Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time!

Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time!

Time in our Universe is the heartbeat and lifeblood for all men, beasts, the Cosmos, and all life forms, animate and inanimate: surrounding our world of existence.

We owe every fibber of our being to Time which constantly monitors our everyday movements and assures us through vision and all the five senses, our life and presence still counts for real.

Time is invisible to all and yet nobody can survive outside her mighty arms because she determines the number of our days on Earth. Our sunset and our sunrise entirely depend on Time.

Mother Nature in all her majestic strides yields and submits to the Arms of Time. Without Time there’s no within and without.

I looked at my clock on the wall and the date in my calendar when my heart kept saying: I’ve got to go and see my brother!

My mind thought otherwise after checking the status and nature of that same day my brother passed away.

Naturally as you know it, it’ll be hard to find him home, but Time? I hoped for another day and yet, Time could not allow me another moment under her arms for us to meet!

Life is exciting and livelier when you think you have enough friends and acquaintances to keep you busy throughout each passing day. Your phone runs out of battery due to endless chats you exchange with all those people who matter to you!

It’s impossible and almost guaranteed for some people you know to call your line accidentally and randomly. You must accept this reality check, that nobody cares about you if they don’t give a heck even after you tried to reach out to them.

People, unlike animals, do not get attached to us for a lifetime: people forget people and move on as if they have settled somewhere on the moon beyond your reach!

I sat down and peeped thru this window of Time and try to push back her arms, in this invisible tug-of-war with myself and by myself… my thoughts exactly!

And wondered just how it could have been in my life, had Time given me the preview of times to come when I was still a crawling baby.

I believe it would have been easier for me to navigate through life’s labyrinth of incessant twists and turns without knocking my head against them walls.

I’d have sat down as a wise boy, moved all these pieces inside my chessboard of my life: and set myself for a guaranteed safe checkmate from this world of pain and the tears!

I’d have thrown away all the bad pieces in my life which pushed me over the Cliff of Time. Time would have given me enough time to sort out all the unwanted gene pool in my life.

Today, I’d be walking down the memory lane of age, with some heartfelt laughter and joyful dance. I’d be Sydney as Sydney in I, as should have been without all these other narratives, these chapters, and indelible pages of my life I cannot forget!

Falling inside the crevices of Time is falling out of remembrance by all the people you thought you mattered to. Hello, people forget people, this is life in her best colours!

Falling inside the crevices of Time is not the same as falling outside and without the Arms of Time.

Hey, I’m still here and can still see you through these crevices, dancing and enjoying your life as if there was no tomorrow. Do you still remember me? Who are you, nah!

Falling inside the crevices of Time is like walking alone on a busy street where crowds are pressing against each other for lack of space! You see these people and others even wryly return your smile but, nobody knows or remembers you!

Falling inside the crevices of the Arms of Time is like living alone in the world and the universe filled with seven billion souls! Talking to strangers and getting any positive response is harder than drawing blood from a rock!

People are busy, people don’t care and can’t spare a minute or thought for someone who has fallen within the crevices of Time: time ain’t got no time for them to reach out and pull you out of these crevices!

Keep on trying, don’t give up until you succeed in extracting yourself out to the open, where we can see you! Out of sight, out of mind!

Is it any wonder why our universe is littered with millions of people who have fallen inside the crevices of the Arms of Time?

We see them every single day, under our bridges, dilapidated buildings and in all the dark alleys where most of the carefree never dare to tread! We see them at our crossroads and in our parks daily, but nobody cares.

Jesus’s illustration of the Good Samaritan was not just a parable, it is a message valid and valuable for all times. A Good Samaritan is what God is looking for in each passing day of our lives!

You see, God cannot come down from His Throne and reach out to all the rejects who have fallen inside the crevices of Time.

You, you, and me, are the arms and the hands which God desperately needs to reach out to the fallen and the forgotten in our carefree world!

Then shall the King say unto them in his right hand, Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

For I was hungered, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in.

Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me.

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.

Most Christians today, believe that serving God is simple as becoming a member of some church setup and attend all services without fail. Hello happy and carefree Christians, this ain’t no Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God is more concerned about all the people who have fallen inside the crevices of Time, than He is about you inside your mega church… having nice time on a song and endless dancing!

But Lord, we never saw you knocking on our doors, no, not once except for all those dirty fellas who used to bother us day in and day out! That was me! Jesus will scream at them and shut the Heaven’s doors to their faces.

Are you with Jesus and His Kingdom or, are you with your pastor and your worldly church? Jesus is everywhere for you to allow God pull out all those fallen inside the crevices of Time!

Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time Written By: Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa
© October 30, 2022
Image Credit: Google 
Featured Title Track: Lights Off
From The Title Album: Dreams
Smooth Jazz Artist: Brian Culbertson













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