Lucifer in his glorious best thought all the beauty God had planted in him, was his own making and self-projected. God covered Lucifer with every precious stone and this glorious spectrum made Lucifer the very first Angelic Rainbow. The man was all-glare!

The sardius, the topaz, the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, the carbuncle, and the gold. Lucifer didn't need any garment for his covering: as his came in the form of every precious stone.

As though this was not enough glory and beauty, God further wired Lucifer with musical strings and harmonic pipes for him to breathe through instead of regular lungs. His voice alone projected a myriad of choral voices and every musical instrument in Heaven: this effectively made Lucifer God's very first One-Man Band and One-Man Orchestra.

After looking around and found no rival beauty, Lucifer foolishly thought he was that Man living inside God's Hour. God ejected him out of His Heaven after evil was found in Lucifer's heart and morphed up to being the Devil.

Cometh the man, Cometh the Hour: remained eternities away as divers prospects thought they were that Man.

The Devil wanted to destroy Adam in the Garden because he feared Adam was that Man of the Hour: but he was not!

Father Abraham thought his son, Isaac was the Man to be born in that Hour declared by God Himself right to his ears. Jacob thought stealing his brother's birthright will seal him as that Man inside God's Hour.

The children of Israel believed Joseph was that Man since he came thru for his people in the right hour. And so was Moses, Samson, Saul, David, Solomon and Elijah and many kings of Israel too.

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour remained a deepened mystery as decades and centuries rolled over millenniums. People kept wondering as new theories continued to fail.

After 400 years of Prophetic Silence, another man sent by God: came and entered the Prophetic Scene as people began to speculate about him as that Man and that Hour. This man was John the Baptist.

Even after declaring himself as not that Man in that Hour: people still remained resolute, John was that Man. The Religious Leaders rejected John's assertion that the Man was already in their midst in that very hour he was preaching.

One sunny morning by the River Jordan, John confirmed, yes: this Jesus was that Man in the very Hour, he baptized Him. This time around the very crowds who had impatiently anticipated the arrival of this Man refused to believe John.

The same once jubilant people rejected the Man of the Hour as their Messiah in that very Hour, He was healing them.

Mary and Joseph battled to believe the report from Angel Gabriel: that they were about to become Divine Adoptive Parents to the Only Begotten Son of God.

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour became more visible from the Prophetic Horizon as more Prophets of the Day confirmed: Yes, Baby Jesus was that Man Who was to Come.

As declared by God, in the word of two or three witnesses shall every word be established as Zacharias the Priest, Prophet Simeon and Prophetess Anna: sealed Baby Jesus as that Man born in that Hour.

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour ceased to be just another proverbial hearsay as the Galilean began to stamp His authority through His Divine Teachings.

People were wowed and mortified as they heard Jesus challenged them to address God as their Father in Heaven.

The Man came in that Hour, healing the sick, delivering all those who were oppressed by the Devil and even raised the dead. Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour was happening in real time as the people's jaws dropped in amazement.

People had forgotten that the Man had Come to Die on the Cross in that Hour designed by God, the Father. Judas sold the Man for thirty pieces of silver while Peter thrice denied he knew that Man in the third hour.

Religious Leaders influenced the people to rebel against the Man who had healed them and condemned Him to die on the Cross.

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour Prophet, always knew the reason He came for in this world. His Disciples were shocked to hear about His Divinely Scheduled Death, but the Man of the Hour didn't blink for a second.

For three hours darkness fell upon the whole world before the Man of the Hour cried out to God and gave up the ghost. The Man of the Hour rose back to life after three days and three nights.

The Hour of Salvation had arrived: Now is the Time to look up to the Man of the Hour for all men on the face of the earth.

The Hour came and the Man was lifted up into Heaven, and His Disciples have been preaching His Gospel for more than two thousand years: the Longest and Final Outreach in the history of the Bible.

Saul of Tarsus saw the Glory of the Man of the Hour shining brighter than the day and all the glory God had surrounded Lucifer with as Jesus called from the Heavens: Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son: declared the Man of the Hour about Himself. God has invited You and Me to embrace His Son: The Man of the Hour for our Salvation from eternal death.

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour: Yes, this Jesus is Coming back again as God, sitting in His White Judgment Throne to separate the sheep from the goats. Which side are you going to be at when the Hour of Judgement for all men is revealed?

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour: Jesus is calling You: Come Home before the Hour of Reckoning is closed to your face.

Lucifer the Devil, in all of his splendour has never seen nor heard of the Glory of Christ to be revealed when the Man Cometh in the First and the Second Hour. All eyes shall see Him.

Cometh the Man, to some as their Saviour: Cometh the Hour, for the same as their God Eternal. Cometh the Man, to some as the fiery eternal Judge: Cometh the Hour, for the same: the gnashing of teeth eternally.

Cometh the Man, Cometh the Hour. I now bow my head in humble obeisance at the Foot of His Cross and worship the One from this hour and henceforth!

Your name remained inscribed in the Book of Life: for you to claim God's Free Gift of Eternal Life while you remain this side of Heaven. There's no repenting yonder the grave.

Jesus Christ is your Only Ticket and Special Flight to Heaven: reserve your Booking Today! Now is the Hour of your Salvation: for you to return Home!

Cometh The Man Story Song Written By: Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa
© 15 December 2021
Featured Song: Lights Off
From The Album: Dreams
Smooth Jazz Artist: Brian Culbertson
© 2002






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