
Showing posts from August, 2022


  WHEN GOD SETS FIRE TO HELLFIRE! While the 120 Disciples were gazing up towards Heaven and thrilled by the Divine Phenomenon of Jesus Christ Ascending to Heaven in a Cloud: there stood in their midst, two Men in White Apparel who promptly asked them: Men of Galilee, why stand ye and gaze up? This SAME JESUS, which is taken from you into Heaven, SHALL SO COME in LIKE MANNER as you have SEEN HIM GO INTO HEAVEN! Dear Father in Heaven. I’m just a mortal like everybody else in this World. I do not understand why some people fail to disseminate your Word Spoken in Plain Language for all to hear. We need to Read, Hear and Speak Thy Word in its Original unadulterated Glory! The Church and all those who call themselves “the Children of God” need to weep and repent by burning all the Books, Videos, CD’s, Fliers, Tapes and whatever form of communications; where the said authors and witnesses claimed to have seen Jesus in a Dream, Vision, Trance or even had Him visiting them in their ...


  THE MAN WITH NO NAME!   Moses the Prophet, once said… The things that are revealed belong to us and to our children’s children; the things not revealed belong unto the LORD. Therefore, it is the duty of all men to know and understand our limits when it comes to following the LORD! He hath showed thee, O’ man, what is good and what the LORD requires of thee. To do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. I believe this is not an impossible demand God made even for our own spiritual sustenance: Trust, Obey and Walk with Me… says God to man! The Bible is the Word of God. I have always insisted that you have to read the whole Book as a Series of One and the Same Novel; telling the Same Story: from Genesis to Revelation. There’s no Amen at the end of the Old Testament, why? Because it’s not the End of the Story, hence the Book of Revelation is sealed with an Amen! That’s the End of the Story God wanted you to know! There’s no more road to navigate bey...


  ABBA FATHER! Get out of your country now! Forsake your Father’s house and your Kindred and go to a Country I will show to you! This is what God said to Abraham, the man who believed in Idols and never knew the God who created the Heavens and the Earth. Abram, Get Out Now… said the LORD God without even introducing Himself! Abraham obeyed God in Faith. It must have been a very scary experience for a mortal like Abraham, to hear the almost Thundering Voice of the Almighty God, waking him up from his sleep! Wow, Abraham: God’s here for you.. wake up at once now! To Isaac, God said… I Am the God of thy Father Abraham. And to Jacob, He said… I Am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac. Moses and the Children of Israel knew God… as the God of their Fathers…God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Up until the End of the Old Testament Episode… God was always seen as a God of Wrath and Judgement! People feared Him in order to save their own skins and not because of...


  NOTHING COMPARES! Old Lucifer in his wicked ambitions, thought he had what it takes to pull a coup against the Almighty God. I will lift up my throne above the Stars of God and be like the Almighty, so the fool thought to himself! His exclusive and customized beauty and privileged rights to be the only angel to walk in the Garden of God misled him to believe he was now equal with God. Lucifer like all the other Heavenly Creatures, did not possess any throne: only God has a Throne in Heaven. God judged Lucifer and one third of the angels who followed him and charged Archangel Michael, to drive them out of His Heaven. Right up to this day, Lucifer the Devil, has never stopped dreaming of becoming god. His dream is perpetual and will eventually ends in the Lake of Fire at the Judgement Day! We live in the largest Graveyard; we call the Earth. Our World is littered with Ancient Relics representing man’s failure as they attempted to be like God, in their so-called Civilization...


  LET’S TALK… FOR REAL NOW! Hello my Friend! In my mind’s recollection I still remember telling you that, Life is what Life is, and not what Life used to be! Is that a nod from you? Thank you for remembering. Well, just how do I begin to tell how this World of ours has been altered and disfigured into this caricatured beast no one can still identify with. Looking back from where it all began, God had the grandest idea for this World until Adam, our Progenitor, messed up and Surrendered his Legitimacy to the Devil. The Creation Story is still as fascinating as it was in all its Glory, even before Adam’s Fall into sin! The Wicked Evolution of Man resulted from the Evolution of Sin which replaced God in man’s heart. It’s hard for many people to understand the simple rule of thumb even when talking about the Almighty God. How can God allow sin to tear down this Divine Bridge which existed between Him and His own Creation in Adam? You see, unlike man; God cannot break His Word b...


  My Story, Your Story! God the Almighty, never ceases to surprise me every time He inspires me to share my Life Story with my Audience all around the World. Let us make man in our Image and our Likeness... The Godhead thought to Themselves in Genesis. Every Narrative which covers these Pages of Life, always begins with a single thought and grows into a bigger picture developing into a Full Life Story lived in Real Life. This time around was no different to all my previous Narratives. I never entertained this idea based on my True Life Story until very late in the Afternoon, Yesterday. The Spirit guides my fingers in every line I write, even as I find myself struggling to connect the dots between each stanza. Believe it or not, most of the times, what I'm writing doesn't even make sense till I reach the last line and period. I just keep going until the anointing or inspiration recedes. Thank You All for taking your precious time to read my story, I'm bound by your commitmen...


  II TIMOTHY CHAPTERS II AND III! Thou therefore my son, be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among Many Witnesses, the same commit thou to Faithful Men, who shall be able to Teach Others also. Thou therefore Endure Hardness, as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the Affairs of this Life; that he may please Him who hath Chosen him to be a Soldier. And if a man also strive for Masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he Strive Lawfully. The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits. Consider what I say, and the Lord give Thee Understanding in All Things. Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was Raised from the Dead According to My Gospel: Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the Word of God is not bound. Therefore I Endure All Things for the Elect's Sakes, that they may also Obtain the Salvation which is in Christ Jesus wi...


  HIS BLOOD BE UPON US! For God so loved the World, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the World; but that the World through Him might be Saved.   The Complete Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ is contained herein inside John 3:16. God’s Eternal Plan of Eternal Salvation for All Men, is hidden in plain sight inside these Divine Words. I am always amazed and flabbergasted by God, every time I read these Immortal Lines… For God so Loved the World! Not only, are these Words Powerful and Anointed but, the Greatest Miracle of all is that Jesus; pronounced them to one lucky soul: named Nicodemus, the Pharisee! Is it any wonder why Nicodemus’s life was never the same after that Immemorial Private Talk with Jesus under the cover of darkness? The man Repented and became Born Again as Jesus had told him. Nicodemus continued with his life as a Pharisee...


  THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE! Two women stood before King Solomon the Judge: accusing each other over a dead baby. The two lived in the same house and both had tiny babies of equal days. The two young mothers had a great party one evening and drank lots of wine and retired to their beds in a Dizzy Drunken Stupor! What reckless fools! Early in the morning, this one woman woke up before her housemate, and to her horror; found out that her baby had suffocated to death. She had accidentally laid on top of her own baby whilst under the influence and decided to steal her housemate's baby while she slept. After swapping the clothes of the two babies: the other woman rose up from her drunken sleep; and realized her baby had died! She cried and took the baby in her arms and smelled it as if to say goodbye. No, she thought to herself; this is not my baby! The arguments and accusations ensued after she confronted her housemate for stealing and swapping her dead baby for hers. They...