

Desiderata GO PLACIDLY  amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons ; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs , for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection . Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchant...


  STOP TELLING THE WORLD WHAT YOU DO EVERY FREAKING MINUTE: NOBODY CARES! This is the most difficult essay I’ve had to write even when it was as easy getting out of my bed for me, given all the drama we witness littered in all Social Media Pages. I really didn’t have to research much about this one since everyone who has a social media account knows just how much some of us are given to stupidity and the web of lies only possible for people who live in a parallel world where reality has no gravity: enabling these warped minds. What a false sense of belonging and a false sense of being loved when the same people who LIKE YOU in your Facebook post are the very first in line to stab you in your back when the ground underneath your feet suddenly becomes a sinking sand and disappears without the usual hoorays that you’ve actually got addicted to as the very standard of your existence in your miserable life. Life’s all about me and friends are your solid foundations. Mmm, so you think th...


A PLACE IN THE SUN FOR YOU IN 2021 AND YONDER! During the same time of December in 2019, Me and You and the whole World were preparing to be ushered into a new decade and the new century of the new millennium. People from different backgrounds and different walks of life were anticipating their immediate future in different mixed emotions complicated by equally accumulated anxieties from previous personal real life experiences. Festive Christmas was only a matter of a few days away, like ants, people were bustling, running around all over them places: earnestly preparing for Xmas celebrations, traveling in all modes of transport as if we had reached the end of the world.  It is hard for me and for most of the people today, to have the same enthusiasm after all the bumpy and rocky year 2020 has turned out to be for the whole world. Our usual mood and excitement for the Festive Season has been altered forever whether we accept it or not: our fate has already been decided as dictated ...


GOD SAYS: NO TO TRUMP'S ATTEMPTS TO STEAL ELECTION! In this YouTube video we find the moronic 400 year old founder of The 700 Club, Pat Robertson; spewing nonsense on God's behalf and spreading the lies that Trump was going to have his election loss to Joe Biden overturned. I called him a 400 year old because this sucker is nothing but a waste of oxygen and should have kicked the bucket decades ago. What's the use of having leaders like Pat Robertson who divide the American public by jamming God in things which have nothing to do with His Kingdom like lobbying for the most corrupt president ever in American history: Donald Trump? Well, on Friday, the Supreme Court of USA shot down the Texas Lawsuit which was dubbed as long shot and Donald Trump's final attempt to overturn millions of votes after failing in all lower county courts. It's shocking and mortifying to note that 18 Republican governors and some 126 Republican lawmakers signed on this frivolous lawsuit to s...
  My Thoughts! BY SYDNEY GUTYUNGWA My thoughts, my seconds, My thoughts, my minutes, My thoughts, my hours, My thoughts, my days, My thoughts, my weeks, My thoughts, my months, My thoughts, my years, My thoughts, my time, My thoughts, my breath My thoughts, my heartbeat, My thoughts, my age, My thoughts, my daylight, My thoughts, my blue skies, My thoughts, my dark clouds, My thoughts, my four seasons, My thoughts, my stars, My thoughts, my moon, My thoughts, my ocean, My thoughts, my world, My thoughts, my dreams, My thoughts, my words, My thoughts, my voice, My thoughts, my personality, My thoughts, My-Self, My thoughts, my smiles, My thoughts, my grins, My thoughts, my love, My thoughts, my hate, My thoughts, my faith, My thoughts, my fears, My thoughts, my victories, My thoughts, my defeats, My thoughts, my comfort, My thoughts, my loneliness, My thoughts, my compass, My thoughts, my destination, My thoughts, my future, My thoughts, my present, My thoughts, my past, My thoughts...
TAKE MY YOKE FOR MY BURDEN IS EASY! For the past few years I have done my bit as the Bible Teacher to school you on how easy God has made it for us to finally connect with the Heavenly reality through Christ. It's been pretty hard for God as He awaits the final realization of the Prophesied Messiah: after all, God was the first to even herald the Birth of Jesus in Genesis 3:15. Hard for God? Yes, not because God couldn't but due to the rebellion of men who inadvertently delayed God's Plan of Salvation by thousands of years. Still confused? Check this. Oh God, I just love falling in love with the Scriptures, they make so much sense to me and through them the Lord has saved and kept my sanity even when others turned away and left me cause I refused to relent to their false doctrines which wasn't supported by the Word. Hebrews 3:7-11 7 Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice. 8 Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of tempta...