Life is Beautiful and life is Great! Don't take my word for it just step outside of your cocoon and check if the sky has disappeared from above your head. Can you perhaps still see the blazing sun rising from East to West? When last did you look up and realized that the beautiful moon is still smiling above your head every night? What about the stars? If you can count them that would signal the end of the world, as we know it! Ever noticed the beautiful soft and melodious singing and chirping of birds around your house every morning? What about the sweet smell coming from the fresh dew as you contemplate the day ahead in the morning? What about the babies and children? Yes, what about, yells an angry parent? Most people wish them away from their presence given all the Coronavirus Lockdown trepidations. Children remind us of the love of God, how He's been good to us and the privilege of looking back and mirror our past in the lives of babies and children! In short, all I'...