Ho Ho-Ho You Got Played! Let no man deceive you by any means: for that Day Shall Not Come, except there come a Falling Away First, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition. I find it very fascinating how some false teachers are claiming to be experts on hearing the voice of God. They always have a word of prophecy even for Donald Trump! Ho Ho-Ho! You got played if you believe God is still talking to this world! The USA is World’s Capital for false apostles, teachers and false prophets. Roberts Liardon wrote the book, God’s Generals where all the so-called generals happened to be all white and 100% American. Ho ho-ho! You got played if you earnestly believe God anointed some phony false teachers, self-proclaimed apostles and prophets… right after the death of the last Apostle John! Since the wake of the Day of Pentecost, thousands upon thousands of man-made revivals have been claimed and classified under the Move of the Holy Spirit. Ho ho-ho! You got playe...