A Word In Season! Hundreds of years ago in the Bible Days. A young twelve year old boy named Samuel was the Temple Assistant to the aging High Priest called Eli. While sleeping soundly one evening in the Temple, the boy heard what sounded like a voice breaking through icy waters... calling his name! Samuel, Samuel! The young man jumped to his feet and ran to Eli His master. After waking up the Priest the second time, Eli advised the boy to answer thus... Speak Lord, thy servant listeneth! And as sure as the sun, God called the young Samuel for the third time. The boy responded as was advised by the High Priest. Eli like many men of God before his time, knew that he could not bottle God and keep Him in his briefcase like today’s false prophets. And Samuel told Eli everything the Lord said to him and hid nothing from him. And Eli said... It is the LORD: let Him do what seemeth good to Him. A Word In Season was all that God wanted and waited for Eli to pronou...