Lucifer kicked out of Heaven (Google)

Side Dish...
After writing hundreds of Expositions for my Facebook and WhatsApp Groups for eight straight years, I have come to realize that God has shut down the supply line or stream which He used to inspire me over all this time. It's hard for some people to understand my position and hence many have concluded that I have ran out of topics or ideas to write about and this theory they believe proves my unprecedented absence from these Pages of Wisdom. They scratch their heads and keep wondering why: okay, worry no more as I tell it to you.

I feel that God is leading me to concentrate on my manuscripts and get my house in order and start finishing all these unfinished book projects that have been lingering in my heart for years hence He diverted the stream within my heart to long for a new beginning. 

Last Sunday I was pregnant with a powerful message which I believe I needed to share with the world after meditating on the subject for a while: I felt ready to sit down and pen my thoughts. But God forbade me. I sat down to begin writing but God shut down my stream. Believe it or not, this is not that message.

You see, I just don't write out of impulse, I need the inspiration from Above in order to finish the thoughts swimming inside my soul. Without this oil, my ship won't sail!

I have always said to you that I'm writing for future generations that are sitting inside the loins of  Grade 3 kids, a generation yet to be born. I understand exactly which generation I fall under today: yours and mine because Solomon prophesied about our generation today. My messages today are read by a generation who don't give a fig or care: they grab it like a dog and run. I know for a fact that we live in a generation where truthing means little or nothing at all. Chasing after what makes me feel more comfortable is all I want and will always run after. We are hypocrites and fugitives void of  the Truth.

One day when I'm dead and gone and some of you rush to wet my casket with your crocodile tears by posting meaningless words of how great I was and how you'll miss the Word I used to teach (the very Word you rejected with all fours when I was alive). Damn, Lord have mercy! I'm going to slap your lying lips and give you the fright of your life that'll teach you not to tell lies over a dead person!

What am saying? I am saying that I live and belong to a meaningless generation of distant waving Jesus admirers that are forever afraid to embrace the Truth of His Word because they have been brainwashed to believe that God speaks only through their so-called pastors, apostles, prophets, bishops, etc. and nobody else should be listened to if they don't belong in the same cult they call "our church".

This is my generation...and I'm not proud of it!

Proverbs 30:11-14
11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.
12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
13 There is a generation, how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up.
14 There is generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy among men.

Today I feel like I have this open window of Grace to share these thoughts with you before I'm ordered back to my barracks of booking writing...let's start grazing and chew the cud later in the evening.

Take a short music break and listen to Andrae Crouch (1942-2015) singing from the grave: one of the most influential Contemporary Gospel Singer/Songwriter/Arranger/Pianist/Organist of our times. The man once described as "the laidback laboratory of the Lord". Deserving title since the man never studied formal music, his gift was divine from God Above. His compositions became anthems all over the world and sung in all churches across the denominational line. Yea, such was this man's stature!

The rise and fall of Lucifer...
Ezekiel 28:13
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee the day that thou wast created. 

the rise...
The verse above describes the way Lucifer was before the Fall and how God dressed and covered him with all the priceless precious stones. The light coming from the Throne of God reflected back all the beauty that was covering Lucifer every time he appears before Him. Lucifer literary breathed out beauty as he walked around Heaven: he was God's pride. This guy was the wonder to behold. Splendid.

Here's another thing that I want you to notice. Lucifer was in the Garden of God and yet the LORD made him look more brighter than His own Garden. Also note that the Bible in this verse isn't talking about the Garden of Eden as we know it. This Garden was in Heaven many eternities before God created this universe and the world before Adam's world. Yes, that's right, Lucifer shone brighter than the Garden of God in Heaven. This guy literarily provided the light and became the Son of the Morning.

I really don't have the time and space to describe all the beauty that God imbued upon Lucifer. All I can say is that, God was very extravagant and spared no craftmanship when He created Lucifer the Cherubim. This extravaganza have not been seen since: it was celestial wonder to behold.

One more thing to say about Lucifer before we proceed to explore his God given privileges as the Cherubim or the angel of covering which covers the Ark of God with his extravagant wings. Notice that verse 13 speaks of the workmanship or craftsmanship: how God added on top of Lucifer's celestial and matchless beauty; built in tabrets (tambourines) and pipes (ebony and ivory like the piano and piped organ). God synced Lucifer's heavenly vocals with all these built in musical instruments: there was no need for him to play them since they were part of his being. Awesome!

Ezekiel 28:14
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set the thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stone of fire.

This verse reveals one of the many exclusive privileges Lucifer alone enjoyed while his heart remained right with his God. He was the anointed cherub that covereth the Mercy Seat of God. He had the right to walk up and down upon the Holy Mountain of God and in the midst of the stones of fire. Indescribable celestial beauty. I really have no vocabulary to explain what God showed Prophet Ezekiel. Dazzling.

Ezekiel 28:15
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

the fall...
The verse above speaks about how Lucifer fell from the grace of God, it reveals the smoking gun and how Lucifer committed treason against God. Lucifer was perfect in all his ways till the day he was found with iniquity by God who sees in the dark and examines thoughts. From this day onwards, Lucifer lost his celestial shine and got kicked out of Heaven by Michael and his angels thus suffering the greatest loss of his life.

In verse 12, Ezekiel is ordered by God to write down a lamentation (mourning for the dead as in the book of Lamentations: a cry for those who died exiled in Babylon) against the king of Tyrus in juxtaposing the sinful fall of Lucifer to His meted judgement or punishment.

Like everything God creates, Lucifer was 100% perfect till the day iniquity or sin was found in the meditations of his heart. I sometimes wonder why the Lord always created angels and man to be entirely independent from Him controlling us with a remote controller forcing us to do His will every second of our lives. In this lies the Greatness of God if you've not noticed: how so? You see God cannot recreate what He is not, in terms of His Being and nature! Remember the law of Genesis, everything shall produce or reproduce after its own kind? So yes, Lucifer was produced by God after God's kind!

Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fall from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

This is God's Lamentation against Lucifer, the fallen Cherub of the Covering: after all the expensive glitter he was dressed and made him shine the brightest when the light rays from God's Throne bounced off and displayed a plethora of blinding spectrum of billions colourful celestial unbroken lines. I have already helped you to figure just how beautiful Lucifer was dressed up by God, don't lose the thought.

Lucifer means Son of the Morning. His appearance resembled the rising of the sun and the melting of the morning dew as he descended upon the Garden of God. Remember, Lucifer was the only privileged angel to walk up and down in the Garden and the Mountain of God? I'll tell you this: it's very hard for my human imagination to regurgitate the words I'm writing for you now. Yes, it'd have been impossible to write a single line about Lucifer without the eye opening revelation God gave to His Prophets, Isaiah and Ezekiel. Without these verses I wouldn't have a clue who in the world Lucifer was before he became the Devil as we know him today.

God cut Lucifer to the ground like cutting a proud, strong and tall tree mocking a small axe. He reduced the man who had weakened the nations of this world single handedly with his deceptions. Lucifer is no longer Lucifer from hereon.....he's now the Devil and the Prince of Darkness.

Isaiah 14:13
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in sides of the north.

Mmmm, what a very dangerous ambition for Lucifer to think he can unseat God from His Throne and even rise higher than Heaven itself: take over the mount of congregation (I suppose this is where only the Godhead used to meet and Lucifer was afforded the sole opportunity to have a glimpse of this Divine Board Meeting), really? Yes, I'm right, the Mount of Congregation was based somewhere inside the Mountain of God where Lucifer was exclusively allowed to walk up and down. Am I shocking you? It's okay to be shocked as long as you continue to embrace the Truth I'm dishing for you at no cost!

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God....Oh God, I can see Adam and Eve believing the old serpent, the Devil when he said: if you eat of this tree you will be like God. Can you see what I'm seeing here, the same pattern which took place in Heaven with Lucifer thinking he'd be able to rise above the Stars of God when his coup was fulfilled. The Stars are the Angels of God, and silly Lucifer didn't realize that God had already ranked him as His #1 Angel: the over ambitious sucker is already above the Stars of God, he just didn't know nor realized that he was the most privileged Angel of God in Heaven.

After Lucifer realized his fate for daring God, as the Devil now: he gate-crashed the Garden of Eden (at this moment I want to be patient with the Devil because as Lucifer, he spent all his time walking up and down in the Garden of God being fascinated by God's Glory) therefore: it's no surprise to find him wandering inside Eden. Where's the pattern? The Devil tricked Adam and Eve to believe that if they ate of the forbidden tree they'd be like God and they fell for his lies and sinned against God. Adam and Eve like Lucifer in the Garden of God, didn't know nor realized they already looked like God since God made them in His image and likeness. Wow! For real now..

Question: If the Devil deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden then, who in like manner, deceived Lucifer in the Garden of God in Heaven to believe he'd be above the Stars of God if he succeeded with his cockatrice plan to topple God from His Throne?
Answer: Lucifer was deceived by his own thoughts and led away into the abyss of darkness all by himself; in retrospect, he short himself in his own foot. Lucifer became his own worst enemy.

Finally, and while we're on this point: I want to believe that way deep down in his heart, Lucifer already realized there was no other angel above him in terms of the hierarchy of God's ranking of His angelic hosts. If Lucifer never perceived himself to be just one step below God and already above all the other angels, he'd have never seen God as the only Superior Power and Authority above his head: to challenge and defeat to the Celestial Throne. Would he have done this if he was innocently ignorant like Adam and Eve? Methinks not,

Here's an extra bonus for you: God, in this verse even gives us the geographical location of Heaven. God's Celestial City or Heaven is situated in the North Pole. The North Pole remains constant in our metaphysical world, the cosmos and in the Spiritual Realm where God lives. So, if you want to reach Heaven, just keep on rising upwards the North direction forever without stopping: who knows, if you don't run out of gas forever; you might find yourself in Heaven. Chuckles!!!

Isaiah 14:14
I will ascend above the the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most High.

"I will be like the Most High!".....and God said, Dream on poor Lucifer. Not all dreams come true.
to be continued....

Think about these things while listening to Andrae Crouch, I pray that the Lord has touched you by His Word and will continue to do so in our concluding message next time as you yield to His gracious hand!

Pause: I'd like to place my baton down right here for now. It's enough trouble to read my thoughts for a day and I appreciate and thank you for spending these moments with me wherever you are in the world. My special thanks to all my friends across the Globe who always find some time to read these Pages of Life: in USA, Russia, Canada, UK, UAE, Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, etc. Please forgive me for not mentioning your country, the list is endless.

Copyright©2021 Sydney Pikelela Gutyungwa 


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