
Showing posts from April, 2023


 SABBATICAL MAY...  This piece will be my finale since I will be going into a month-long sabbatical in May. I need to detox my exhausted brain before I suffer a 100% mind exhaustion.  There's nothing as uncomfortable as that breakdown! Prevention is cure...  See you at the back of the moon in the month of June.  ☺👐 Just Like That! Ever wondered why a good moment never last long? Have you any idea why some people change their minds and opinions in record zero to fifteen second dash? I sat inside the mall minding my business in peace and quiet when suddenly a very large crowd of frightened shoppers came running through. I remained patched onto my bench since by nature I just don’t panic in the eye of danger. A guard with a money bag and all guns drawn drifted past me shooting at the robbers. In a split second I realized this was an attempted robbery happening in real time. I calmly stood up as if there was no threat of imminent danger around me. Just ...


  One Fine Day In One Day! And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.   And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died. Methuselah is the record-holder in human race for unmatched longevity. As the Lord liveth, you all know that God never uses the human calendar to number our days. One day with God is as thousand days and a thousand days as one day! Well, I know it’s hard for some of you to grasp the truth and reality behind these words! My Dearest Aunt passed away at the age of one hundred and two years of November 2022. According to God, her sun rose up in 1920 and went down in 2022. Her one hundred and two years equalled one full day. She’s the record holder of the longest day in our family!   Rest In Peace my Dearest Great Aunt! Miss and love you for always!   One fine day in one day! God took six day to create our world and rested on the eve of the seventh day after creati...


  Recommended Similar Narrative. .  I know many of you failed to grasp my message when I wrote Shadows And Footprints, thank God for this latest narrative.  If I must tell you the truth when writing Shadows And Footprints, the Spirit of God really apprehended my heart, all the way.  I wrote every verse in literal tears as my eyes began to open up and see the reality of what really happened when Adam tried to run from God.  I just keep going and writing these narratives simply because they rhyme with the Word of God. I will keep on keeping on writing until my last breath.  The Spirit whispers these Thoughts and Words into my heart and there's no two way about it. I am because God is..  I dare all those who think I'm crazy, to please provide me with any link where I can find these exclusive narratives posted in any of your famous false teachers and false prophets websites. Yea, I dare you for real now!  I am climbing Jacob's Ladder and there's stil...


PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD ..  The Rose Of Sharon I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valleys. As the lily among   the thorns so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love. His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me. I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please. The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he stands behind our wall, he looks forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice. My beloved spake and said unto me, Rise up ...


PLEASE SHARE  WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD... HELP ME SPREAD THE WORD!    Invisible Walls Of Pain! Love is stronger than death, King Solomon said these profound words in the Book of Songs. Perhaps, it’s the rhythmic rhyme thereof people find more intoxicating than the actual meaning of the same. If you asked me, what Solomon meant exactly when he said, love is stronger than death. I really don’t know. It’s a little bit harder to find a connection between love and death. What about pain, is there a cure for emotional and spiritual pain in the world?  These walls of pain recognize no class: rich, poor, educated or illiterate, matters not! I believe our world would be a better place for all who live in, if pain was just another controllable common disease. Here, take two of these pills three times a day. If you don’t feel better after seven days, please come back to me! Your loving and caring doctor would have said these words to you. If the pain in your ...


Zero To One Hundred In A Minute! Getting one out of two is achievement and the least one can afford. In my better days and form it would have been three out of two. In case you think there’s some cheating involved here, I will repeat the same feat in real time for you. Believing without seeing is better than hope after defeat! This road of life demands I always come prepared for anything designed to chip off my good pace. Speed was designed to kill time wasting in order to save time. Really? Walking jaggedly inside these tired shoes while standing on equally tired feet always feels like cutting corners in a straight road! Why I never feel as confident when walking and running?   Zero to one hundred in a minute! Doctors told me that my feet were designed for all kinds of terrain, all I needed was wisdom to apply the correct technique for different surfaces. Why does contemplation sometimes seem to be at odds with concentration? How prepared do I get after having to...


Recommendation..  May I suggest for you to have a checkout on my two other works which might interest you. Just to add on the power of the Spoken Word, I believe in being original.  God is Original and has never repeated nor uttered the same word twice. Please check the following topics in the links below.  These Words And These Lines Are Mine !   Sydney's Wisdom Chest 1.0 This World Without Me! Just when does a thought become one? What good is a body without a functioning brain? Is it possible for one to walk back one’s thoughts? Abstract thinking informs me that every single thought comes in a plural. There can never be a solo thought which lands itself in its raw form without assist from others. This world thrives and earned its meaning from you and I being around and evolving within its solar complexities. We’re conceived and eventually born into this world, continue to grow, age and die through the ambits of time. This world without me doesn’t exist ...


REFLECTIONS   Just when I thought I got my composure back in its place, the Spirit more often than, whispers to my heart. I've had a very busy Easter week after spending two full consecutive days writing and only afforded to retire at 01:00 AM each day.  Every time I feel the need to write a story song, common sense dictates I become that character in every sense of the word.  I was traveling in a bus this Easter when suddenly, the story of Barabbas hit me. I tried to push it away but, NO! I believe the Spirit whispered to my still small voice. I had to comply.  The following narrative is the product of that struggle I had in the bus with the Spirit demanding I put this in writing.  The story of Barabbas has been told in many different ways. The most prevailing notion is that Barabbas was nothing but just a dirty rober.  Would you believe it if I told you, I had to delete no less than eight paragraphs during my time of writing this piece? These stanzas had ...