Ho Ho-Ho You Got Played!
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that Day
Shall Not Come, except there come a Falling Away First, and that Man of Sin be
revealed, the Son of Perdition.
I find it very fascinating how some false teachers are claiming to be
experts on hearing the voice of God.
They always have a word of prophecy even for Donald
Ho Ho-Ho! You got played if you believe God is still talking to this
The USA is World’s Capital for false apostles, teachers
and false prophets. Roberts Liardon wrote the book, God’s Generals where all
the so-called generals happened to be all white and 100% American.
Ho ho-ho! You got played if you earnestly believe God anointed some phony
false teachers, self-proclaimed apostles and prophets… right after the death of
the last Apostle John!
Since the wake of the Day of Pentecost, thousands
upon thousands of man-made revivals have been claimed and classified under the
Move of the Holy Spirit.
Ho ho-ho! You got played if you still believe that God will send one more Great
End-Time Revival before Jesus Returns!
There will be none, zilch and no End-Time Revival,
according to Jesus. Apostles repeated the words of Jesus unreservedly.
For there shall arise false Christs, and False Prophets, and Shall Shew Great
Signs and Wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they Shall Deceive the Very
Ho ho-ho! Do not get played! Jesus Never
Promised Any End Time Revival throughout the whole New Testament Bible.
John 3:16 is the Only Revival the Church and this World shall ever witness
before the Returning of the Son of Man.
According to Matthew 24:14, the End of this World
shall not come until God is satisfied the Gospel has been Preached to every
corner of this sinful world.
The End which is the Final Judgment Day will only culminate after the
Preaching of the Gospel has been completed, only in God’s terms.
Jesus is Coming Soon! Just look at how messed
up this world has gotten!
We’re surrounded by transgender persons, lesbians, homosexuals and
chocking in same-sex marriages!
Ho ho-ho! You got played if you believe all the
minorities you condemn as the worst sinners among us, is one of God’s problems.
The Disciples knew their mandate and presented the Gospel as raw as it
was, to this condemned world.
Ho ho-ho you got played! If you think you are
holier than the transgender persons and homosexuals.
Then said Jesus unto His Disciples, If any man will come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Ho ho-ho you got played if you believe God has
anointed you to play a second fiddle under someone’s cross.
False preachers have put millions of their church members under the yoke
of slavery.
Sad to see how millions buckle under the weight
of carrying somebody’s cross instead of their own!
You got played! And just what will Jesus say to you at the Judgment Day
after wasting your whole life, running with the dead so-called vision of your
false teacher?
I got played in my life when I allowed my now deceased
and former immoral pastor to waste my whole future.
I should have been a doctor or some university professor had I only shook
off this false teacher’s cross from my tired shoulders.
Ho ho-ho! You got played if you believe God has
called you to finance the expensive lifestyles of your false teachers, while
you and your kids suffer in abject poverty!
Ho ho-ho.. Wake up from your induced sleep!
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