

 In 2022 I have written, composed and published more than 134 original works with a dozen more I have yet to publish. This is quite phenomenal and acceded all my expectations in all my writing history. Month July was the most productive where I wrote19 original works. I keep on repeating the word 'original' so you remember that everything you read in these Pages of Life is original, I copy no one. God said, Sydney, listen to me and hear well now: I am giving you these words and these thoughts to play with; the rest of your life! All the words you read in these Pages bear Testament to that.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for spending the greater part of your year with me. God honored me through your diligent unfailing desire and fortitude to read my stories. These stories I share with you, are completely wrapped around the Word of God, the Scripture is hidden in plain sight. Let me just limit my growing curiosity and proclivity to write endlessly by saying: I am offic...

Taking It All In!

  Taking It All In! For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us. While millions of you in the Christian world are moved by empty and clever words of new age teachers, like TD Jakes and Steven Furtick... my heart always skips a beat when I read the immortal words of the Real Apostles of Jesus Christ. You see, unlike your famous grifting false teachers, the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ put paid with their own blood. They did not spend their time behind decorated pulpits inside the multi-million-dollar mega churches collecting tithes and offerings. These men spent their lives defending the Faith and leading from the front! The Apostles could not afford to surround themselves with armed bodyguards, and armoured cars like today’s charlatans you have mistaken for the men of God! Taking it all in was the yearning they felt from a million mile away through the mirage of their endless su...

Whispers From The Grave!

  Whispers From The Grave! Dead men tell no tales, goes the adage addressing the most puzzling moment in a man’s life! Dead men tell no lies is my final edited injunction to the famous adage. It would be impossible for someone to come back from the dead and deliberately lie about the world yonder the grave. And so, you think and believe that? Think again. Death is not a state of mind otherwise if that were true, no one would need a heart to live. Breathing and having a pounding heart is the only genuine state of mind. The soul in man gives and provides consciousness to the body. Death is a state of nothingness, just an empty shell of a carcass whose resident deserted and bolted out into eternity! For the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for their memory is forgotten. Death and dying are the most mystifying phenomenon in the lives of men. Death is more complicated than the Science of the human brain. Whe...

Walking Inside My Shadow!

  Walking Inside My Shadow! They say a dog is a man’s best friend! Well, I do not know about everybody else, but in my world, a cat makes up for a best friend! Different strokes for different folks are my overall take on life. Sometimes my likes could be someone’s dislikes, hence it is always hard to generalize for other individuals. Yes, walking inside my own shadow is the proficiency into which I was born. When I was a young boy, I enjoyed choosing friends I had to play with every single day. Life as a boy almost felt like a servant waiting to conduct all my orders. Waking up each day was just a matter of kicking my blankets, running out and finding the sun and day saying, hey Syd, where have you been, let us go play! Walking inside my own shadow has never been a reality when I was growing up. Living inside the mix of all the crowds deceived me into believing people cared! The raucous noise and all this commotion giving me all the wrong signals that made me think life w...

My Baobab Tree!

  My Baobab Tree! Like a baobab tree which remains steadfast and rooted in all kinds of weather for thousands of years: my daughter-in-law remains poised to carry my name and seal my presence on earth for generations to come. Her roots lie deep in the belly of the earth below, even the roughest stormy winds and driest droughts cannot uproot her. When God blessed me with a son, I knew that one day and once upon a time in my life: my son will bring me joy! If I didn’t have a son, my world would have been an unfinished sad tale of a man who had failed to leave behind his DNA signature and footprints in the sands of time and history! Like the rising of the sun in a cold wintry day, my son fulfilled my joy the day he introduced me to my one and only daughter-in-law I’ll ever have this side of Heaven! Earnestine is my gift from God Above, I appreciate and salivate every minute I breathe in and out, knowing she’s around! She’s my undisputed champion and my immediate future! ...

God Says And Joel Osteen Disagrees!

  God Says And Joel Osteen Disagrees! And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart! Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life. Says Joel Osteen as he disagrees with God that man is wicked by his very nature! According to Osteen, everyone upon the face of the planet can have a great life through self-determination without listing God’s help. When Moses asked God what to say to Pharaoh who the LORD was. Tell Pharaoh The I Am has sent you! In this narrative, I want to jab all the false teachings by Joel Osteen and knock out his unfounded lies based on his unbiblical motivating preaching! You can choose to rise to a new level and invite God’s goodness by focusing on these two words: I am! Says Osteen in his best-selli...

Kenneth… was!

My Most Painful Lamentation by far!   For many past moons, my heart always dangled this one great challenge for me to write a memorial for my late kid brother, Kenneth. Sometimes I've had to endure deep sobs of tears whenever the Spirit played back my childhood of yesteryears.  Only God will ever know the amount of tears it took for me to write this loving dedication. You have to pen this for your family and generations to come, the Spirit would urge me on. O God, how I wish I could pen the same devotion about my two surviving brothers!.  Alas! You people will never understand that it takes the truth, the whole truth and the whole uncompromised history I lived with my subjects. I can’t write lies about someone who hated even standing behind my shadow.  Here's from my heart to you, if you care to embrace each word and line written in love as if my Kenneth passed away only yesterday. I dare you to dive with me inside this mysterious world of words where God lives....