This is one of my 1000s favourite tunes I listen to while doing workouts and intense Jogging on the road. Please note that I wrote Jogging in bold and capitals in order to prompt you to give it the preeminence this part of all our lives, deserves. You need to shake off the spider's web building all over your body and start to do something for yourself in terms of physical exercising. Release those poor muscles that have been cramped up and left to dry between your skin and bones for decades. It's time to love your body like you love to eat and lazy around while your body silently gathers fats like dust!

Seal in this Kaskade Remix makes my heart to beat faster pumping more blood per second to my brain thus propelling my feet to run faster: maintaining that much needed gravity and grit to reach my finish line. Remember, your finish is not always in sight when you start pursuing your dream and desire to reach it. You've got to frame it in your mind and soul that it's right there in your immediate distant future. I really have no idea why our lives depend so much in the Future. On second thought, if God Himself is tied to the Future, who are we to question this logic and dynamic which dares and beckons us every single day? God's direction has always been forward like the time we live in every single day.

Philippians 3:4

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Just to borrow the Bible narrative and perspective on Prize versus Challenge: nobody says it better than the Apostle Paul. You see Paul, had his eyes set on the greatest prize of them all and primed himself to please God even to death. He was determined not to let anything distract him from focusing on the Cross of Christ and through his life: God gave us some of the most memorable verses for us to robe ourselves with. Nero, the Roman Emperor beheaded Apostle Paul in 67 AD. This is the Challenge Paul took in order to get his hands closer to the Prize God dangled in front of him when Jesus called him on the Road to Damascus. Apostle Paul was Persuaded and determined to reach the Prize and he did.

Persuaded is used some 18 times in the New Testament Bible: mentioned 3x in the Gospels and 15x in the New Testament (Acts - Revelations), and all fifteen verses attributed to only one man: Apostle Paul. This is how serious Paul took his calling of preaching the Gospel. Christians of today have no inkling idea just how difficult it was for people back in the day of the First Century to publicly embrace their Faith and identify with the Cross of Christ. Hello, It was not fashionable as it is today because Christians were killed and murdered for their Faith in Christ. It was extremely dangerous.

There were 12+1 Apostles and Paul being the last one to be personally appointed by Christ Jesus Himself. And after this, God appointed nobody else into this High Office because the Will of God was done and accomplished through the blood of His Anointed Apostles who gave us the New Testament Bible. God sealed this ministry shut after the death of the last Apostle: John of the Book of Revelation. 

Today the proliferation of individuals calling themselves apostles is staggering. Just google the word in YouTube and I can guarantee you that your lifetime won't be enough to go through all these sorry characters who missed God's Apostolic Era by more than 2000 years. 

I'm done with rewriting the Scriptures, says God. Just read the Bible I have given to you through the sacrificed lives of My Apostles!

Physical discipline and exercise precede the prize of acquiring and maintaining a healthy body: it all depends on how you see it. Do you agree or disagree with the honest and final report which your own mirror projects in front of you and to your face? If see yourself slim when your body through the mirror screams: "I am too fat" nothing in this world can bring you to your knees, bow before your mirror and thank her for telling like it is. You must learn to thank God for the mirror. I told you last time, that mirrors predate even the Bible Days of Father Abraham, they were there before him. The mirror always like magically, forces you to imagine yourself in a different size and shape than what she's projecting to you. In retrospect, the mirror reminds you of the prize you can get to if you put up the challenge to ward off the evil demons of fat from which almost half the population of this world suffer from. See, see; whispers the mirror to your inattentive ears: You can do this if you can only try!

Try is a simple verb or deed all of us can instantly afford because it doesn't cost us a penny. The Prize beckons the Challenge. In other words, it's impossible for anyone to do something for their overweight bodies until they can envisage the Prize which beckons them at the end of this dark tunnel of obesity. If you can see this light, you can surely see the Prize calling and daring you to start: TODAY! NOW!

The road to Physical Fitness Utopia is long, rough and hard: only those who vie for the ultimate Prize will dare to survive all kinds of weather by taking it upon themselves to keep their eyes on this through sheer determination, sacrifice and discipline. You can get it/if you really want, sang Jimmy Cliff in one of his famous songs. Peter Tosh sang in of his lines: everyone wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die! Life is a paradox of what's real and unreal: a mirage of unreachable dreams for billions of people.

This lady in the picture above, dared to dream and tried because she really wanted to have this body she now proudly possess. Gone are the days of sad stares and sighs of disapprovals she had to deal with every time she left her house. Well, now she can walk tall in full confidence and live the way she always wanted. And that's being herself at her best: happy and laughing all the way in her fit and trim body. This is not photoshopped, it's a true story of her own testament on how she got over this dread of obesity. She's happy arrive and had the gates open for her to mix with happy people who love the health of their bodies than wearing the ugly makeup and blinding repulsive lipstick!

You can see the man, don't ask me how he did because he can tell you better than I can. It's not my body but his. The picture on the left represents the Challenge he faced and the on the right: the ultimate Prize he stood to gain. Was it easy like walking in a rose garden? Nah, it wasn't at all. Let me frankly advise you that there are hundreds of ways to keep fit in this life. Not many of us prefer running and jogging on the streets: some prefer doing vigorous physical exercises and can always achieve similar results like the rest of us in the world of Physical Fitness. Start small, like holding on your table and do push-ups while balancing your whole body. Physical Exercising is designed to extract fats from your body through sweating. You can't lose weight if you are not prepared to sweat by pushing yourself over the limit. 

Sometimes when I'm running I have to set myself a calculated distance to cover based on my level of fitness: I do this in agreement with my body as I scan the road ahead. My body will advise me just how far I can push myself ahead. The challenge is to do be determined to do better than you did the last time. After looking at myself through my mirror, I got an instant telegram from my body that my tummy had outgrown my shadow. I felt like two bodies in one as I walk under a sunny day when the shadow of my stomach marched ahead of the whole body. I got angry and very sick: so I vowed to show this belly who was the boss around my town. I noticed this scary change after many months of Covid 19 lockdowns in 2020 and took this decision to kill this unnecessary Covid 19 Tummy. I'm glad to tell you that I'm winning this war and yes, the battle is far from over: but I'm in charge of my weight and my fitness is back on track again. I can run faster with much ease without losing my breath too soon. I'm persuaded.



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