TO BIND OR TO RESIST THE DEVIL? “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!” cried Jesus in one of His famous Self-Quote. I am a Bible Apologist and truly believe in quoting the Scriptures in their rightful and original context. I have said it for the umpteenth times in all of my Social Media Pages that it's impossible to interpret and apply the same verse in one thousands different ways without falling off the tangent of the context it was originally framed: or meant to be understood. I know I’m using big words here for some of you but, it is what it is and the truth must be told that Jesus really hated to be misconstrued or misquoted hence He owned all of His words. The religious leaders on the other hand were not used to listening to a man or rabbi, who simply uttered words that they could not reconcile with the Law of Moses. And so, what did they do or say after Jesus claimed to be the Light of the world? They freaked out and condemned Him for being too ...