A Sister With A Heart Of Gold! Gold is mentioned eleven chapters earlier: and listed over a hundred times more: the first and last to be mentioned than Silver in the Holy Bible. Heaven has more use for Gold than Silver. Heaven is Golden! I have a Sister with a heart of Gold: Like Gold, she'll never know her worth. Heaven's streets are paved with Gold and yet Gold has never been told. She'll never ever discover who she really is. Gold was designed and made by God: first to last and to end last than all the other minerals: her worth is priceless and everlasting. I have a Sister with a heart of Gold: Like Gold, she'll never know her worth. Designed and made by God: first to last and to end last than all her siblings Growing up as an orphan early in my life: losing my mother was the hardest blow any boy-child could ever bear. I thought and felt hopelessly motherless, until my Sister with her heart of ...