Zambians voted for Chiluba (a christian politician) in the 90s and regretted it. We need to spare the Name of Jesus and God from this filthy mud-dragging which has nothing do with fundamental politics and democracy expressed by these moronic Christians lacking common sense. Only idiots who do not understand the Bible vote for Christian political parties just for identifying themselves with Christ even though Jesus had rejected the kingdoms of this world (Political and Monarchal Systems).
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. ~ John 18:36
If you listen to the ANC supporters, they will tell you that it is God who gave their party as a gift to South Africa. I disagree. In America, their so-called Christians about 35% of US population, believe that the former president, Donald Trump was raised by God for such a time as this in order to restore Americans to the One True God (even though Trump was never a christian in his entire dirty amoral life). This is a big lie.
America was never founded on any Bible principles as famously claimed by these demon possessed people who believe that gays and lesbians have no right to exist in America even though as citizens, they pay their taxis like everyone else. There's no country in this world which can claim to have some supernatural christian roots in their political system.
South Africa and USA owe their political existence to Democracy which is driven by the will of the people (voters). Majority Rules. Mandela, Mbeki, Zuma, Clinton, Obama, Trump, Biden and Ramaphosa were all voted into these powerful positions by the will of the people: it didn't take a miracle or God for them to become presidents. No. They all campaigned fiercely and shared their political manifestos with the citizens and people voted for them.
I voted for Madiba in our first elections and subsequently for Mbeki. Why? Because I recognized their leadership would improve the lives of South Africans. I never voted for Zuma. Why? Because I believed the guy had too much baggage on his shady past and was greatly compromised. I didn't pray for God (He couldn't care less) to lead me who to vote for because everything was out there for the taking and for one to make up their minds. There's nothing supernatural or divine about dirty politics and politicians of this dirty world.
Democracy is not the best political system in the world but remains as the only available preferred good of lesser evils from others. Democracy has lots of demons which cannot be exorcised: like these crazy anti-mask morons in this video. John 18:36 confirms that Jesus and God have absolutely nothing to do with politics and monarchies of this world. Hey wait a minute: what about Romans 13? Didn't the Bible say that all authorities were appointed by God and we should submit ourselves to their authority?
I'll answer you question with Scripture. If it was God who appointed the Religious Leaders in Jesus' days then, why the hell did the same Apostles rebel against the very God ordained patriarchal system when they were ordered not to preach or teach in the name of Jesus again? We will rather obey God than men: they declared in defiance! Surely the Apostles knew this spiritual principle or didn't they, otherwise they wouldn't have upstaged these leaders approved by God? Don't fret, one day I'll do Romans 13 and help you to learn to dissect the Word of God.
We must thank our lucky stars so far in South Africa, for not having these dangerous mob confrontations like in America which are likely to end up in serous injuries and deaths. I am for masks and you are not for mask therefore, let's meet somewhere in the middle where we stand two meters apart without invading each other's space. Please keep your distance and I'll keep mine.
Your machismo to gallivant around during a pandemic without wearing a mask very impressive. I really don't know what invisible shield you're relying on to protect yourself from being infected with this deadly Covid-19 Delta variant! Michael Miller, the parent who was accosted by these Trump fanatics who claim to be Christians, is still recovering from the trauma he got that night.
That bold headed fool in the video, had earlier challenged and threatened other parents from being pro-mask. He said, we're coming for you and the Holy Spirit is with us! What baloney! These are the same macho guys who will be dying tomorrow plugged to ventilators all over their faces, dying from Covid-19 and pleading through their last breaths for people to take the vaccine.
These are the same moronic Christians who believe in covering themselves with the Blood of Jesus and have power to bind anything that moves in the kingdom of darkness! Nobody has any scriptural right to apply the Blood of Jesus on anything in this world, no, not even your apostle, pastor, prophet, bishop, evangelist, teacher or elder! The Blood of Jesus was all used up in one divine application over the Mercy Seat of God by Jesus Himself. How many times was Jesus Blood sprinkled in God's Holy Place? ONCE!
Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Hebrews 9:12
Once, the Bible says: and once I believe Jesus' Blood was all used up for our Redemption. Hello. There's not a single drop of Jesus' Blood left for any false prophet to abuse in their decreeing, declaring and sprinkling gibberish not recognized by Heaven. The Devil is not afraid of the Blood of Jesus! Say what? Yea, yea: please read your Bible. What did Jesus say about the Devil?
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ~ Matthew 25:41
According to Jesus, the Books of Isaiah and Ezekiel: the Devil has already been judged and sentenced by God. Hello. The Devil, his fallen angels, demons, false prophet, Antichrist and the Beast: are not going to stand trial before Christ's White Judgement Throne. No, They'll just be grabbed and thrown inside the Lake which burns with fire and brimstone. Period. See Revelation 19:20 & 20:10.
We are the ones who will face the wrath of Christ on the Judgement Day, it's us humans who rejected the Blood of His Sacrifice. See Revelation 20:11-15. Pan over these multitudes and see if you cannot find your face perched somewhere in between and standing before Christ on the Day of Reckoning!
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