The Heavenly Pattern!

The Children of Israel. 

After spending about four hundred and thirty years in Egypt: they still had to go through many repressive years under Pagans oppressive rule and blood-drenching slavery! 

After rebelling against God, Israel had to spend another seventy years in Babylon during the same time the first Temple was destroyed.

The Pagan Romans rule over Israel lasted for four-hundred years and followed by Christian’s Rome and Constantinople reign over three-hundred years. 

The bitterness of remaining and treated as underdogs left this gull of hatred for Israel’s enemies which stretched over the years for all Jewish people.

As if that was not enough suffering for the Jews: the Ottoman Empire took over from the Romans and ruled over Jerusalem for another period of four-hundred and one years: from 1516 to 1917. 

In total, Jerusalem had been oppressed and lived under slavery occupation for well over one thousand years: incredible but true!

It is shocking to witness in unimaginable pain for the progressive world... to watch the descendants of Father Abraham... repeating and inflicting the same pain into their own brethren.

Own brethren?

Yes, a thousand times over.

 Both the Jews and the Palestinians are the seed of one man... Father Abraham.

Ishmael was born of the slave African woman Hagar, ahead of the promised son Isaac: born through Sarah... and Abraham blessed them both.

I am sure God was well aware of all this blood spilling and destruction the world is witnessing today.

If the Almighty God saw Ishmael as a proper child like Moses when he was discovered inside the Nile river by Pharaoh’s daughter...

Therefore and by the same token, Ishmael’s blood continues to flow inside the veins of all Palestinians today.

Benjamin Netanyahu and his army brigades cannot and will not be able to wipe off the Palestinians from the face of the earth.

The same way Adolf Hitler failed in his evil ploys to destroy the Jews... Today’s modern Israel will not be able to do what God prohibited from taking place.

Right to this day, I continue to say: The Arab-Jewish Impasse remains unresolved: the final solution hereof acts as a Prophetic Precursor right to the End of the World! 

The Jews and the Palestinians are all sons of Abraham, and the conflict goes on till someone removes the thorn in their flesh.

The Heavenly Pattern.

It is almost impossible to talk about peace in the world without drawing a parallel between Israel and Palestine.

I dare unequivocally say to all under the sound of my voice... just as human life began in the Middle East of Africa... and so the final world war and the  end of this world will take place there!

Going back to the wilderness where we find Prophet Moses camping and waiting for God’s further instructions.

In the interim, God wanted Moses and the Children of Israel to build for Him a Sanctuary, the Tabernacle where God can dwell in the midst of His people.

The Heavenly Pattern.

The Tabernacle.

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

Speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering. Of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering.

You see, even God couldn’t demand an offering even though He remains the Creator of everything seen and unseen.

Unlike these greedy money-grabbers in our churches.... God, in Old Testament asked Moses to take an offering from every willing heart.

O what a God we serve.

And this is the offering which ye shall take of, and silver, and brass,

And blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair,

And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood,

Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense,

Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the breastplate.

When God told His Prophet to take an offering for Him... You must know that it is high tides.

And let them make me a Sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

According to all that I shew thee, after the Pattern of the Tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.

The Heavenly Pattern.

You see, it was never necessary for Moses to be caught up into Heaven like Paul because God had come down upon the Mount.

Everywhere God goes, Heaven follows Him around because God is all Heaven and Heaven is God!

The Tabernacle.

God revealed a glimpse of Himself when He showed Prophet Moses the Tabernacle.

Heaven is my Throne and the Earth is my footstool, God said about Himself.

It is beyond human comprehension to imagine and frame the Almighty God in our puny souls and minds.

The Heavenly Pattern.

God wanted to dwell in the midst of His people every single day and night. 

This then explains the reasons why the Tabernacle was strategically placed in the middle of the camp.

And thou shalt rear up the Tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was shewed thee in the Mount.

Once upon a time, the Children of Israel looked up and watched with fear as they witnessed nature crackling under the Presence of God.

Earthquakes, thunders, lightnings and  mighty winds, all heralding the Presence of God on top of the Mount..

For we know that the Whole Creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

Even the ground of this Earth is heavily drenched with blood spill across over the ages... 

From the innocent blood of Abel to the slaughter of the innocents... Palestinian women and children and in all 46 active current wars around the Globe.

The Tabernacle.

Was God’s  Palace in the centre of the camp of the Children of Israel. The Pillar of Cloud by day and Pillar of Fire by night.

And thou shalt rear up the Tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was shewed thee in the Mount. 

And thou shalt put the Mercy Seat upon the Ark of the Testimony in the Most Holy Place.

 Moses on the Mount... in Heaven!

Just for the record, please allow me to say to all and sundry...

That Prophet Moses was the Only Human Being in the History of the Bible to this day... 

to be commanded by God to build Him any physical structure.

Hey. What about the Temple?

Well, the Temple was David’s ambitious dream to build God a house after witnessing the heathens worshipping their gods in their temples.

The Tabernacle.

Was God’s only Dwelling Place on Earth and in Heaven.

This is the reasons why the Apostles never built any churches. 

 Jesus commanded them to Preach the Gospel throughout the World and not go out there and build golden calves.

The Heavenly Pattern became the Apostolic Pattern which the modern day church had abandoned....

They went on to introduce doctrines of demons where Christians ceased to be Believers... and became members of the sect and cult.

I am Pentecostal, what are you? I am  Baptist. I am Adventist, I am Methodist . Well, I am Charismatic... and blah blah blah!

All of the above have nothing to do with the Tabernacle of God.... God dwelling in the midst of His people... The Body of Christ.

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread from House to House, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.

Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved.

There’s  a great swelling movement across the world of Believers who are going back to the Original Pattern of the Apostles.

Breaking bread from house to house...

No mega churches, no expensive auditoriums and three story buildings.

And I will make an Everlasting Covenant with them... that I will not turn away from them, to do them good. 

But I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me.

This prophecy was fulfilled as God promised through Prophet Jeremiah.. Israel thought they had the monopoly on God and instead.... 

The Jews rejected Christ as the Messiah and crucified Him.

Unto you therefore which believe He is Precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the Stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the Head of the Corner.

This is Jesus Christ Today, Yesterday and Forever.

God lives inside our hearts through the Holy Ghost which breathed new life in us and made us the New Creation in Christ 

We are the Tabernacle of God through Christ!.

The Tabernacle Written By: Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa 
© May 26th, 2024
Featured Title Song: Rosalie
From The Title Album: Ivory Coast 1988
Smooth Jazz Artist: Bob James 
© 1988




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