The Spirit Of A Poet!
One early evening after returning from a supermarket, I was very tired and threw myself on the sofa to rest. Suddenly, like a whirlwind, my spirit became agitated with this extreme need for urgency.
I bowed my head and listened. The Spirit whispered and said, The Glorious Dead! Wow, what's this now? And like a daybreak from the darkest night, I remembered.
Ten years earlier I stood over a bridge and something strange happened to me. This is that story. I dropped everything and started to write as the Spirit gave me utterance.
I call this once-in-a-lifetime experience: The Spirit of a Poet!
I hope this brief highlight will channel your understanding into what I'm talking about. Don't stress this has nothing to do with talking to ancestral spirits but rather connecting with ancient history thru talking grave stones.
These stones looked at me and I looked at them. You'll be blown away when you discover how this encounter connects perfectly with 1st Corinthians 15. I write under the unction of the Holy Ghost! 😇
Remove not the Ancient Landmark, which thy fathers have set. While
standing on the bridge one bright afternoon, some few years ago; I didn't
realize where I was until I looked down below my feet. There was something
different about the immediate surroundings.
And oddly enough: felt like I was
standing between two Worlds and sandwiched between two Climes at the same time.
I had to establish the reason why I was having this palpable and mystic feeling.
It was too real and too tangible to just wink at and let go.
Looking below the bridge I was shrouded with this sudden calmness
as if I was standing in a drizzling rain, the minute I realized I was caught up
inside a Moment in Ancient History!
Oh Lord, this was one of the oldest
cemeteries in Johannesburg which caught my attention as if The Glorious Dead
were beckoning me to hear their Whispers and their Stories Past. I was dazzled
and petrified!
I stood still and remained oblivious to all the Hectic Life happening
around me. Cars, People and all the City Noises were happening in Real Time
but, I didn't take notice, for long odious minutes! I was caught up!
The Glorious Dead was the thought and
words which kept playing in slow motion while my eyes were roving over these Majestic
Tombstones in this Ancient Cemetery.
These Stones stood up and stared at me as if they were daring me: Look
at us and despair, we stood the Test of Time and pulled thru all kinds of Weather!
We’re still standing.
It was unbelievably true that in a
typical busy City Day: I stood daydreaming when my spirit felt connected to
these souls which walked on the same ground some three hundred years earlier.
Remove not the Ancient Landmark, which thy fathers have set: King
Solomon warned his own Generation and even down to ours.
There is something mystic about The
Glorious Dead if you dare to take a moment and think about the souls which
always make Time to stand still: the Cemetery ceases to be just another burial
The Cemetery is our Ancient Landmark which represents the Indelible
History of the Recent Past: where People of like nature, remind us through Serenity
the true meaning of being Human!
There are also Celestial Bodies, and Bodies
Terrestrial: but the Glory of the Celestial is one, and the Glory of the Terrestrial
is another. There is one Glory of the Sun, and another Glory of the Moon, and
another Glory of the Stars: for one Star differs from another Star in Glory.
The Great Apostle Paul was talking mysteries in simple terms which
sought to draw an adjacent line between the Living and the Dead. Without any further
objections, you will all agree with me: this was the case of The Glorious Dead!
So also, is the Resurrection of the Dead.
It is sown in Corruption; it is raised in in corruption: It is sown in Dishonour;
it is raised in Glory: It is sown in Weakness; it is raised in Power: It is
sown a Natural Body; it is raised a Spiritual Body. There is a Natural Body,
and there is a Spiritual Body.
In this part of the Scripture, Apostle Paul was talking about Death
and Dying for every human being in the face of the Earth. Death occurs to both
the Rich and the Poor: The Weak and the Powerful, bemoaned King Solomon.
In Death and Dying at the graveyards or
cemeteries, all the Dead are equal in the eyes of God just as they were during
their Lifetime. Over the years, all souls, and every life wind up Dead, and
gets buried in the same ground where we all came from: with only grave markers
separating the Poor from the Rich.
Our Grave Epitaph remains the sole witness to the futile life once
lived by the person buried underground.
The Glorious Dead! I shall never forget
that one afternoon, when I stood over the Ancient Landmark and overlooked this Grandeur
Centuries Old Cemetery: where Time stood still for me as I seemed to be
communicating with these Majestic Stones and felt the connection with People I’ve
never met in this life.
O’ yes, I talked back to the Wind and thanked God for making me
discover this most Important Moment in History.
I stood and gazed at the History and
History looked at me as if She was saying: We see, we feel and hear you Sydney: Thank
you for Remembering us! This all happened in 2012, I was Honoured and flabbergasted
to be standing in the midst of The Glorious Dead!
For I know that Thou wilt bring me to Death, and to the House Appointed for all Living. There’s Glory in Death and among the Dead! Yes, the Dead are Glorious! What a God! There’s Life even in Death… Sometimes, Yea, never mind!
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