 6:12
[12]For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Here Apostle Paul is giving the reason why we should embrace this Armour of God! This to me, I regard it as the Middle Verse of the New Testament Bible.
Remember the New Testament only begins from the Book of Acts right through the Book of Revelation? The Four Gospels are not part of the New Testament but stand out as Intermission between the Old and the New Testaments. I taught you these things,
didn’t I?
Our struggle or wrestling is not physical but very spiritual in nature, this therefore, calls for the Divine Armour of God (you will never find me using the term, supernatural: because it doesn’t exist in the Bible).
Paul goes on to identify the enemy we face every day of our earthly lives by listing them after their ranks! It is a very strong four fold army of satan. In this verse they’re listed from bottom to top or 4-1; so to speak: meaning the no.1 is the strongest line of defense in the hierarchy of satan!
Allow me to list them up for you in their simple order: listed according to their highest ranking. Rank 1 is the Strongest.
1. Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
2. Rulers of the Darkness of this World
3. Powers
4. Principalities
I do not have the space and time to dig into the real Exposition of these satanic ranks or hierarchies; one day I will. Let’s stick with the subject at hand.
I bet you my last cent, you will never hear this Revelation from the false prophets because they don’t want you to be wiser: lest you discover through the Spirit; their connection with the underworld!
Ephesians 6:13
[13]Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
I’ve already highlighted this part, let’s move on.
Ephesians 6:14
[14]Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
STAND therefore… this Armour of God is designed for Believers who are willing to Stand up for God! This is an Order, a Direct Order from God: for you to Stand! Come on Christian Soldier Stand up!
Put on the Belt of Truth around your loins! Oh God, I’d take my time and take you back on memory lane; and describe the Priestly Robe for you in the Old Covenant! We need a place and a time to do that, we’ll shelve it for now.
Why is it Important to girt our loins with Truth? Ever thought about this before?
You’re a tripartite being according to the Bible: spirit, soul and body. Your spirit is not your heart and heart is always associated with your soul: it’s the same thing. Your spirit is the real you as we see you in the physical sense. Your body is your temple, the part of you that we bury or cremate when you die.
What happens when you die?
Ecclesiastes 12:7
[7]Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
**Like a baby in its mother’s womb, waiting to be born: the spirit of man sits located in the belly waiting for his second birth into the Eternity and the Realm of God.
1 Peter 3:4
[4]But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
The Belt of Truth is wrapped around our loins, our bellies because this is where the spirit of man resides! This is where guilty strikes us when we do wrong or sin against God.
The Truth of His Word must forever be belted inside our bellies where the hidden man of the heart sits!
Putting on the Breastplate of Righteousness is God’s way of Reminding us that without His Righteousness and Mercy: we don’t have a leg to stand on!
The Righteousness of God gives us the Right to approach His Mercy Seat without feeling guilty because it was made possible by the Blood of Jesus!
Wear the Breastplate of Righteousness with understanding and humility: always remembering it’s all because of Calvary!
Ephesians 6:15
[15]And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Oh my, this is exciting! We must always wear the Gospel of Christ on our feet like we wear shoes!
Be Prepared to Preach the Gospel wherever you are. This is the Gospel of Peace which Only Christ gives: it’s not available elsewhere.
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him, who brings Good News! (find the verse)
Ephesians 6:16
[16]Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Above all, after all is said and done: Take the Shield of Faith that’ll enable you to block off and put out all the fiery darts coming from evil one!
Please notice that Paul is reducing these temptations to small fiery darts; they do not come against you like torpedoes or atomic bombs because their always covered and laced in deceit!
The devil will never tempt me go commit murder or rob a bank because he’s aware of the Christian Principles that I adhere to. So, small fiery darts will be fired at me, little things like playing with sin which may look harmless and easy to break away from whenever I want.
But, the evil fire around these darts is laced with poison, designed to kill my fellowship with God: always realizing too late that I have no power to break free from these habits on my own!
These little things!
The Shield of Faith enables us to shout: it is written; whenever the devil throws his fiery darts at us! And again, we can never shout “it is written” if we do not take time to study and meditate that which is written for our Victory against the enemy and his cohorts!
1 Thessalonians 5:6
[6]Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
Watch and Pray, be on guard 24/7!
Ephesians 6:17
[17]And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Wear your Salvation like you’d wear your helmet to protect your head from being injured. Know that you are Saved and don’t be secretive about your Faith in Christ: let the people know you’re a Child of God; don’t blend in with the God haters out there.
Take your Sword of the Spirit and be at the ready to strike back when provoked by powers of darkness! The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God available to you, free of charge. This is what I’m equipping you with, just now as you read these line: am giving you the Word of God and strengthening your Sword of the Spirit!
Ephesians 6:18
[18]Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Hahaha, God is laughing at us!
We’re putting all this heavy Armour of God; just to: Pray always with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit! And to Watch with all Perseverance and Supplication for all Saints!
Wow, I don’t have time to dig into this; it’s way deep and a separate lesson on its own!
So, yes, like I said before: all the clerical vestments and dresses your leaders wear in Church; have no Scriptural backbone.
They just inherited this practice from the Declaration of the Roman Catholic Council of 1215:
even Jesus Himself is surprised!
We’re expected by God to put on and wear the Invisible and Divine Armour of God, not the regalia that was prescribed by the Roman Catholic Council because these are not recognized by Heaven!
They’re nothing but meaningless religious fashion statement.
I will never wear a neck collar nor any religious regalia in my life; as I look over my shoulders I hear the Spirit Calling;
2 Corinthians 6:17
[17]Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
God Bless You for your time, much appreciated….
Copyright 2018©Manna Titbits
All verses from KJV of the Holy Bible

**Quote me people and stop crediting others for my works. I write these messages straight from my heart as God reveals them to me. I do not plagiarize other people's works. I am original and the bucks stops with me when it comes to the Intellectual Property of my works.** I dare you.

(Image Copyright: All Images sourced from Google and are not used for commercial purposes.)

NB: This Exposition was first published in my Facebook Group's Page April 17, 2018 and I reproduced it in this Blog unedited. I thought it expedient to share it with all my readers from across the the world who have not read this piece hence the repeat. This is the preparation of the follow-up message that's coming shortly: THE MESSAGE IN THE CROSS OR THE IDOLATORY OF THE CROSS!.



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