Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. These profound words and pin-point Prophecy were uttered some 700 years Before Christ by Prophet Isaiah.

After over 1500 years or some 42 generations between Father Abraham and Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom Jesus: The Christ was born. The Promised Messiah was revealed.

It does not come as a surprise that the name “Mary" only gets mentioned or tagged after Joseph as his fiancée. The loins of a male-child were considered more important than the womb of a female-child thus, the generational hierarchy is all-male.

This practice of keeping females and women in the back of the queue goes back, way-way Pre-Medieval and Barbaric Dark Ages. It's as old as the existence of man.

Fertility in a married woman became the conduit and the mainstay of ensuring unbroken genealogy. Bearing sons was regarded more highly and imperative than daughters.

Son-bearing wives regarded as the more blessed amongst the daughters of the land. Marriage was more stressful for women than it was for men since infertility was always blamed on the poor woman: just as it is today!

 Isaac's love for Rebekah shouldn't be confused with our Modern Times TLC-Rated Love: as we know it. Isaac was more concerned about preserving his name and to keep his father's legacy than being smitten with romantic love for Rebekah. This was no Romeo and Juliet episode.

After all, Isaac wasn't the first one to pick and identify Rebekah for his chosen bride: but the servant of Abraham did it for him. He had no choice but to follow his father's desire and choice for his wife-to-be.

This old tradition of fathers arranging marriages for their sons predates the Bible and was practiced worldwide.

This custom had no Jewish foundation since Abraham himself was not a Jew but the Father of the Jews. The man had his roots in the Regions of Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey and Syria.

The reasons for Mary's sadness are not hard to find since hers too: was an arranged marriage where bride-to-be played no part in deciding their future. Jacob, the son of Matthan who was Joseph's father: had everything all mapped out for his son.

The young and pretty Mary wasn’t particularly impressed and smitten for her husband-to-be, who was much older than she and probably not so good-looking. Mary wished she had been born in another time than this.

Joseph was a big turn-off in terms of her love and preferred choice. Sadly, poor Mary had to waltz in and dance to the beat of this despicable and loathed tradition. Joseph was her one-way to already-devastated unknown future.

Truth be told, despite not being liked so much by his fiancée Mary, Joseph was a good and a righteous man who feared God. Joseph wanted to sheepishly go out of Mary's life without embarrassing her after discovering she was pregnant.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. Her fortunes were about to change. Weeks later, meeting her also six-month pregnant cousin, Elisabeth. The 700-year-old Prophecy was fulfilled and confirmed by Elisabeth, after her unborn baby bounced in her womb as the unborn Jesus baptized John the Baptist with the Holy Ghost.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness suddenly, transformed into the happiest among the daughters of Father Abraham. She burst into a song and sang for God.

 My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden: for behold, from henceforth All Generations shall call Me Blessed. For He that is Mighty hath done to me great things; and Holy is His Name.”

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. Nobody understood Jesus like Mary. Whatever Jesus tells you to do, do it: she told the caterers at the wedding in Cana after they'd ran out of wine. She was right.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. Elkanah loved Hannah but the LORD had shut her womb. Hannah spent months praying in the Temple till the LORD answered her prayers by opening her womb. Hannah gave birth to one of Israel's most prominent High Priest and Prophet: she called him Samuel.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. Elisabeth and Zacharias the Priest were blessed and conceived in their ripe old age. They became the proud Parents of John the Baptist.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness, followed her Son Jesus from the Cradle to the Cross. At the foot of the Cross, there stood Mary, the mother of Jesus: Mary Magdalene and Mary, the wife of Cleophas.  

Three days later, Mary Magdalene stood crying and shivering outside the sepulcher thinking that Jesus body was stolen. She was pleasantly surprised when she heard the gentle waterfall-like-voice of Jesus fell into her ears.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. She followed Jesus right to the Day when her Son was lifted to Heaven.

I'd wash off the sad teary stains on the pillows of my former wife if it were possible: mix my tears with hyssop and scrub off the stains and sadness. You see, God isn't dealing with me only using selective Truth but the whole Truth. It's better for me to scar my heart with the Truth than soak my life with lies.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. I'd continue to preach the Truth of Jesus even after I had backslidden from serving the LORD. I can do nothing against the Truth but for the Truth.

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness. Just like she prophesied in her Thanksgiving Song: She remains the Most Blessed of all the daughters in the Human Race for decades to come!

Mary: The Elixir of Sadness: like she predicted. For behold, from henceforth all Generations shall call Me Blessed. Mary bit the chauvinistic odds and broke through the back of the queue and shot right to the front: carrying every woman and girl-child on her back, for all Future Generations! All hail to all the women of the World. I kiss the ground you stand on! 

Elixir Of Sadness Written By: Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa
© 4th January 2022
Featured Song: Movin' On
From The Title Album: Cool
Smooth Jazz Artists: Bob James & Earl Klugh
© 1992



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