
I still remember so vividly just how God gave me this poem. I was looking at the mountains from the front porch and meditating when suddenly: I heard the Spirit whispers to me... Shadows and Footprints! 

At first, I didn't understand what was this about untill the still small voice grew louder within. I began to sob as I paced up and down the house, tearfully jotting every single word I heard. 

The Precence of God was too great within and around me as my heart remained connected to the Grid of the Holy Ghost. I saw as if I was in a vision just how God tracked Adam in the Garden. 

I got very scared as I began to comprehend what the Spirit was letting me into. To see through this window of life, never interpreted this way before. Shadows and Footprints is real life story which took place in the Garden of Eden. 

Amazingly, this very same way God used to track his wayward man, Adam: will be used against us at the Judgment Day! 

Why I write these words, these poems which make others feel so uncomfortable? 

I write them because God through His Word and by His Spirit, compels me to. It's impossible for me to get some sleep whenever I rebel against the Spirit. 

I write these words and will continue to do so, till my dying day even if I don't get a single thumbs up from you. 

My name is Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa 


Life breeds life and gives life endlessly. Shadows are live tracks of life: follow and precede life everywhere. Life: designed by God to continue in perpetuity hieroglyphics after God's DNA. As God lives and so are issues of life He gives to man.

It is not life which mortals do not understand but, the very period of transition thereof, whereby design: man like a tadpole: transitions into a full species. Man leaps into a full life species at death as eternity clouds roll in full speed above his head, just like the life he thought he had left behind.

Like a dove out of a magician's hat suddenly: the once dead man realizes his shadows and footprints remain so much the part of himself. You can't run away from yourself: as man now remembers, his earthly ruins he called life. The man shudders and trembles once he realizes he has now entered God's Restricted Territory: what now?

Shadows and Footprints of the life lived under the sun in the Land of Adam. They are used by God in the Hereafter to try our conscience grossed by all the sinful dust: gathered in all the unfortunate locations we set our foot in, even during the thick darkest nights!

Footprints are pointers and leads into the unknown destination. Like Adam, man has this hiccup-like addiction of recognizing his unfortunate and deplorable destination after he'd arrived. Too late to make a U-turn.

Shadows and Footprints are God's silent witnesses sworn in by design to always speak the truth against us thus leading to our very eternal condemnation. Man, in his own deception and pride: thought he was the only one with eyes and ears and now this?

Shadows and Footprints have invisible eyes and ears designed to focus God’s scrutiny upon our pitiful lives. These two witnesses take the side of God at the Judgement Day, leaving us naked and trembling before our Eternal Judge.

Adam, Adam, where are you? God demanded to know after the first penultimate sin was committed in the Garden. Adam thought he could run and hideaway from God but: he didn't know his shadows spattered all over the vegetation and footprints always leave his scent and tracks for God to locate his hideout!

I am here, LORD! Adam only cried out after he heard God's footsteps abruptly stopped at his toes. Shadows and Footprints: for the very first time in full operation witnessed in the Garden of Eden the Land of Adam!

Shadows and Footprints: in our futile and miserable lives we always thought they represented us but alas: the two witnesses are God's messengers tied to our consciences.

The only way for any man to free himself from the Shackles of Resisting the Truth is by cutting loose from his own Shadows and Footprints if it were possible at all. Achieving this freedom would land man to being equal status with God where he could argue his case at the Judgement Day.

Shadows and Footprints are man’s embedded DNA on Earth and God's truthful and reliable Witnesses in the Hereafter.

Shadows and Footprints: with God there's no shadow of turning but, with man: his very life is like a shadow, always running without end and fading out with time into Eternity.

Shadows and Footprints: what is man that Thou should be mindful of him? David demanded to know from God. Shadows and Footprints: God’s silent Witnesses anchored in our heart and soul forever!

 The Steps of a good and righteous man are ordered by the LORD! The Fear of the LORD: the Beginning of Wisdom. Shadows and Footprints. What is life?

Poetic Verses Tearfully Written By: Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa
© 26 December 2021
Featured Song: I Ain't Mad Atcha
Title Album: Groovilicious
Smooth Jazz Artist: Chris Standring
© 2003

We can only find the true meaning of life when we share ours with others: like music through sharing; life depends on all of us for our collective existence. Life is as simple as picking up a phone, call a friend or a sick neighbour and ask them how they are doing. To know that you are thought of by others, is priceless. This very random act of kindness always brings a smile and warms our hearts beyond our expectations. Lifting others is what I have always been doing in my life; and not so much worrying about getting the same care and love I give: it's just in my nature hence I always press on whether celebrated or not.

I wrote this essay with tears in my eyes as God began to show me just how much imperative this message is. God shook my imaginations as I penned these lines and verses which I have never imagined before till the morning of 26th December. I know it is very hard for some of you to understand me when I say: all my writings are not premeditated but, nothing is further from the truth. The Spirit gives me utterance as in speaking with tongues: I simply follow the cue or the thought that God dropped in my heart and swim along with the currents till I hit the shore. I wait on God and write expediently for you.

I thank you for taking your time to read and share my thoughts with your friends. These lines about life and all the realities we face in life and in the Hereafter. Through my writings, God is forcing you to think way beyond the grave: because your very life is larger and greater than the grave itself. You live when you die. Don't be surprised to learn that your Shadows and Footprints are used by God to re-enact the life you lived on Earth. I didn't know that myself but, now I do. As you can see in Genesis, God used Adam's Shadows and Footprints to track him down and to pass His Judgement on him.

This is really deep stuff and I pray God shines His light on you in order to come with me into this World where God uses nothing but Words to rule in His Kingdom. I have learned to dive deep into His Streams and fish for new meaning to life every single time my fingers and the keyboard hug each other.

I wouldn't do justice if I did not take a moment and thank all the Smooth Jazz Artists, whose brilliant original music I have stolen and used to highlight my Poems, Essays and Thoughts. Please, be rest assured that all the Copyrighted Music used in this Blog have no commercial value whatsoever. I have great respect for my favourite Smooth Jazz Artists and a big fan too: as you can tell from my great taste. Hugs and kisses to all my favourite Smooth Jazz Artists!!

Compliments Of The Seasons!


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