Music Is A Twister! Here it comes... My earnest prayer for you... I wish you God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding as you navigate through these vestiges of life. I was conceived in mystery. Every time God breathes, a woman delivers new life into this world.... I am the miracle of God’s breath! Hello. In case you did not know this. Life begins with a song and a dance. A tiny seed dances with the prized egg in a most intimate swan dance ever known to men. This serenade to life, is the longest 100m dash no man can ever achieve from this side of Heaven. Hey, look... It even gets more fascinating and interesting to watch this longest cheek-to-cheek dance... stretching over nine months. All life begins with a song and a dance at the impact of conception. From a tiny bubbling blob into a progressive finest masterpiece of art... never to be realized even in the days of Picasso and Rembrandt. Music is a twister... God’s divine finger of art... Artists of ...