

  Life is Beautiful and life is Great! Don't take my word for it just step outside of your cocoon and check if the sky has disappeared from above your head. Can you perhaps still see the blazing sun rising from East to West? When last did you look up and realized that the beautiful moon is still smiling above your head every night? What about the stars? If you can count them that would signal the end of the world, as we know it! Ever noticed the beautiful soft and melodious singing and chirping of birds around your house every morning? What about the sweet smell coming from the fresh dew as you contemplate the day ahead in the morning? What about the babies and children? Yes, what about, yells an angry parent? Most people wish them away from their presence given all the Coronavirus Lockdown trepidations. Children remind us of the love of God, how He's been good to us and the privilege of looking back and mirror our past in the lives of babies and children! In short, all I'...


  May 28th, 2011 is my 2nd Birthday when God smiled down on me and hushed certain death away!   It was on this day in history, a decade ago on May 27th 2011 when I survived a near death accident. It was a Saturday at night, I can recall so vividly as I was driving on one of the major highways in Johannesburg, M2 East, Durban. I was on my way home and cruising at 120km/h in the fast lane when suddenly, I had a check in my heart to reduce speed and rollback to the middle lane. I immediately obeyed without wasting a second and pulled onto the 2nd fastest lane and, before I could take another breath and contemplate this sudden move from very calm to red alert....Lo and behold. I heard a disturbing and violent sounds coming off my passenger wheel << glug glug glug >> .and without a warning: my left front wheel came off flying at 100km/h speed and raced passed me! Immediately, there was a giant flame of sparks coming from the metals grinding against the tar. I had alrea...


  Lucifer kicked out of Heaven (Google) Side Dish... After writing hundreds of Expositions for my Facebook and WhatsApp Groups for eight straight years, I have come to realize that God has shut down the supply line or stream which He used to inspire me over all this time. It's hard for some people to understand my position and hence many have concluded that I have ran out of topics or ideas to write about and this theory they believe proves my unprecedented absence from these Pages of Wisdom. They scratch their heads and keep wondering why: okay, worry no more as I tell it to you. I feel that God is leading me to concentrate on my manuscripts and get my house in order and start finishing all these unfinished book projects that have been lingering in my heart for years hence He diverted the stream within my heart to long for a new beginning.  Last Sunday I was pregnant with a powerful message which I believe I needed to share with the world after meditating on the subject for a...


When I was born, all the people around me began to sing; and shared laughter of joyous celebration: I felt the love tinge zapping all over my body. Some clapped their hands and others danced; all my brothers and sisters gathered around me: and gazed at me with the widest smiles, never known to grown up was magic! because a new kid on the block, had just docked his ship in these earthly shores. they welcomed and embraced me, with all tenderness only a new baby could invoke; and deserves... I was loved. I continued to sing and hum many intelligible tunes; even though my Mama and people around me: always confused these mystic songs with "baby cries". Every time I tried to "sing" they always pushed food inside my mouth; instead of taking their time to listen carefully, and to understand my heavenly language. I was frustrated that everyone, including my Mama, failed to hear my message; to hear my songs... So, I punched the air with my clenched fists, and kic...


  In just one wink at this image, some of you become instant moral police and jump into idiotic assumption opining just how wicked it is for one to use these images in public for selfish reasons. But the same self appointed moral police ignore the fact that whatever is available in public domain is designed for public consumption. Don't laugh at obese people because you'll never know, one day it could be you standing on this pedestal of shame. I never laugh at other people's disabilities, not only because it's immoral: I don't do it because I'm also human like all of them and identify with all the difficulties they face daily. It takes a lot of courage for these obese individuals to come out of their closets and share with the world just how difficult this life has turned out to be for them. They feel like the whole world has moved on without them and now they're clutching to fading memories of how life once used to be. Like the rest of the so-called normal ...


  THE NAME ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES! Throughout the Ages, in the Bible days, God has been known by countless different names. And each of these names carried and conveyed a specific event which corresponded with that given or pronounced time in that of history! God Himself, had a habit of renaming people after He’d cut a Covenant with them. He changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. He renamed Jacob to Israel. Jesus changed Simon Barjona to Peter, the Rock! There are many Hebrew Names of God, I really do not intend to explore them in this little piece of cake or dainty. Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shama, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom, etc. When God appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush, He introduced Himself thus: Exodus 3:6 [6]Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. Moses didn’t know the Lord God even after he was raised by his own biological mothe...