How I wish to just grab all the hundreds of sad videos in YouTube, featuring pastors, prophets, bishops, evangelists, teachers and apostles who died from Covid-19 complications after months of mocking the Devil instead of taking the vaccine which was designed to fortify their weak immune system against virus infections. I'd bundle these into hours of one single video where you can watch the before and after of these idiots who demonize Covid-19 and turn it to some satanic attack against your body when it is not the case. This false prophetess is telling her congregants to go and ask God whether to take the vaccine or not. What will they say or do if God answered and said to them:
Listen to me thou foolish people, I am the Lord and change not. Why do you bother me on what you need to do after I have given you the Sciences and the doctors to look after your physical bodies? Covid-19 is a disease and is killing you dead after you refused treatment which is freely available to you. What is wrong with you? Hear Me now, all you crooked and uneducated Christians of this world: Take the vaccine if you want to live or reject the vaccine if you are tired of living because, as sure as the rising of the sun: Covid-19 is going to kill you dead if you remain unvaccinated. I Am God: let him who has ears, listen and heed my Words!
I promise to pull for you, another video from her archives where she was prophesying and telling them that God told her how this virus would be over and done with: in no time. But, after more than a year to day, the virus is still with us in this world and killing all those who bleed red. Can we pray the Covid-19 away, after all, we're creatures of faith: nothing is impossible? No, I say. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God!
According to the report in this video, Stephen Harmon was a Bible Graduate at the celebrated Pastor Brian Houston's Hillsong Church College. The charlatan, Pastor Houston issued a vague and non-committal press statement where he praised Stephen as generous young man who was active in their California Church and signed off: RIP.
While many of you with simple minds will take one look at the statement above and endorse it as genuine coming the famous Pastor Brian Houston: I find it odd and very shocking. Read it again and you will see that Mr Houston was very general and careful not to insert himself within the very statement coming from his lying lips. Look again, and show me one line where Brian Houston actively and verbally owned this tragic death of one of his prized members. There is no possessive case in this dodgy statement. "Many of our staff, leadership and congregation have already received the Covid-19 vaccine this is a personal decision for each individual..." What Baloney!!
If you were ran over by a car while trying to cross the street, passers-by call the ambulance in order to save your vanishing life as you lay there helpless, bleeding through your nose, mouth and ears. Luckily, the Paramedics arrive right on time before your life slips away and start to revive you the best way they know how. Question? Would you be still able to say to the Paramedics: Guys, please, before you touch my injured and bleeding body: allow me to enquire from the Lord if it is okay for me to receive this treatment! "That's very stupid and dangerous!" I hear you say. But this is exactly what this false prophetess is instructing and advising her members to do while their chances of contracting the virus remains at over 95% and certainly guaranteed to die from Covid-19 complications.
Sometimes I wonder if this was not one of the reasons why the Apostle Paul never recommended the women folks to stand behind the pulpit and preach in the Church. I really wonder. Is it by some coincidence that even Jesus didn't have any female species as one of the Twelve? Questions and more questions than answers.
Hey, you can't talk like that, it's August, the Women's Month? Why allocate one month to women and leave the other eleven for men to abuse the same people we pledge to support: to love and to hold? I thought ever day was a woman's day: I cannot imagine just what will happen to my brain when I wake up one morning with all the female species gone from the face of the earth. I'd kill myself dead.
You see, according to my personal philosophy: Women are the equilibrium or a balancing force which undergirds a man's insanity or sobriety and prevents him from bashing his brains out against life's turmoil in a sea of perplexity! You guessed right, I really do not expect you to understand that. Leave it hanging right there as a blueprint for all the tired and beaten men, who lost their identity in a world full of wonders where women stand taller than every other animate species.
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me if you will, to introduce to you; this incredible young man of 34 years of age, going by the name of Stephen Harmon from USA, the Land of the Free: where all the bird species fly freely in the dark of the night. The images you're looking at are those of Stephen Harmon's very last moments before he died from the Covid-19; the very disease he used to mock and entertained his Twitter and Instagram friends. Stephen Harmon surely, had a ball in his unfortunate short life on earth. Like the rest of all human beings struggling to survive in a Covid-19 world, who are scared of dying and have been praying for a Scientific breakthrough for a Vaccine to be developed and save lives since the outbreak took place.
But nah, Stephen had a lot of things to say including some 99 problems he thought were more important to worry about than to waste his life and time and take the vaccine which would have kept him alive past the month of July 2021. He is dead now. He left this bold message some three weeks before he got sick with Covid and eventually dying. Very powerful words coming from a dead man; don't you think so?
If Brian Houston was a true man of God, he usually claims he is: he'd have quoted himself as the First Person in this God damned speech. He'd be saying, "My wife and I and our children have all been vaccinated and we always encourage our members to get vaccinated against Covid-19 infections. We believe that God has given us the Science in order to cope with all the medical challenges our bodies face where Covid-19 vaccine is one of them."
This would have been such a powerful disclaimer if Brian used it to ward off all the vaccine hesitancy dogging the members of his church. Sadly, drawing my conclusion from this empty statement: Brian Houston and his wife do not believe in vaccines even though themselves might have been vaccinated already. They won't dare make their vaccine status public since this would jeopardize their machismo image of invincibility and divine immunity against the Covid-19. Remember these idiots are faith fanatics who don't believe in Science. Covid-19 comes form the Devil, it's not just a disease: it's an evil spirit unleashed from the portals of Hell below.
Ladies and Gentlemen, that tweet was posted by Stephen Harmon just a few weeks before Covid-19 caught up with him and overtook him leaving Stephen dead in its virulent wake of death.
Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet Stephen Harmon as he lay dying and struggling to breathe in his Covid-19 deathbed. I really must apologise for bringing Stephen Harmon, so late into your life when he could no longer speak, shake hands and smile at you. You see, Stephen chose the hard way out when he embraced all the Covid-19 and anti-vaccine theories instead of taking a jab or two which would have allowed him to be with us in this beautiful month of August 2021. Stephen Harmon is DEAD!
Never ever allow your life to be used as Guinea Pig by embracing all the lies the Covid-19 Nay-sayers
use to abuse your intelligence where even your very survival as a human being don't matter anymore. Be warry of the so-called fiery preachers who use the Pulpit and abuse the Word of God by not telling you the Truth that they themselves have already been vaccinated. They want you to always see them as supernatural beings who are surviving by their faith in God and inspired by their double standards. People you idolize like Donald Trump, Brian Houston and Mattie Nottage are selfish charlatans who got vaccinated in secret while you dangerously gallivant around too, will die like Stephen Harmon!
I urge you, Ladies and Gentlemen, to cease and desist from confusing the Covid-19 with the Devil and as a demon instead of respecting it for what it is: a disease, sickness and common virus designed to attack your immune system and leaving you dead when you don't believe in the Science. Hear ye, hear ye: Covid-19 is a virus and a common disease like all diseases: it's not a demon.
You see, the 99 problems Stephen was occupied and worried about, did not kill him: the man was killed by the very least thing in his life he regarded as nonentity; the Covid-19 virus! Talk about having a bad luck, how can you die when you had 99% of surviving living in a pandemic without a vaccine? Shame, poor soul, he didn't realize how fatal that one thing he cared less about was. Vaccinated people have 99% chance of surviving a Covid infection than the 1% the unvaccinated have. It comes down to: 99 Percenters or 1 Percenters. The choice is yours. I am a 99 Percenter Covid-19 Survivor.
Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa, 15/08/21
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