After chatting with my Uncle Reuben via WhatsApp, I realized there was a need for me to write this Footnote and shed some light to what this message is all about. It's important firstly, to understand the Language and Culture of the People of my Generation because without these fundamentals, I'm doomed even before I open my mouth. Let me put it to you that, Open Mic is not just a Modern Culture; it existed long before in the Bible Days. The only difference between us and them, are the Times and Technological Advancement.
Urban refers to our Modern Times while Jesus becomes the Topic and Open Mic alludes to all the Conflicting Opinions Speakers behind the Mic say about Jesus, The Topic using and interpreting the Bible in contradiction with what Jesus is Really About...
Open Mic in Jesus's Day would be interpreted as Public Preaching/Speaking and our Streetwise Lord knew and understood the Times of His Generation. The Religious Leaders used the same Platform (Open Mic) to attack Jesus and failed miserably as Jesus fought back thru His Word, Signs and Wonders which they could not dispute.
In my Narrative contained herein this video, I'm mirroring the weed and tares planted by the False Prophets and False Teachers inside the Church: I juxtapose that with the Bible Narrative as it should be understood. All my messages are 100% Biblical and I try hard not to mislead my Readers in any form of Subtle Deception. I fear God most and spend time seeking His face and His Guidance in all that I say and write on behalf of Heaven. While some may find these Messages entertaining, the motive behind all the Music is to enhance the Reading and Understanding of God's Word thus, help to equip your life as a Christian in standing strong and immovable upon the Word of God.
The Open Mic is available for everyone to express their opinion as publicly as possible; all deserved to be heard or listened to and not necessarily agreed with. It is Public Debate which is as old as men. Apostle Paul used Mars Hill to Preach and expound his Message of the Gospel as his Open Mic which was opened to everyone who wanted to pontificate on any subject of their choice. Paul used the same Topic which was engravened on an altar...To The Unknown God! Hello, this was the Open Mic as we know it today.
I realize it'd be impossible for me to give an outline to every narrative I present in this Blog but, I can always make time for you if you find something you don't understand. It is my Duty and Responsibility to respond and attend to all the needs of my Readers. Please find below, all my contact details if you need to engage with me in accordance with this Blog and all My Original Works narrated herein.
Email: ziyekag@gmail.com
Cell Phone Number and WhatsApp: +27 65 865 9642
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Thank you taking your precious time to read my lines, much appreciated!
¬ God Bless You All ¬
If Jesus Christ
walked the Planes of this Wicked World once again, what would He do and say to
this Lost Generation? What kind of language would the Son of God use to
communicate His Message to this diverse and divided World!
What would Jesus say to the Haves and the
Have-Nots of this Greedy World? Will the Citizens of this World revert to their
History Books, correct themselves and recognize the Man from Galilee?
Would the
Atheists and Gnostics finally believe, Jesus is the Son of God after He'd
showed them His bruised body and nail-punctured holes in His hands and feet?
What about the Church, His People and those
who still claim they represent God's Mandate on Earth? Would they run to Him, worship
and kiss His feet or they'd simply dismiss Him as the Anti-Christ?
What about the False
Teachers, False Prophets and Bogus Apostles of this day and age, what would
they do or say? Would these Bogus Disciples curse and renounce the One who died
on the Cross, as an Impostor and seek to crucify Jesus again?
Urban Jesus Open Mic... This is the Story full
of holes, not bullet holes: but holes created and punctured in the hearts and
souls of men to Reject the Only Truth of God!
Well, it's been Open
Mic Season back then in Jesus's Days right down to ours! The Religious Leaders
of the day had the lot to say against Jesus and His Gospel even though they offered
no alternative to His Truth!
You can say what you want and even curse
God if you want to... It's an Open Mic of the Urban Jesus. One day God will
playback all your curses and the Rejection of His Son on the Judgement Day!
There are more Religious
People in this World than there are True Believers and Followers of Christ. There
are many ways to God: Jesus is not the Only Way.
God loves all people! Jews, Muslims, Buddhists,
Hindus, People from all walks of life: all go to Heaven when they die. Urban
Jesus Open Mic… Hey, there’s no Heaven or Hell. Really?
When I’m dead, I
am dead and gone and disappear into the Atmosphere like smoke! Urban Jesus Open
Mic… I don’t need no preacher to warn and scare me about Hell as if these
clowns own God and Heaven: I’m sure God will afford me five minutes at least;
to make My Appeal!
What about all the False Preachers and Teachers
behind the pulpits, who only tell people what they want to hear? What will your
haters do when God blesses you with a brand-new car and a brand-new house and a
new job promotion? They get a standing ovation from their Deceived Congregants
for all these lies!
Hello, this,
what these guys preach is not the Gospel of the Cross of Christ… They say all
these empty words in order to fleece your pockets and stump your bank accounts!
It is New Age Religion where the Deceived is placed above everybody else and
more important than their non-existent haters.
Urban Jesus Open Mic… When God is finished
dealing with your haters. They tell and you believe them, hence you’re now
ready to part with your hard-earned money and feed these grifters and charlatans!
Wake up thou fool; God has no time to chase away your so-called-haters!
Except a Man Be Born
Again, he shall not enter the Kingdom of God, said Jesus to Nicodemus. I am the
Way, the Truth and the Life! I am the Only Door to Heaven and No Man shall
enter into My Father’s Kingdom without Believing in Me!
Urban Jesus Open Mic… What you do with your
Life Today either for or against God; shall determine the kind of Atmosphere
you’ll need in order to breathe in Eternity! It’s all of Jesus Christ or Nothing. Urban Jesus Open Mic is just another Gospel…Come back to Jesus! Come back Today
and Come Back Now. Hell is as real as Heaven…the Choice is Yours!
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