very hard sometimes for me as a writer, to be this busy and occupied with my invisible and futuristic audience.
you are writing for a generation yet to be born.
This generation
is still locked up inside the loins of the 3rd Graders of today..
their grandchildren and their children’s children
believe God impressed these words in my spirit one day after trying for the
umpteenth time to quit writing.
This is
the generation who will understand and grasp the gist of your message.
This affirmation
has completely changed my mind and attitude towards my commitment to God.
I write
with glee and so much grit on the ground for His Word. I’m not bothered at all,
whether people believe these Lines of Life or not.
I write
like the Old Testament Prophets. Their message didn’t rhyme with the people of
their generation. And yet they remained resolute and unfazed by the negative local
2 Corinthians 10:18
For not
he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.
believe in the One who has shut His Fiery Word inside my bones! I will continue
to write without delay whenever the Spirit moves in my heart.
Even now
as I write these notes, I’m supposed to be still in my Sabbatical but
yesterday, couldn’t ignore the fire when the Spirit moved.
Does God
even know that my mind overloads sometimes!
having thoughts like these when speaking about God. I am thinking like a
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I thank
you and appreciate every second it took you to read these Thoughts and Words.
wouldn’t be here with me if you didn’t care.
remember to always itemise my ministry and I in your prayers.
earnestly pray for you every time I sit down to write these Lines of Life for
bless you in all the corners of the world...
Much appreciated.
We Work For You!
Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom and the Knowledge of the Holy is
You first have to
believe God Exists before you can take a stroll in the Garden of His Wisdom!
cannot Fear God if you do not know Him! Wisdom is progressive and will get
better with time as you continue to seek God in His Word.
And before you can apply
and spread God’s Common Sense, the Understanding of the Holy One among your own
kind... embracing Knowledge is a prerequisite!
our earnest search for God as Pilgrims of the Truth, our hearts connect with
the Holy One and we inadvertently discover the truth about our being!
Instability and
inherent dependence upon the so-called the wise among us: always has some proclivity
of ending in guaranteed disasters of biblical proportions.
work for you, is a common phrase synonymous to dodgy political and religious characters:
where more often than not, fools go rushing in blindly.
Wow, it will take
another lifetime to go through the unfulfilled dreams and the panacea promised
by corrupt politicians when they begged the poor to surrender their votes, sleazy
see, in a Democracy, your vote is your only veto power you can wave against any
slimy politician trying to steal your freedom by over-promising in order to
embellish themselves.
Alas, for the lack of
wisdom and knowledge! Most simple voters continue to vote for the same wolves
to look after their sheep and national treasure vault.
hey, I am talking about the worst kind of fools here, the sheepish church
Jesus used the sheep
pronoun allegorically and not as in fully identifying with the sheep’s
only identical traits between Jesus’s Sheep and the common sheep is nothing
more than our nature of obedience and humility.
Behold, I send you
forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and
harmless as doves.
into the world cloaked as harmless doves and fearlessly take on the hungry
wolves using the wisdom of a serpent to convert the same wolves into sheep.
Going into the world
as sheep reminds me, it’s not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord!
thought of sheep winning a decisive and epic war against the carnivorous and blood-spilling
God never makes sense
at all! Since the beginning of time, men have fruitlessly tried to interpret the
Holy One through their own narratives.
is the reason why God since eternity past has been calling and inviting men to
sit down at His feet in order to hear the real stories of our lives.
And other sheep, I
have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring and they shall hear my Voice;
and there shall be One Fold and One Shepherd.
sheepish attitude is a required virtue and nature of a yielding man doing his
best to know his God through His Word!
Knowing God through His
Word is knowing and surrendering to Him through His terms only!
who at sundry times and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the Fathers
by the Prophets,
Hath in these Last Days
spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath Appointed Heir of all things, by whom
also He made the worlds;
being the Brightness of His Glory and the Express Image of His Person, and Upholding
all things by the Word of His Power.
When He had by Himself
Purged our sins, sat down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on High.
sheepishly ignorant church members! Jesus Christ is the Only Divine Son of God!
Who must be welcomed
and rolled in on the white carpet of your purified heart and soul.. not some
hawkish false prophets!
work for you church! God has mandated us to be the keepers of your souls. If
you leave this church you will die out there in the world, they scream at you!.
After wasting more
than a third of my life as a so-called church member, I have since discovered
that Jesus has always been waiting for me to get inside His Fold.
work for you! Sorry Preacher, it’s impossible and too expensive to keep on
bleating behind church leaders who only feed and help themselves instead of
feeding the sheep!
We work for you
church! God speaks directly to us, we’re His chosen vessels. The least you can
do is to pay your tithes and offerings without fail!
is God’s Will for you! Ours, is to be all ears to God for your own good.
For there is One God,
and One Mediator between God and men!
Man Christ Jesus; Who gave Himself a Ransom for all, to be Testified in Due Time.
We work for you! Only
fools still fall prey to this old age lie of the centuries, where millions of
souls are trapped in spiritual slavery!
cease and desist from trying Mister Deacon! I am way too deep into the Doctrine
of Christ.
Ain’t working for this
rebellious soul! I am beyond salvation when it comes to some wacky church
membership around street corners!
work for you! Please, don’t hang up on me, Sydney, please!!
For I determined not
to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified.
I was with you in weakness, and in fear and in much trembling.
And my Speech and my Preaching
was not with Enticing Words of man's wisdom!
and clear, Great Apostle Paul...
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