If The Foundations Be Destroyed! If the Foundations be destroyed, what can the Righteous do? In this part of the Scriptures right early in the Old Testament, a question is poised! David wanted to know how could the Righteous stand without the solid foundations under their feet? When Moses’s ministry came to an end at his death, Joshua took over and continued in his own unique way as the Joshua he was! Joshua didn’t imitate and tried to repeat the miracles God performed in the days of Moses. Why? Because God is too Divine to do anything more than once! Moses’s ministry ended in earnest the day the Prophet earnestly died. God sealed his ministry by burying Moses in a private funeral and nobody knows where he was buried. If the Foundations be destroyed what can the Righteous do? The New Testament Church is faced with the same predicament just as it was in Old Testament. What about our Foundation as the Body of Christ? And are Built upon the Foundation of the Apos...