COMMENTS Wow, it took me the whole day, from morning to the evening to write this Passover Narrative! Needless for me to describe how tired my brain is now. The Passover is the centrifugal part of the Bible which connects the Two Testaments. There’d be no New Testament without the Old Testament. The New is the Commentary of the Old while the latter acts as a cyclopedia for the former. Over the years the Spirit of God has taught me to always strive to read and interpret the Scriptures in their same original context. I do not believe anyone can regard themselves as Christian without understanding the Message of the Cross which owes its true meaning to the Passover. Jesus came to die for the sins of the world thus fulfilling hundreds of prophetic utterances by the Holyasi Prophets. I urge you to push yourself to the full level of understanding all my narratives in these Pages of Life. Read and listen well to the audio and see if God cannot teach one two things from my ...