In 2022 I have written, composed and published more than 134 original works with a dozen more I have yet to publish. This is quite phenomenal and acceded all my expectations in all my writing history. Month July was the most productive where I wrote19 original works. I keep on repeating the word 'original' so you remember that everything you read in these Pages of Life is original, I copy no one. God said, Sydney, listen to me and hear well now: I am giving you these words and these thoughts to play with; the rest of your life! All the words you read in these Pages bear Testament to that. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for spending the greater part of your year with me. God honored me through your diligent unfailing desire and fortitude to read my stories. These stories I share with you, are completely wrapped around the Word of God, the Scripture is hidden in plain sight. Let me just limit my growing curiosity and proclivity to write endlessly by saying: I am offic...