

  In just one wink at this image, some of you become instant moral police and jump into idiotic assumption opining just how wicked it is for one to use these images in public for selfish reasons. But the same self appointed moral police ignore the fact that whatever is available in public domain is designed for public consumption. Don't laugh at obese people because you'll never know, one day it could be you standing on this pedestal of shame. I never laugh at other people's disabilities, not only because it's immoral: I don't do it because I'm also human like all of them and identify with all the difficulties they face daily. It takes a lot of courage for these obese individuals to come out of their closets and share with the world just how difficult this life has turned out to be for them. They feel like the whole world has moved on without them and now they're clutching to fading memories of how life once used to be. Like the rest of the so-called normal ...


  THE NAME ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES! Throughout the Ages, in the Bible days, God has been known by countless different names. And each of these names carried and conveyed a specific event which corresponded with that given or pronounced time in that of history! God Himself, had a habit of renaming people after He’d cut a Covenant with them. He changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. He renamed Jacob to Israel. Jesus changed Simon Barjona to Peter, the Rock! There are many Hebrew Names of God, I really do not intend to explore them in this little piece of cake or dainty. Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shama, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom, etc. When God appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush, He introduced Himself thus: Exodus 3:6 [6]Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. Moses didn’t know the Lord God even after he was raised by his own biological mothe...


  IMAGE: GOOGLE KIRK FRANKLIN'S SON PUBLICLY HANGS DIRTY LAUNDRY! Kerrion, eldest son of Kirk Franklin, the 16 Grammy Award Gospel winner and one of the most popular Contemporary Gospel singer/songwriter in the world. There are very few people, if any at all; who do not know Kirk in the world of Gospel Music. Kerrion is his 33 year old son. Kirk and his son have often had a very tumultuous father-son relationship over the years. This is not surprisingly odd to many open minded people out there: feuds between fathers and their sons have been in existence since the beginning of the first human family. Kirk Franklin fighting with his son, Wow! Hey, what's the big deal here? Is Kirk Franklin supposed to be 100% perfect, is he not one of us: failing human beings? Kirk Franklin sired his son Kerrion, with Shawn Ewing some 32 years ago. The two have been co-parenting in raising their son together. Kirk married Tammy Collins in 1996 and have two children of their own, a son and a daugh...


  GO..AND PREACH THE GOSPEL! Mark 16:15 [15]And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. For the life of me and the sanity of my mind, I keep on struggling with the setup and the status-quo going on in the world today: as far as the Church is concerned. Every time I compare the way our Founding Fathers, the Apostles conducted  themselves: in this same world we live in today: the more I see the great divide and contrast between us. I'm forever astounded at the no-growth and the lack of discipleship towards winning the lost.  Common World Statistics Current world population sits at 7,7 billion people.  2.8 billion are those who identify with Christianity  Therefore: 7.7 - 2.8 = 4.9 billion are none-christians Let's just factor into these numbers and try to navigate wisely and root out some weeds. Of the 2.8 billion population of the world identified as christians; numbers are crunched inside one giant melting pot of gen...


Image Source: Google GOD'S  FINAL CLARION CALL TO THE WORLD! I am writing this essay in the light of what's been happening around the world in terms of same sex marriages, the world of gays and lesbians. Perhaps you find yourself scratching your head and wondering why do I bother myself to address this red hot and controversial topic which makes the right wing Christians to boil a thousand times over and overheat like an old car. I'm forever perturbed at the way mostly, our American fellow Christians tend to have this inborn hatred for the LGBTQ People. These people almost feel like this is the only reason why Jesus died on the Cross: to have us Christian constantly attacking sexually oriented individuals and instructing this world on morals where even some or greater percentage of our leadership dismally fail.  "Anti-Gay and Anti-Lesbian is not God's Message for the World: TODAY and FOREVER!" Screengrab by Raw Story Just yesterday, the US President, Joe Bide...