But Seriously…
In case you find my essay a little rough and hard to ingest, please understand, that I'm not dealing with the words of men but the Word of God. Everything I say or write about has been weighed and balanced by the Truth of the Word of God: I will never deceive you to believe a lie and a false doctrine. I have been telling you through my Poems and Essays in these Pages of Life; that there's only One Doctrine in the whole New Testament Bible: The Doctrine of Christ. Others have been consumed by denominations: I'm Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist, Charismatic, Evangelical, Methodist, Anglican, etc.
Hello, I'm neither of any of the above listed colours since I regard myself simply: a believer in Christ. I wear no colours devised by men and affiliate to no man-made doctrines which divide us from other Brethren giving us the false image; we're the most preferred by God Above!
What about shouting the names of other preachers in public after painting them with a brush of being false prophets, are you not being judgemental, Sydney?
No beef here. These guys present themselves as if they hear directly from the Throne of God, hence they screw up the Bible when they put their ugly faces inside the Pages of the Bible. Why does Kenneth Copeland and other false teachers who have published personalized versions of the Bible: think it's important for the world to read their stupid notes? They scratch the pages of the Bible and add their stupid comments and pollute the Word of God. I have never bought any personalized Bible version.
Lastly, it's important to know that it was legendary for our Founding Fathers to call out controversial teachers by name in public: just like Jesus condemned the Scribes and the Pharisees openly! If we judge those who are without (outside the Body of Christ), do we not also judge those who are within (inside the Church)? Apostle Paul said these words when the believers of the day attacked him for being judgemental. I call out all these false teachers and false prophets in public, rightly so, because they are misleading the Church and the world in public.
I give you the right to call me out every time I stray away from the Straight and the Narrow Way of the Cross or every time, I misquote the Bible. I will not resist you when my conscience condemns me for the very things you are aware of, based on your knowledge of the Word God! I know it's hard to ingest the Truth sometimes, but it's the only way to God... And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free.
God bless you for taking your precious time... much appreciated!
But Seriously…
Did God really say: You will surely die the day you eat from the Tree
of the Knowledge of good and evil? The serpent asked this twisted question from
Eve in order to force a wedge of doubt in Eve’s heart!
But Seriously… Did you really
understand why God won’t let you eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and
evil? I will tell you a secret God is hiding from you all of this time! God
knows that the day you eat from this Tree, you will be like God!
But Seriously… didn’t God say… Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over everything?
It’s hard for most people to believe
that Adam was just sitting there next to Eve; and twiddling his fingers while the
Devil was pulling the greatest coup and misleading his wife, fully in his view!
Since the beginning of time, man’s lethargic and irresponsible tendency
to drag and hide behind a woman; no matter what the consequences might be and
failure to own up… is legendary!
So shall my word be that goeth forth
out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that
which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
You see, God never starts His conversation with a doubting adverb,
which inadvertently invokes doubt in the heart of the hearer. In the beginning,
God said. You will never find a single verse where God is not in a commanding
pole position.
But Seriously rhetoric, has never and
will never ever cross the lips of the Almighty God! Jesus Christ in all His
Glory throughout His entire walk on the Planet Earth… has never doubted a
single word or vowel that ever crossed His lips!
But I say unto you, Jesus bellowed! Verily, verily, I say unto you..
Jesus retorted on His words. For I say unto you… Jesus sealed His words with
the Heavenly Seal and Authority endorsed by God the Father!
But Seriously… can you point out for
me, a portion in Scriptures; where Jesus commanded anything to be, and it never
happened? I can tell you about a thousand things I commanded and declared, as
we were taught by the false teachers of this world: which never came about as I
had decreed and declared!
Decreeing and declaring has never been one of God’s Commands for men,
why? Because God knows we are nothing but dust! The word of faith teaching is
the doctrines of the devils, says Apostle Paul, why? Because it collides head
on with God’s Eternal Word and contradicts the Scriptures.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,
that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits, and doctrines of devils. Our Christian world is infested with false
teachers, false apostles, false prophets, false preachers who conduct their
doctrines of the devils in their famous and fancy mega churches!
I am here to tell you that you have been deceived by Creflo Dollar,
Kenneth Copeland, Myles Monroe, TB Joshua, Jessy Duplantis, Steven Furtick, John
Hagee, TD Jakes, Benny Hinn, prophet Bushiri, prophet Lukau, prophet Angel and
thousands other famous false teachers!
If you continue to digest all the
false teachings and doctrines of the devils, these people are polluting your
soul with, you will never ever experience the real Joy of the Spirit. My sheep
know my voice and obey it… the voice of a stranger, they shall not follow, said
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make
merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their
damnation slumbereth not. They make you buy all these nonsensical fetishes they
call prophetic products.
But Seriously… do you really know the
Jesus of the Bible, the Man from Galilee and the Son of God; who hung on the
Tree for your sins? But Seriously… did you know that John the Baptist was the
Last Prophet and Apostle John, the Last Apostle to die in the New Testament
But Seriously… hello, did you know your prophet and your apostle are
not recognized in Heaven, why? Because God has abolished these ministries after
the deaths of John the Baptist and Apostle John, the Beloved!
For the time will come when they will
not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to
themselves teachers, having itching ears!
But Seriously… I say unto you, Heaven and Earth shall not pass..
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