Pushing Through To Nowhere! Life is a push or a pull. I believe this is a finite statement which needs no adjustments. How definitely am I with this? Very definitely! It took my mother all the energy in her reserves to push and kick this baby out of her blessed womb. I’m not very sure if I contributed and helped during the whole struggle. Babies do not get tired at birth because they were exerting energies of their own. These guys simply get frustrated, impatient and become distressed cause it took so long for them to be free. This is umbilical freedom! Pushing through to nowhere is nothing but the puzzle we’re all born to solve. Our scrambled pieces of our lives must be collected and unscrambled for our world to make sense. It’s hard to imagine all the sweats it took for me to be conceived and born into this world. Breathing and seeing the light for the very first time, was more fascinating than strange. I believe God capped the years of our life because He knows there...