WHEN GOD SETS FIRE TO HELLFIRE! While the 120 Disciples were gazing up towards Heaven and thrilled by the Divine Phenomenon of Jesus Christ Ascending to Heaven in a Cloud: there stood in their midst, two Men in White Apparel who promptly asked them: Men of Galilee, why stand ye and gaze up? This SAME JESUS, which is taken from you into Heaven, SHALL SO COME in LIKE MANNER as you have SEEN HIM GO INTO HEAVEN! Dear Father in Heaven. I’m just a mortal like everybody else in this World. I do not understand why some people fail to disseminate your Word Spoken in Plain Language for all to hear. We need to Read, Hear and Speak Thy Word in its Original unadulterated Glory! The Church and all those who call themselves “the Children of God” need to weep and repent by burning all the Books, Videos, CD’s, Fliers, Tapes and whatever form of communications; where the said authors and witnesses claimed to have seen Jesus in a Dream, Vision, Trance or even had Him visiting them in their ...