God said: Let us make man in our Image, after our Likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the Earth.
From the Beginning of Man's clock: God is timeless, and Man isn't. God made it clear His reasons and purposes for creating Adam: for Man to Serve and Worship the One and True God thru Obedience.
Like looking inside: the crystal-clear Lake, God saw His very Image in the Water of Life He had made out Adam to be. God smiled every sunset as He visited Adam in the Garden. For an undeclared length of time, God and Adam enjoyed each other's company and unbroken fellowship.
God was particularly the happiest since He had reasons to believe in His own creation right from the very Beginning: while Adam was fascinated by the very fact he was alive and enjoying his Paradise in Eden. Time eternally stood still in his life: Adam was filled with God until sin crept in. This was immediately followed by the horrendous instability in the heart of Adam. God’s Fear diminished in his heart.
For the very first time after the Man had lost his innocence thru disobeying God: Adam embraced darkness as his forte to hide from the LORD. Guilt and self-condemnation replaced the Peace of God in Adam's heart. God had lost His Man in the sin-tainted Adam.
If you eat of the Tree in the midst of the Garden, you will surely die: God read the riot act as He warned Adam pin-pointedly. It is hard for me to decipher and surmise that Adam truly understood conclusively, the “dying part” in God’s cold warning. Arguably, Adam was not disadvantaged in however way since he had God's Likeness and Nature in his DNA. The Man heard what God meant.
The Genesis of Sin existed long before God created Adam as evidenced in the Fall of Lucifer in the Garden of God. Sin separated Adam from God and the Bible identifies this as Death.
The Genesis of Sin. Where was Adam during all the time the Old Serpent called Lucifer-the-Devil: interrogated and enticed Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge? Adam was right there, twiddling his fingers and watching the unfolding of sinful horror story. He had forgotten all about God and His dire warnings!
God gave all authority and unfettered power to Adam, to make sweeping decisions in the Garden and to rule over the whole Earth: his Paradise. God ordered His Man to expand his seed and fill the whole Earth: long before the Serpent invaded the Garden. The Law of Genesis to Multiply was enacted by God Himself. Forget the Apple-Sex Fallacy.
Adam trembled as he watched Eve took the first bite and expected to see her drop to death immediately instead, Eve offered him a bite. This time around, Adam was emboldened that they were not going to die just as the serpent had deceived Eve just a minute ago.
The Genesis of Sin: Adam did not understand God when he was warned he'd die if he ate from the Tree. Physical death was all the Man had imagined in his foolishness when God really meant Eternal Separation from Himself. Adam ran scared of God and hid in the thickets of the Garden.
The Genesis of Sin: just like it happened to Adam in the Garden, Man is faced with the same dilemma when it comes to the Truth of the Gospel. Jesus came and died and God thru Him is Calling All Men Today to Repent in order to escape Eternal Damnation and Separation from God: but no one seems to understand the Penalty for ignoring God’s Clarion Call before the End of Time. Man is lost and blinded by sin.
Thru the Cross of Christ: God effectively and permanently replaced the Genesis of Sin with the Genesis of Love: His Amazing Grace. He has showed thee O’ Man, what the Lord requires of thee: to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. Jesus is the Only Grace to God for you to enter into the Genesis of Everlasting Life. Believe in Him.
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