(Image: Rosamond Press, Google)
My heart and mine eyes cannot stop from crying: as I ponder the Fallen State of my Generation, the 21st Century Church, Lord!
I tried to sleep but found myself tossing and turning as if my heart is standing beating outside of this tabernacle, my body, Lord!
These sad words accompanied by painful tears of my heart; just won’t let me be myself and by myself! They seem to write a petition and form words in the spirit of my mind, which I’ve never dreamed of before.
I begin to see as I travel back in history on the wings of your Spirit and, start to wonder and fail to fathom this addiction in Your Church: promoted by our leaders to celebrate Past Glories where the Holy Ghost: once walked on by, followed by a New Wave of Your Spirit; as You began to Pour the Revival never seen by that Generation before!
My Generation Lord, is still celebrating the Past Glories of Azusa Street; and I don’t know why!
My Generation is still caught up in the Past Glories of William Brenham! My Generation is still talking about the Past Glories of Evangelist Nicolas Bhengu!
My Generation has not yet experienced the very things and Hidden Secret You have loaded in the Revival Package for Her Appointed Time!
My mind keep saying to me without end: Every Generation shall Experience God in a manner and Outpouring that’s different and unique from all previous Generations of thousand years ago.
I believe as we march forward to the Year 2020 and before we climax into the full moon of this Century of my Generation: we will have witnessed the Real Great Awakening where the Holy Ghost will restore all the reins and dominance of His Presence; stolen by false prophets and false apostles!
My heart says to me, by the dawn of 2020 of this Apostate Generation: the Body of Christ will witness the Great Shifting in the Spirit: where everything demonic and fake individuals, will begin to fall off and give way to the Comforter, one after the other!
You said the gates of hell shall not prevail against your Church, Lord!
The Early Church Prayed and Interceded in earnest, for their Generation and You answered their cries instantly:
Acts 4:29-31
[29]And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word,
[30]By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.
[31]And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
This Generation of our Founding Fathers, the Anointed Apostles: saw, witnessed and experienced Your Hand of Grace and Power, first hand!
They gave Praise to Your Name as You Glorified Your Son in the Person of the Holy Ghost, our Comforter!
Sinners who got saved through their hand, also immediately joined in: in the Chorus of Glorifying Your Son, Jesus Christ. They knew the Source of their Joy when it came to Miracles, Signs and Wonders!
Sadly, it is not so with my Generation: they celebrate and lift the name of the fake prophets and apostles: they have never experienced the Real Power of the Holy Ghost like they did in the 1st Century Church!
My Generation Lord, is talking less and lesser about Jesus: they’re not Pointing Sinners of this World to the Christ of the Cross!
My Generation has been robbed blind by the devil and allowed the spirit of Baal to penetrate and enter our Church: by erecting golden high throne like chairs which represent the spirit of the fallen, king Nebuchadnezzar!
My Generation has installed evil altars right in the centre of houses of worship: and installed the abominable images of their false prophets and apostles: their gods!
My Generation has stopped Condemning Sin, Preaching Repentance and Contrite spirit in Her churches for fear of losing financial gains!
Sin is no longer sin anymore with this, my Generation Lord! My Generation refuses to warn those who call themselves Believers: against the entrapments of hell fire!
My Generation prefers counting monies collected in their God forsaken services: to counting the Number of Souls; the Lord added to the Church: as was witnessed in 1st Century Church!
Money and Prosperity seem to be the only sticking points in the lives of my Generation! Our Services have been reduced into meaningless one man shows: where one individual who has no fear of God in his heart; walks around like a peacock and army general from pew to pew as if they died on the Cross for our Salvation!
Lord I believe that, before this 21st Century Church has ran Her course, the Revival and the Great Awakening will have lasted at least for eighty years!
Yes, Your Children will be set free from the chains and the shackles of the false prophets and apostles: who represent the wicked underworld of satanic dichotomy and ritualism!
I believe Lord, You have kept for Yourself, a myriad of Your Servants: who have not bowed before Baal, the spirit behind the false prophets and apostles!
I believe Lord, that One Day Soon, Your Church will burn all the altars of Baal inside our corridors: where the reprobate spirit of the false prophets and apostles; shall be driven out and exposed through the Fire of the Holy Ghost!
Their Day is fast approaching Lord, and I can’t wait to turn over their evil tables of their wicked trade: right inside Your Temple, Lord!
Job 37:1
[1]At this also my heart trembleth, and is moved out of his place.
Because of the Fallen State of My Generation…
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