Well, after pushing myself to the limit galloping like a stallion on steroids for almost two years: my body had to stop me from killing myself. From 2020 I ran the whole yard and pushed unhindered way deep into 2021, writing, writing and writing nonstop till my brains screamed: Memory Full! I thank God for giving me the wisdom to listen to my body, because, believe it or not: our bodies have a voice and you need to acquaint yourself by paying attention because therein lies your strength you need to survive another day.
I need to take care of my body because if I abuse it by dragging it despite all the screams: Stop It, it will simply eject me and all my time on earth will be over in seconds. Well, what happened? I didn't just die since it was still way ahead of my earthly days and years the Good Lord hath afforded me in order to run and finish the whole race of my life. Did you know that there are times even God in all His Glory, cannot stop you from killing yourself? Oh really? Yes! God created man to be a free moral agent and has resided Himself to this reality: except for the fact that man still believes everything about his life stops with God. How sad?
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:19.
I don't want to die a suicide death like all the antivaxxer of the world who choose death and cursing.
I'm not stressing or whatever my brain just hit the ceiling and left me sprawling like a fish out of water. No, I didn't run out of new ideas, my brain hit zenith and without it I'm as good as dead. This therefore, called for an immediate Social Media Hiatus in order for me to get my life back together again. Almost ten days ago, I came down with a gallbladder infection which complicated my already concrete situation. While I'm recovering from this infection, I'm very much aware of the underlying conditions and cause for my mental blackout. Memory Full.
Isn't this world strange enough, that even though there are more than 7 Billion souls all around you: dying anonymously forlorn is more real than being run over by cars in the craziest busy roads? OPEN WOUNDS is getting birthed right inside my soul and will be one of my greatest opening poems in 2022. Isn't it sad that even though you unselfishly spend all your life with the world, one might just rock up dead after being dead for who knows how long? My youngest daughter, Lala, has been my cushion and source of strength: she'd never allow a single day to pass by without checking on her dad: she makes the 400Km distance separating us feels like a whisper. I'm so proud of her for acting years ahead of her teeny-weeny age.
Our Lord Jesus said, the Son of Man has no place to rest his head. The Bible also warns against trusting in man: Cursed be he that puts his trust in man! Career musicians will tell you just how much they'd appreciate for people to understand just how much time and sweat they put into their works. I'm forever grateful to all the musicians who unselfishly share their talents with the world: I feel a lot closer to them because of their impeccable craft. I take off my hat to them with all due respect..
Due to all the reasons stated above, I have decided to go into a Social Media Hiatus for the remainder of this year. I should be back sometime early next year with some invigorated strength. I thank you all for taking your time from your busy day just to read my works...much Appreciated. I also want to thank all the Musicians whose music I have squandered just to make my poems heard through their work of art.
A very early Happy Christmas wish to everyone: be happy and safe till we meet on the other side of 2021.
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.
~ Numbers 6:25 ~
Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa
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