I know for a fact that these words of mine mean absolutely nothing to some of you. Even though some sneer at me and question my authority and command of these immortal words; you do not understand why you keep coming back.
I want to write like a dying man. Like Apostle John when he wrote the Revelation with his eyes gouged out. I want the generation I'm write for, one day, to go.. Damn what happened and what was wrong with the generation of this man?
You won't read about me nor see my face in some crazy reality shows. I want you to feel my pounding heartbeat in every line I write. You will feel my presence breathing hard behind you if you read these words and thoughts through your heart.
Sometimes I just love to throw the whole glossary of words right to your face. For you to decide what in God's world I'm talking about here?
These words are not for sale! They're never fully mine, they belong to God. You see God keeps me inside His backyard and barnyard where the Spirit whispers these profound words into my heart.
Decades later when you and me are dead and gone.. People of that generation will marvel and cry as they read these words. They will google and check my name, to see if they could find any news about this anonymous writer... All the search engines will yield nothing.
This is the Year 2023 July14th and if you are reading these notes fifty years later in 2073.. Please be rest assured that you've always been in my mind. I was thinkng about you and the people of your generation all these times I tossed and turned.
Let me run the gauntlet and flip the script at this lost generation. I dare you to read with your heart and stop being petty, despising what you can't digest!
How can I forget to acknowledge your exceptional music talent? I want you to know I celebrate your life in each and every narrative or poem I write using your rain-soaked piano genius.
Brian Simpson, you are my hero and I celebrate your presence in the world of Global Peace.. Your music brings peace to many hearts around the world today.
God bless you all ... Peace!
Teardrops In The
Tears of joy and tears of happiness.
Tears of pain and tears of heartache. There’s something mystical about tears!
My tears. These tears are witnesses to all that I’ve been through
in this life.
These tears of mine always gush out
in the aftermath. Pain and sadness precede tears, always in this order.
I believe tears are a desperate attempt of my sad eyes... trying to reach out for my aching heart.
My tears say to me... Dear Friend,
you are never alone in this, your frustration and painful journey of life to
nowhere. We’re here for you!
There was once a time in my life, when I thought I was on unequaled
footing ahead of all my misfortunes.
Everywhere I went seemed to glow with
the rhythm of my heart, I chuckled with muted peace within. I was happy!
Little did I know that there were still many valleys, mountains and
hills to climb. What about these racing rivers? I had to swim or sink.
Like teardrops in the rain, my once
overjoyed heart began to melt in this ever-present reality before my eyes.
After all, this beautiful and shiny weather was here but for a
season. Season change feels a lot like teardrops in the rain!
People see my face but fail to notice
my teardrops, I am weeping and yet they see me smiling.
Teardrops in the rain, it is but only I who can feel the heat of my
tears scalping my wet face. I press on through all the puddles under my feet.
I am walking and crying in the rain.
My sad teardrops are my only guide and compass in these shades of grey... I
hurt but no one noticed!
In that very desperate moment, slowly I picked myself up from the puddles
of mud I had fallen in. By this minute my tears felt like hailstorm.
Teardrops in the rain, that’s all I
am and have become. It’s been a great while since I stared into my face in the
Barely walking, I drag my weary feet in the dead of my saddest night.
Why don’t you call a friend... my
mind suggested. What friend are you talking about? My heart interjected!
Teardrops in the rain. Who can afford a friend in this time and
age, where everything is about self? At least I can take these teardrops for my
Sometimes, in my own fantasy, I take
them teardrops as a friend I never had.. . gently nudging me out of my slumber.
Come on, let’s go!
My teardrops constantly remind me, I’m never ever alone even though
it is I who carry all the pain.
Teardrops of endurance and
long-suffering! Isn’t it shocking how these sad teardrops stick around for the
whole lifetime?
Teardrops in the rain sometimes get louder than my voice. I am
crying and mourning bitterly but nothing is heard except these teardrops.
Teardrops in the rain. It’s amazing
just how I learned to evolve with time and turned them into my navigation tool.
Life in the desert storms where no civilization exists taught me to
follow the tracks of my teardrops.
In my loneliest hour when every
fellow human being had forgotten about me: finally, I can see the sparkling
light over the sand dunes.
Like a blinded and thirsty desert stranger, I ran with all my
might.. only to stumble upon this mirage of reflective desert pebbles.
Teardrops in the rain. I throw my
hands in the air, punch and kick at nothing in a rage of disgust.
My head bowed, I yield to fate... and to my wildest surprise, I see
my shadow sobbing too!
Teardrops in the rain! I’d run if I
could! But damn, these come straight outta me..
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