Wow, it took me the whole day, from morning to the evening to write this Passover Narrative! Needless for me to describe how tired my brain is now.

The Passover is the centrifugal part of the Bible which connects the Two Testaments. There’d be no New Testament without the Old Testament. The New is the Commentary of the Old while the latter acts as a cyclopedia for the former.

Over the years the Spirit of God has taught me to always strive to read and interpret the Scriptures in their same original context.

I do not believe anyone can regard themselves as Christian without understanding the Message of the Cross which owes its true meaning to the Passover.

Jesus came to die for the sins of the world thus fulfilling hundreds of prophetic utterances by the Holyasi Prophets.

I urge you to push yourself to the full level of understanding all my narratives in these Pages of Life. Read and listen well to the audio and see if God cannot teach one two things from my messages.

Others just browse through as in recreational reading where deeper meaning serves no purpose. Hello, do not undermine these Pages of Life.. This is my calling and ministry to serve you!

I dare you to take your time. You’ll be surprised just much knowledge you’re trending upon.

Brian Culbertson

A big up to Brian for blessing and sharing with the world your gift of music. You must know by now I am your number one consumer of your delicious sounds.

You are the Major Key and I’m just a minor feeding off your skilful fingers. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You make my writing a light work and less stressful.

God bless you all for visiting my space. You are welcome to explore my ever-growing library. I’m sure out of over 300 hundred topics, you too can identify with some of these narratives.


The Greatest Love Of All

Now the sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.

There was joy and jubilation the day the Hebrew Children left Egypt, the land of slavery. Wow, God has finally answered our cries and prayers!

The Land of Promise, Canaan which flowed with milk and honey, forever rang in the hearts and minds of the people.

Due to their rebellion, it took the Hebrew Children another forty long years in the Wilderness before they finally reached Canaan, the Land of Promise.

It was hard for Pharaoh to yield and keep resisting the will of God and let His People Go! God had to practically warned Pharaoh through no less than ten through Signs and Wonders.

The Ten Plagues wrecked havoc and brought mayhem to Pharaoh and his people. The slaying of all the firstborn broke the camel’s back.

If the God of the Hebrews can kill all our firstborn, surely, nothing could hold Him back from killing even me.. Pharaoh reasoned with himself.

I wanted to put it to you that it took the Passover for the Hebrew Children to gain their freedom from all chains and the shackles of slavery they suffered daily in Egypt.

The act of slaughtering the lamb and the smearing of the blood on all the door posts of the Hebrew Children’s houses; spoke directly to what God had already done for this World through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God!

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him, whose names are not written in The Book of Life of the Lamb Slain From The Foundation of The World.

O God, how I wish that the whole Human Race would gather around  the Cross and discover the Greatest Love Of All.

How God so loved the World and provided Christ the Lamb, to be slain even before the Foundations of this sinful World.

The Greatest Love of All. God’s Sacrifice for the sins of the yet-to-be-born World of Adam in the Garden of Eden. We serve the Only True and Wise God!

Just when Lucifer the Devil, thought he had finally found his “Gotcha Moment” with God... Christ Died for us!

But God Commendeth His Love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ Died for us.

We celebrate and commemorate our Passover which took place before the foundations of this wicked World.

This is Christ’s Passover which was confirmed and rubber-stamped by God more than two thousand years ago! For God so loved the World.

And He took bread and gave thanks, and brake it and gave unto them saying, This is My Body which is given for you: this do in Remembrance of Me.

Likewise also the Cup after Supper , saying, This Cup is the New Testament in My Blood, which is Shed for you.

The Greatest Love of All! I really do not have the time to tell you why they call Christ’s Passover.. The Good Friday and the Easter.

And it came to pass, when the time was come that He should be received up, He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem,

And sent messengers before His face: and they went, and entered into a Village of the Samaritans to make ready for Him.

And they did not receive Him, because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem.

It came as no surprise for anyone to notice that the Disciples were terrified and tried to do everything possible to persuade Jesus from going to Jerusalem.

Prior to this Final Lap to Jerusalem, there had been many trips into the same Capital with nothing to fear.

Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and All Things that are Written by the Prophets concerning the Son of man Shall be Accomplished.

Brothers, John and James asked Jesus if He would allow them to call down fire from Heaven and destroy the Religious Leaders who were plotting His death.

The Greatest Love Of All. It had to be upon His Holy Blood for all the sins of the World to be forgiven by God, the Father.

For this is My Blood of The New Testament, which is shed for many for the Remission of Sins.

For God So Loved the World, that He Gave His Only Begotten Son, that Whosoever Believeth in Him should Not Perish, but have Everlasting Life.

For God sent not His Son into the World to Condemn the World; but that the World Through Him Might be Saved.

He that Believeth on Him is Not Condemned: but he that Believeth Not is Condemned already, because he hath Not Believed in the Name of the Only Begotten Son of God.

All the People whose names were Not found Written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, are all those who rejected Jesus Christ on Earth before they died.

The Greatest Love of All. The Passover and God’s Provision for the Remission of Sins of the whole World. Hallelujah!

John 3:16... The Only End Time Revival the Church and this World shall ever see! Pentecost is God’s Final Seal by the Holy Ghost upon our lives.

There will be No Greater Miracles in this Life and in the Hereafter which will surpass God’s Greatest Love for the World!

The Greatest Love Of All. The Birth! The Works! The Death! The Burial and the Resurrection of Christ from the Dead! This is God’s Own Story!

But if there be no Resurrection of the Dead, then is Christ not risen:

And if Christ be not risen, then is our Preaching vain, and your Faith is also vain.

And if Christ be not raised, your Faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.

But now is Christ Risen from the dead, and become the First Fruits of them that slept.

Jesus made the Everlasting Peace between God and men through His Precious Blood on the Cross!

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be Born Again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Believe in Jesus Today! God will Personally apply the Mark of His Blood on the door post of your heart... Yes! Today!!!

The Passover Narrative Written By: Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa
© April 05, 2023
Featured Title Song: Get It On
From The Title Album: Live From The Inside 
Smooth Jazz Artist: Brian Culbertson 
© 2009



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