It would be unfair for me not to give some background and insight into how I arrive at these decorated stops.
I used to push against these thoughts and these urges to write since I found out that most of my readers don't understand a fig of what I'm all about.
The Spirit would wake me up in the middle of the night with burning words I couldn't ignore. I'd be sleeping and yet inside my heart, a continuous sermon would be so loud and clear.
Sometimes I be in the public spaces, at the mall, in the city or in transit with other passengers; the Spirit never stops whispering these thoughts and these words.
One time I told myself, that's it and it's final: I quit writing! What did the Spirit say to me? Hey you! You can't quit because it's not your Word but Mine that you share with the world.
I surrendered, one more time.
The last time, about four years ago now. I rebelled again and God said to me: you are writing for a generation yet to be born. These are the grandchildren still locked inside the loins of the 3rd Graders of today!
This calmed me down and filled me with so much peace. O God, these words helped me to look over the shoulders of this generation and kept me wondering. I wonder, a generation yet to be born... I write for today!
Since this last tussle with the Spirit, I have never looked back or questioned God. I just keep going in desperation to fill up all the unscripted pages God allocated to me till my last breath.
A lot of times, nothing makes sense even though my spirit has caught up with the intended topic of the day. I just keep on writing till my last stanza.
More often than not, I always find myself in awe of the very words I authored through my fingers. Amazing God, I serve.
This topic of today, is no different to hundred others the Spirit inspired me to write for you. I write about Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour and serves no man.
All my messages to the Church are a curved ball and might hit you hard sometimes; if you do not affiliate to the Bible, the Word of God!
I subscribe to the Doctrine of Christ which is littered all over the New Testament Pages. Sorry, I am no Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, Baptist, Adventist, etc.
All of these unfortunate titles were born out strifes and conflicts... they were started by men in their best flashy overalls.
I follow the Doctrine of our Founding Fathers and that's the Doctrine of Christ. I wear no badges, no titles and have no university diplomas to hang on my walls.
I'm qualified by God through His Word.
2 Corinthians 10:18
[18]For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.
God bless you,
Walking On Eggs!
It is said, the truth is the first casualty of
war; and those who win the war get to write and own the history.
Hello world, these are not my words but are out
there in the public domain for public consumption.
Words do not mean anything until someone reads
and digest them in their brains. Most people very rarely repeat words they did
not agree with!
The truth being the first casualty of war, like
a coin it has two sides which counter each other in the same presentation of
the same narrative.
This is the reason why decades later after war had ended we still
hear voices in the deep trying to correct the twisted narratives given by the victors
on behalf of the defeated.
We live in a world where disinformation is the
bedrock of everything we see, hear, taste, feel and smell.
That’s preposterous, I see you shaking your
head in disgust and in disbelief! It’s true, it’s true!
Look around and tell me you don’t see people walking around like robots fundamentally
agreeing with everything that is untrue? Yes, even inside your famous mega
Well, what about our freedom of speech, our
inalienable right to speak our minds?
freedom of speech is only free as long as the length of your overstretched arms.
According to what they now call Neutral
Speech, you just can’t say what you want and use any negative adjectives as you
see fit.
Yes I
can! No, you can’t! You can no longer call a thief a thief; even though the
same bimbo has been charged and convicted for theft and fraud.
But where is God in all of these? Someone
asked. Emmanuel, God is with us! Hello, God has never left the world, it is us,
the world; which deserted Him!
For the Law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth
came by Jesus Christ.
also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the Letter, but
of the Spirit: for the Letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.
Jesus is the centre of everything in everything that
has to do with God: the Truth!
Law of Moses was subject to human interpretation error and a lot harder to admit after judgement was handed
down by a mortal judge!
Jesus came down to give us Grace and Truth, which is the
whole essence of His Being beyond just mere symbolism as the Law.
We cannot
understand the meaning of Grace as sinners since it is way beyond our guilty
consciences can contemplate.
The Truth of Jesus helps us to finally believe and
accept that God has forgiven our sins through His Son.
long ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their
scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
The simple, the scorners and fools, are deceived
people inside the churches who believe everything they hear, see, feel, taste and
no church for our church! If you don’t believe these lines then, you’re not a
true member of your church!
You cannot find the Truth of Jesus in most churches of
today. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, said Jesus about Himself. Are you
with Jesus or with your church?
stopped believing in church denominations many years ago because of these
twists and turns of confused doctrinal conflicts.
If Jesus needed Bible Schools to help Him build His
Church; He would have commissioned His Apostles to establish plenty of them!
I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church;
and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
For we can do nothing against the Truth but for the
Truth, cried Apostle Paul.
of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are All Things: to Whom be Glory forever.
I choose to Preach Christ Crucified and stand on His solid
Word than to walk on eggs of compromise in order to gain fame and ill-gotten riches
thereafter lose my soul!
pastor, bishop, teacher, prophet and apostle have chosen to carefully walk on eggs
of lies than to upset you.. their golden goose!
They need your money more than God needs your soul to
save you from the clutches of Hell.
we are not as many, which corrupt the Word of God: but as of Sincerity, but as
of God, in the sight of God Speak we in Christ.
Picking up my own Cross and follow the Footprints of Christ,
is a choice I made long ago. I do not collect tithes and offerings from anyone out
there. I owe no man, as Paul commanded.
a lot easier for me to bother you with the Truth of Christ than to try to walk
on eggs and feed off the crumbs which fall from your prosperity table.
My laptop is out of commission and I find myself very limited
but, I know God will make a way for me.
walk on eggs and tell us we’re beautiful, hey! You can keep your money!
There’s no difference between today’s churches and
casinos. They all spend 24hrs counting money. What Apostasy!
Early Church counted the number of souls God added daily! O Lord, that was the
True Church!
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