Physical Fitness can’t be bought with money, it must be earned through hard work, personal dedication and endless sacrifice. Your willingness and desire to keep your body trimmed to at least the acceptable standards you’ve set for yourself in this world filled with critics: who are never satisfied with whatever results we achieve.
Self-Persuasion is a different animal when compared with Self-Deceit. The former says after using the general common rule used in the world of fitness: I can do better than this and keep my body happy by shedding unnecessary weight gains. But the latter says: I don’t care what you think of me, my body is mine and nobody has any right to judge me. I eat what I like, honestly: the whole world can go to hell and leave me alone. I just love me being fat as I am. Did you hear me complain?
Hey, nobody is judging you pinkie, but candidly advise, you probably need to take a look at your mirror and see if your body will smile back and say: Wow, I just love what I see in there!
Wouldn’t it be nice if it was possible to simply buy fitness right off the shelves and thereafter: roll back to your usual self inside the carefree world of obesity where everything you do is perfect. You can eat like a pig because you have surrounded yourself with people of like nature and this is the club you belong in. It never bothers you why people give you empty stares as you walk down the streets while on your way to the Fat Club where food is king. Hello, I’m not talking about a Recipe Club where people share ideas of how to cook well and help each other to be good cooks. We can all be good cooks but not all of us can be chefs. A Fat Club specializes in junk food. You and your friends really love greasy food, I just wonder why you didn’t become motor mechanics and simply complete the axiom of Self-Deceit?
Gyms all across the world are raking in billions in cash money from idiots who buy annual gym contracts only to resort back to their usual corners of insatiable appetites and endless eating. These people buy these gym contracts just to relax on their beds and sofas: to eat more junk food, watch TV and sleep. Well, they have bought gym contracts and have been given access cards and certified as bonafide members of these esteemed gyms: others even have personal trainers inside the gyms and yet, they dismally fail to show up to keep up with the program.
Do you think the gym management will be worried sick just because you failed to show up for your exercise? No, they don’t care and won’t bother to call you just as long as you keep up with your monthly installments. You’re good to stay away when due because that allows the gym to squeeze in more new members into the space of these loafers: who sadly, are equally lazy as those who go AWOL. Profits are piling up in these gym coffers because of people like you who think they can simply buy fitness by joining them. We need to get real and stop living and busking in a parallel world. It's a lot cheaper than you'd ever think to keep fit.
Proverbs 4:23
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
This timeless verse by King Solomon, both speaks to our physical and spiritual heart condition. It’s a pun, has a double meaning: no matter how much you turn this coin, you’ll always end up with two heads. Physical Science tells us that the heart is the first casualty to suffer from carrying a heavy and obese body because it was not designed to carry more than your average weight. I am not a doctor but I think I can reason with you by saying: as your body swells into massive weight and so do your blood veins. Your veins get smaller and smaller, thus suffering enough blood supply into the whole body due to losses accrued (blood drop) due to fats and large body. In other words, as your veins decrease to abnormal size, your blood remains the same in terms of volume but thinning out due to irregular demand caused by obesity. This then shortens the amount of blood needed for your heart to pump and circulate and recirculate to the whole body which unfortunately, results in irregular heartbeats which could lead to serious illnesses, like strokes, low blood and hypertension and death. I stand corrected. Any doctor out there who can save me from my ignorance?
In layman's terms or language, means that your life expires or is cut short by your own negligence of eating without ceasing and lack of interest to engage in physical exercise. The choice is yours: do you want to live or die? Please remember that you really don’t have to be a world renown fitness guru in order to increase your chances of having longevity as you struggle to keep your body checked against obesity. Like a temptation, obesity and gaining weight is not so fast nor detectable but comes in very short drifts: before you know it, it’s almost midnight. They say old habits die hard. Be determined, be resilient, be persuaded and focused with all due diligence.
A brisk 15-30 minute walk every day can do a world of good for your health and you really don’t need to join a gym ending up paying for nothing while sitting at home and gaining weight like a grape worm. Grape worms are really fascinating creatures in life, I have been observing them since I was just a boy. They are very destructive in nature, their digestive system gets to process all the food in real time. What do they do? They eat your vine while excreting the same grapes they're devouring in seconds while you watch. As boys, we were tasked with hunting for these destroyers in our neighbourhood’s vines in exchange for a reward to picking grapes as much as we liked. These guys are camouflaged and almost invisible: green worms will invade green grapes while the red ones attack the red vines. How beautiful and incognito.
Jeremiah 12:5
If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses?
Life is a contest where the durable and the fittest survive. It’s all about survival. Sometimes it’s hard to lend a helping hand to someone who has sold their souls to celebrate bad eating habits like celebrating Christmas. You need to learn to pick yourself up and join the race of life. You can see people around you, how they’re trying to battle against obesity by running, doing long walks in their quest to improve their physical fitness. Without conforming to these simple principles, your life is as good as gone in terms of longevity if you believe you were made for food and eating. Food was made for you and your sustenance which in turn boosts your body organs to function as God created them to. Food comes after you and not the other way round. This is the reason why many people eat for the sake of eating and not because they’re hungry: if they see or smell food, they have to eat! Come on, don’t become a Miss Piggy and Mr Piggy: life is worth more than food. Agreed?
John 11:9
Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of the world.
Well, I don’t want to stick to the real context of this verse in terms of the background behind the story but, I hesitate to tell you that in short, Jesus was saying: make hay while the sun shines. He confirms what we already know that there are twelve hours in a day and twelve in the night. No man can change this natural setting: it stands forever. Nobody dead or alive, has ever breached the twelve hours provided by the sun and worked more than the day. Still confused? All I’m saying is, no matter how hard you can work, you will never ever be able to work more than the twelve hour day provided to all creatures by God.
Our day is the total of twenty four hours and starts promptly at 00:00 hours we call midnight. Our evening starts at 18H00 - 6:00 AM, but this nullifies the 24 hour cycle of day and night. Naturally, our new day starts at 00:00 AM but traditionally, we consider 06:00 AM - 06:00 PM to be our regular day. Therefore, our day is the rising and the going down of the sun. The stars and the moon (if it’s there) tell us, it’s night time or the evening on a twelve hour countdown.
I said all this mumbo-jumbo about time in order to say to you: please do plot or map your time in a day where you get yourself busy in some serious workouts like walking some distance far than reaching your damn loaded fridge, spilling onto the streets of your neighbourhood doing brisk walks or running to stay alive and fit. You owe it to yourself, there’s no one in this life who can do this for your body. You can’t pay someone to go to the gym on your behalf: you gotta be there physically, getting your body beat down to get rid of unnecessary fat buildup. Git yourself up and pull yourself together now. Wake up thou sluggard, it’s day time, the sun is risen!
Proverbs 6:9
How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
Proverbs 26:16
The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.
Sleeping is good for you but oversleeping is too bad. Seven men can’t convince a lazy person and give him enough reasons to be proactive with his sluggish life. The seven stand there as a collective for success and yet the lazy man won’t agree with them. No can do for this moron. Hallelujah, I make the Bible verses simple for you!
Jogging is fun and all good for your body: your muscles and ligaments will love it once you get used to it. It will hurt a little in the beginning but if you persevere and aim hard to achieve your fitness goal: you will eventually get there. And for the first time ever, whenever your set time for exercising arrives, your body will call and remind you about it. I’d rather have my body push me to go out and run instead of it getting used to screaming at me: I’M HUNGRY, PLEASE FEED ME! Scary, isn’t it?
Obesity was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a Disease in 2014 and reconfirmed as such in 2011. Therefore, if you stand in front of your mirror and see nothing but a load of hanging flesh around your body: consider yourself sick! I want you to despise and hate yourself so much that you are able to talk to that person in the mirror, looking at you through condescending eyes and say: From today onwards, I declare war against overeating and bad weight. I will stop being lazy, pick myself and work towards my recovery to a healthy lifestyle where I maintain acceptable BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is often calculated with regards to your age and scientifically predicts just how much weight you must be at: blood pressure, medical tests, etc. all considered.
Some of you won’t lift a finger despite all the information freely available in this time and age, till the fat lady of greasy junk food sings: and the doctors say, it’s too late, we can’t save his/her overloaded heart due to obesity. Pull the plugs, there’s no hope! Rest in peace.
Remember, do not believe all those lies you see on TV where the so-called reality stars deceive you that: you can be fat and fabulous. There’s absolutely nothing fabulous in being fat. When a block of flat or house is on fire, fat and fabulous people are the first casualties because they simply cannot run. They need someone to rescue and pull them out of the burning house or flat. I just wouldn’t risk my life if I was a fireman faced with rescuing a 300 pound helpless individual trapped in his/her body by all the food they worship as a god. No thanks, but thanks.
The Bible tells us to watch and pray: but I say to you in the same veins of the Holy Scriptures: watch your weight and exercise regularly in order to keep your heart beating all the time. Remember Proverbs 4:23? Guard your own heart. Exercise! Exercise! Exercise. I can’t say this loud enough.
This is Me: and I love Me, Myself and I. God sustains Me through the love I feel for Me on the inside. The World has never been kind to Me but I have done everything not to harm the World because I share it with You. You are the part of Me that keeps Me going hence God bombards Me with all these thoughts in order to make You feel uncomfortable about Yourself every time You hear Me talking to You! If You take my word for it, You will never regret You did!
Watch your bathroom scale because like your mirror: it never lies to you as your fake friends who say with fork tongues: oh that dress looks so good on you. When you really look like a hippo inside a G-String!
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