The Heavenly Pattern! The Children of Israel. After spending about four hundred and thirty years in Egypt: they still had to go through many repressive years under Pagans oppressive rule and blood-drenching slavery! After rebelling against God, Israel had to spend another seventy years in Babylon during the same time the first Temple was destroyed. The Pagan Romans rule over Israel lasted for four-hundred years and followed by Christian’s Rome and Constantinople reign over three-hundred years. The bitterness of remaining and treated as underdogs left this gull of hatred for Israel’s enemies which stretched over the years for all Jewish people. As if that was not enough suffering for the Jews: the Ottoman Empire took over from the Romans and ruled over Jerusalem for another period of four-hundred and one years: from 1516 to 1917. In total, Jerusalem had been oppressed and lived under slavery occupation for well over one thousand years: incredible but true! It is s...