“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!” cried Jesus in one of His famous Self-Quote. I am a Bible Apologist and truly believe in quoting the Scriptures in their rightful and original context. I have said it for the umpteenth times in all of my Social Media Pages that it's impossible to interpret and apply the same verse in one thousands different ways without falling off the tangent of the context it was originally framed: or meant to be understood. I know I’m using big words here for some of you but, it is what it is and the truth must be told that Jesus really hated to be misconstrued or misquoted hence He owned all of His words. The religious leaders on the other hand were not used to listening to a man or rabbi, who simply uttered words that they could not reconcile with the Law of Moses. And so, what did they do or say after Jesus claimed to be the Light of the world?

They freaked out and condemned Him for being too much of Himself and had no recorded evidence as in the Law of Moses to boast about. I tell you, it must have been really hard to be the Son of God to stand before these religious morons and be mocked so harshly because of their ignorance. Well, this isn’t really hard to understand since all the Prophets and until recently, John the Baptist: how they all were heralding the future Kingdom of God. John the Baptist, pointed someone in their midst standing there incognito as their much anticipated Messiah. They all looked around looking for Christ, the Messiah among themselves and began to grumble loudly after seeing no one with a halo around his head. They laughed at John the Baptist and called him all sorts of names. Indeed, ignorance is bliss and it doesn’t matter how educated some fools may be: they just don’t get it since they didn’t see or hear this in their curriculum of their ignoramus upbringing. They cringe in self-defeat! How they could find this hilarious, I have no idea at all?



I do not intend to go deep into the exposition of who and what Satan is according to the Bible since this would inversely inflate the subject at hand adding some ten thousand words more into the mystic and thus leaving my audience scratching their heads in absolute gobbledygook free fall. The Bible says that people of the world including believers, will be disappointed and alarmed when they shall see Satan for the first time just as he really is. They will be shocked that the Devil doesn’t have horns nor has a flaming body or carrying a three-pointed fork and shooting fireballs and brimstone at all his captives in Hell he doesn’t even own.

  1. Yes, I’m talking to you: you and you. The Devil isn’t what you’ve been programmed to believe he is and definitely doesn’t look like this red guy pictured above. The Devil doesn’t own Hell like a prison boss always ready to entertain his prisoners with his tortures. Did you even know that the Devil and all his demons have never been to Hell, yes, not even once in their God forsaken lives. Why? Because Hell is the place of torment prepared for the Devil and his angels. Hello, God did not prepare Hell for man: it was the man who allowed the Devil to drag him down and under the abyss of Hell when Adam sinned against God in the Garden of Eden.


Matthew 16:18

Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Hey, hey, before you go ballistic and say flippant things you have no idea what they mean in the spiritual world like: <<<(((Father, I bind the Devil and all his demons in Jesus name >>>>)). Please, ask yourself these questions.

  1. Just who was Jesus talking to in these verses?

Yes, Jesus was talking exclusively to His Disciples who will later become His Anointed and Chosen Apostles at the Day of Pentecost.

  1. What did Jesus mean with “binding and loosening”?

The binding and loosening of things (not the Devil), is the Authority Jesus bestowed upon His Apostles whom He delegated to “build my church”. Even though Jesus singled out Simon Peter as the Leader of the Group by giving him the keys of the Kingdom: the Apostolic Leadership Leadership was based on the collective. Do you remember Apostle Paul rebuking Apostle Peter the rock, for acting racist one fine day? Did Peter get angry and reminded Paul just who was the Boss here? No, Peter accepted Paul’s rebuking and embraced the truth without murmuring and so they continued in fellowship and in building the Body of Christ: the Church they were tasked by the Master to look after.

  1. Was Jesus talking to all of us today and bestowing the same power He gave to His Apostles?

Yes He was talking to us today by reminding all and sundry that this power of binding and loosening was exclusively delegated to His Chosen Apostles and to nobody else after the last Apostle died. And that last Apostle was John, the Beloved who gave us the Book of Revelation.

None of the living or the dead after Apostle John’s demise was given the same power to decide for the Church because the Mission of Building the Church has been accomplished through the blood of His Apostles who wrote the New Testament for us to read through all their sacrificed lives. Me, You or your Pastor/Bishop/Prophet/Apostle: have no business or right to claim any right to Matthew 18:18. We also have not been given any power to even “bind the Devil” as we’ve been programmed to believe this is our authority to bind the Devil. Why?

Simply because you can’t bind the Devil at all, no matter how much you can scream: it means nothing to Heaven and absolutely nothing to the kingdom of darkness. It has zero effect and changes nothing, better save your voice and whisper a prayer of thanksgiving to God by humbling yourself before His Throne of Grace and shut the hell up. Leave the Devil alone. You can’t bind him or his demons. Why?

Well, according to my Bible and yours, Jesus never bound the Devil at any time during His earthly walk: He never did. When He was tempted by the Devil, Jesus resisted him instead. He never said: <<<(((Satan, I’m the Son of God and I bind you from head to the tips of your toes>>>))). Nah, Jesus never used all that junk prayer but conformed to the standard  which would be later introduced by the Apostles in their Apostolic writings. Isn’t it hilarious, that just when you thought you had the Devil bound and told him in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from you and your family: he just bounces right back to your face? And what do you usually do? You start right from the beginning and shout the same spiritual profanity at the Devil and his demons, reminding Him just how useless and defeated he was and how you now stand on his head by giving him no more space to ruin your miserable life! Right? Wrong! Yea, yea, go ahead and laugh at yourself, it’s not sin to do so. Hahaha, they say: The Devil always lurks behind the Cross! Look out.

When the Apostles were hunted down like animals and persecuted for their testimony, they didn’t bind the Devil either, just like their Master never did too. Therefore, if Jesus and His Anointed Apostles never had power to bind the Devil: where the hell did you find yours? Listen to me, I say: Kenneth Copeland, you don’t have any power to bind the Devil! T.D. Jakes, Jesus didn’t delegate any authority upon you to bind and loose anything in Heaven and on Earth! Creflo Dollar, you ain’t one of the original Apostles and you have absolutely nothing to add to the already Completed New Testament Bible. I hear the Apostles and heed their words because Jesus gave them power to bind and loose anything they decided upon for the Church to follow as the Principle of God’s Written Word. ABSOLUTELY!

Hear ye, hear ye: This prayer is not recognized in Heaven because God has not given any authority or power to any man: living or dead, to bind the Devil. PLEASE CEASE AND DESIST FROM SAYING THIS FLIPPANT PRAYER BECAUSE IT DOESN’T WORK IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. YOU JUST CAN’T BIND THE DEVIL.

Revelation 20:1-3

1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him in a thousand years. 

3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he be loosed a little.

I doubt if you can even see this great revelation hidden by God in plain sight and all written in black and white for those of you who can read these words of this prophecy! This is the only first and the last time, when the Devil called Satan: shall be bound and loosed in the history of all God’s eternities. And clearly here, we find no man delegated by God to bind the Devil but done by the angel appointed to do this mighty job. No man and no speck of dust like you and me.

Hello, you don’t even have any power to command the angels to do any of your stupid biddings because angels do not take orders from mortals like you and me: except from God Above. The other truth you need to discover, is the fact that even the angels themselves: don’t have the power to bind the Devil, currently in this time and age according to God’s chronometer. Take a look at this verse below.

Jude 1:9

Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

The word applied for “railing” in this verse is “blasphemy” or evil speaking against the Devil with whom the archangel Michael was wrestling for the possession of the body of Moses. Please don’t ask me the meaning of all this contention between Michael and the Devil over Moses’ body because I simply do not know. Period. The important thing I wanted you to see, was the fact that even archangel Michael, the most powerful angel in God’s Celestial Glory: had no authority to “bind the Devil” but simply said: The Lord rebukes you Satan. Therefore, start praying in line with Scriptures and stop using demonic prayers which defy the logic of God’s Word. Learn to Pray Right at all times and God will surely answer all your prayers, promptly. Pray right.


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