
Showing posts from September, 2024


Sincerely Blessed, Psalms 144:3 LORD, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him! Sometimes I really do not feel confident like so many entitled Christians... like the Kenneth Copelands of this world: when talking to God. I would be praying or praising God when I abruptly stop myself and begin to wonder if I really make sense... when I say to God, I bless You, I magnify your name! Question? Does a fallible mortal man like me, have the power to bless and magnify the Creator of Heaven and Earth? Well, I do not know anything about anybody else but me. I do not qualify to bless God, simply because I need to rise above the Almighty in order to bless Him. I cannot declare nor decree any new thing which the Lord God is not. Man was created for the Glory of God and the woman for the glory of man. But hey, do not take my word for it because it never makes sense to praise and worship God. David said, Give thanks with a grateful heart! I am


  Between The Ears! Hearing in a newborn baby, is one of the earliest activated senses... even before this baby could see. Words get spoken out and start to reverberate around the head and get trapped between the ears before they make sense to the brain. Babies, learn to interpret sign language and by reading lips ahead of understanding the language spoken in their homes. Is it not amazing and refreshing that we learned to smile after seeing our mothers demonstrate their warm smiles and mimicked them joyfully kicking with all fours? Between the ears... Our North and South Poles... sustaining our lives through balanced intelligence. It is hard for me to believe that the balance exerted by my feet originate from the water level maintained between my ears. Nobody understands Trigonometry more than God. Hello. Our bodies and beings are 100% mathematical and 100% Physics. Between the ears... In case no one ever told you this… not even your teachers. Every single person i


  It’s Complicated Hello friends and foes! This is Pikelela speaking.... People can be friendly towards you without the crazy gut feeling of being your friends. And in the same way... on the flip side of the same coin. Your enemies don’t have to send their notice of intent which says... Hey, You. Be advised that from this point onwards... you have entered our Hate Avenue. And boy! Are we going to dish out these hate-filled salads for you? You will feel it from your head right down to your toes. Hear us well... we stand ten toes down for your destruction under these blue skies. We call on all kinds of bad weather upon your miserable life... Heavy storms, tornadoes, volcanoes, finger-toe-ripping frost, minus 100 zero temperatures for you. It’s complicated and I really have no intention to make it easy for you to understand these blighted lines of mine. It’s complicated even when juxtaposing these two nouns and two verbs they are! You can do as you please with