

I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE DAMN VACCINE! ( NB : Click on the link above to watch this chilling video.) THIS COMMENTARY IS DEDICATED TO MY FRIEND (SINCE YESTERDAY): KINGSLEY!  Returning from my beloved late Sister's Funeral, Francis Kedibone Seboya at Henley On Klip. After our day's work was done, I dialled a Bolt Taxi to shuttle us back home. We hoped inside Kingsley's ride, I was with my younger brother, Thamsanqa. As usual, a conversation ensued as we greeted each other. After a while later, Kingsley threw the spanner in the works, by saying he and many others; are very skeptical of taking the vaccine. I listened to Kingley's point of view with muted interest as I cogitate and mulled over my pending response.  Kingsley and I, were simply having a good conversation and not a heated debate where our diametrically opposed views switched blades leaving both of us in a defeated limbo. No. I asked Kingsley which side he was on since in the whole world today, there are only two...
  Delta Phiri Born: 26/08/44 - Died: 25/06/21 ODE TO MY BELOVED MOTHER! Conceived and Born into this world during World War 2 and exited into God’s Rest during a Pandemic: Delta was a shining star perched between two darkest nights. Growing up during the most difficult time in history: she remained true to her name by channelling love through her dazzling smile and ever glowing presence. Her calmliness: her electrifying poise and soothing demeanour attracted many friends who saw and found in her a pillar and a fort to run to in their time of need.  She loved and welcomed everyone crossing her path and always knew when to peacefully and silently withdraw when confronted by haters who misconstrued her noble intentions. After growing up without a mother from my tender age I never knew that falling for her Daughter as a young man could lead me straight into embracing motherly arms.  O’ for the love she gave to me constantly without reserve God recreated the world I missed out...


 INTRODUCING REAL PROPHETS AND THEIR  SIGNATURES OF BLOOD In this short narrative I want to show you how the Old Testament Holy Prophets of God presented themselves to the lost and represented God. Unlike today's modern charlatans, who are corrupt grifters; committing whoredom right behind the pulpit inside the so-called House of God. O.T. Prophets were God's Property in every sense of the word They were chosen and dedicated to being sacrificed for the very message God gave to them; from their mothers wombs. They didn't own anything but they were owned and belonged to the God who owned everything!....*Hebrews 11:37-38 [37]They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; [38](Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.*   Please note that Hebrews chapter 11 is dedicated to the O...


  Image source: The Daily Beast PEOPLE, POWER, POLITICS AND WARS… In this very first Editorial for BOOK of Thoughts , I am trying to wake you up from your deep sleep of ignorance; that says: I have no interest in politics, I am a child of God! Really? You will be pleasantly surprised that the whole Genesis of the Bible is actually based and founded on Politics. Of course, God is not the author of Politics; it was man drifting away from the Divine Plan of God which led to all the atrocities men have ashamedly witnessed since the Beginning of Time.   We cringe, mourn, lament and scoff at what we’ve become as human beings: absolute self-destructive beasts. Killing ourselves is embedded deep down our very souls; our nature has been twisted inside out and left us morphed and caricatured into pure evils on two legs. To get something we don’t have necessitates killing in order to achieve that goal and ingratiate our insatiable thirst for Power. This world hasn’t changed much from w...


(Image: Rosamond Press, Google) J ust as the Prophet Jeremiah carried the load and the burden for his Country and lamented the Fallen Walls of Jerusalem: I cry the tears of the Spirit that only God can see and understand; I cry for my Generation! My heart and mine eyes cannot stop from crying: as I ponder the Fallen State of my Generation, the 21st Century Church, Lord! I tried to sleep but found myself tossing and turning as if my heart is standing beating outside of this tabernacle, my body, Lord! These sad words accompanied by painful tears of my heart; just won’t let me be myself and by myself! They seem to write a petition and form words in the spirit of my mind, which I’ve never dreamed of before. I begin to see as I travel back in history on the wings of your Spirit and, start to wonder and fail to fathom this addiction in Your Church: promoted by our leaders to celebrate Past Glories where the Holy Ghost: once walked on by, followed by a New Wave of Your Spirit; as You began t...


  Covid 19 Update SA... (June 5th) 5,450 new cases and 97 new deaths /(June 4th) 5,668 new cases and 67 new deaths/(June 3rd) 5,360 new cases and 54 new deaths/(June 2nd) 5,782 new cases and 110 new deaths/ (June 1st) 3,614 new cases and 95 new deaths/ (May 31st) 2,792 new cases and 67 new deaths/ (May 30th) 3,755 new cases and 76 deaths/ (May 29th) 4,519 new cases and 70 new deaths/ (May 28th) 4.574 new cases and 123 deaths/ (May 27th) 4,422 new cases and 93 deaths. TEN DAY SUMMARY: SA has seen 45,936 new cases and 688 deaths. Therefore, based on these stats: I can put it to your face that if the behaviour of all South Africans doesn't change for the good for all our survival; the dire has been cast. New cases per month will average: +137,808 infections. Our deaths rate will top +2,064 per month. ANNUAL PROJECTION: New cases will steep up to 1,653,696 or 1.6 million. Deaths will register about 8,286 lives lost to Covid. Remember? Covid Cases and Deaths exclude other regular cause...

G R E A T N E S S !!

I have always kicked at extra biblical theories and teachings with all fours! Controversial theories like Generational Curse that undermines the Finished Work that Christ Accomplished (It is Finished) on His Blood stained Cross! Greatness is one such misunderstood and over stretched extra biblical teaching. Most people who claim to have outstanding influence on this subject are they themselves obsessed with being greater than ordinary mere men by virtue of having greater audience, platform and exaggerated so called miracles! Jesus cautioned His Disciples against greedy aspirations for greatness! Peter, a giant amongst the Apostles never regarded himself as Great! Paul, the man who wrote more than 1/3 of the N.T. never envied Greatness! King Solomon, the wisest man on the planet Earth; never paraded his greatness! A few years ago, Dr Molapo once taught on: 10 Steps to jaws dropped as I listened with shock and disbelief...Really Doc? 10 Steps? I rest my case. Throughout hu...